An impressive cross examination of Public Health Scotland Director Nick Phin by counsel to the inquiry Emma Price when discussing what constitues a COVID death and the issues around intensive care capacity within Scottish hospitals.
‘COVID’ deaths exposed
An absolutely stunning few admissions here by the Direcor of Public Health Scotland no less. I suspect NONE of this will reach the mainstream nor even ‘alternative’ news media.
‘‘PHS does not hold or have access to data around the proportion of patient deaths within healthcare settings in Scotland which are attributable to patients having died with hospital acquired COVID-19 infection, is that right?’’
-Emma Price-counsel to the inquiry
-Nick Phin
‘‘We can only make INFERENCES (best guess) at the beginning until we changed our defintion of how we would identify a COVID related death we were using a definition of somone who was COVID positive and died within a certian period of that diagnosis being made. That tended to OVER-EMPHASISE if you like because…
..many of the people who actually developed COVID had many comorbidities and it may have been another cause that eventually led to their death.’’
‘COVID’ positive
You were classed by PHS as a ‘COVID’ patient if you tested positive upto 3 WEEKS before you were admitted or upto 3 WEEKS after you were admitted. eg- Infected leg, goto hopsital, test+ = COVID admission. Complications= ICU and then potentially a COVID death.
29th December 2020 data
Once again OFFICIAL data openly discussed at the UK’s OFFICIAL public inquiry exposes the scale of lies thrust upon the public about the threat posed by the alleged ‘sars cov-2’ virus and that hospitals were overwhelmed.
Fact-HUNDREDS of ICU beds simply lay empty or were ‘closed’ in Scotland due a lack of staff or equipment.
NB: There were 536 ICU beds available.
Just 60 (11%) were ‘COVID’ patients in ICU within all of Scotland.
334 (60%) beds remained unused.
Scotland’s largest hospital the Queen Elizabeth just 5 ‘COVID positive’ patients.
70% of all patients in an ICU bed in Scotland were NON COVID.
‘‘It’s not easy at a glance is it to understand how well hosptials were coping with demand, would you agree?’’
- Emma Price-counsel to the inquiry
-Nich Phin
‘High level’ Gov daily report 29 Dec 2020
The ‘‘suspected’’ COVID defintion effectively meant you could never NOT have COVID in hospital if admitted to ICU.
‘‘COVID suspected patients include patients who are waiting for COVID test results or who are being treated under PPE conditions due to COVID status being unknown or who are clinically being treated as COVID positive DESPITE NEGATIVE micro results due to clinical signs.’’
Levels 1,2 and 3
Critical care data 2014-2023
A closer look at critical care admissions show that in 2020 during the peak of the ‘pandemic’ it was the lowest since 2016 and the 2nd lowest on record. Subsequent to the COVID ’vaccine’ rollout in 2021 and the ‘pandemic’ declared over in May 2023 by WHO critical care admissions have increased year on year to the highest levels ever recorded. What’s going on? Where is the mass panic?
Mortality rates 2014-2023
Hospital admissions 2001-2021
Here Mr.Phin confirms lockdowns were never part of any pandemic planning prior to ‘COVID’.
‘‘The pandemic planning prior to 2020 things like lockdown, some of the measures that had been taken had NOT been part of that initial planning assumptions albeit it was on the basis of a flu pandemic.’’
‘‘There is a sense that some of these measures that were introduced the work had not been done beforehand.’’
Thanks for reading.
Video-Youtube-UK COVID-19 inquiry- Module 3 Hearing - 6 November 2024 AM
Convid, not Covid. The biggest scam ever perpetrated on the trusting electorate.
All credit to you Dave for pulling this together in such a comprehensive post but - aargh!! It’s so frustrating to listen to after years of informing public health of these very same issues but being dismissed and ignored. I just can’t get my head round what’s going on.