UK COVID-19 Inquiry 11 Nov 2024
Testimony by Amanda Pritchard. Chief Executive of NHS England.
Some very revealling data in relation to ‘COVID’ admissions within all NHS Nightingale hospitals in England during both ‘waves’ of the ‘pandemic’.
They were basically EMPTY!
Total ‘COVID’ patients admitted:
London= 57 (wave-1 only)
Birmingham= 0
Manchester= 0
Harrogate= 0
Bristol= 0
Sunderland= 0
Exeter= 0 (wave 1)
Money well spent?
According to Ms.Pritchard, yes. Despite a stare down by lead counsel Jacqueline Carey KC. The total cost of to the taxpayer of this endeavour…
£358 MILLION pounds.
A feat Ms.Pritchard does not rule out repeating AGAIN in another ‘pandemic.’
Nightingale data
click to enlarge
Members of the fire brigade, construction workers and members of the public, clapping outside the Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire in Harrogate to salute local heroes yet the facility did not see a single ‘COVID’ patient!
New FOI-NHS England total ICU admissions 2014-2023
150,000 MORE admissions to English ICU departments the 3 years preceeding ‘the pandemic’ vs 2020-2022.
Scottish ICU data
The inquiry has cherry picked Northwick park hopsital, London (zoom to see grey boxes, they too had spare ICU beds throughout) but quite clearly there was ZERO evidence of a severe respiratory viral outbreak in Scotland where ICUs were operating far below capacity throughout the peak of ‘the pandemic.’
Northwick Park, London critical care
2017-2020= 5,675 admissions no pandemic
2020-2023= 4,800 peak of ‘pandemic’
Scotland total ICU admissions 2010-2022
6,000 MORE admissions to Scottish ICU departments the 3 years preceeding ‘the pandemic’ vs 2020-2022.
In 2020 we witnessed the true power of propaganda and what happens when fear rules over facts and common sense. Those at the UK COVID inquiry still are convinced we lived through a deadly rampaging pandemic and the restrictions were necessary and saved lives. ‘‘Lessons learned’’ also means our overlords will do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Thanks for reading.
Video- Youtube-UK COVID-19 Inquiry Module 3 Hearing - 11 November 2024 PM
The Nightingale Hospitals being empty were the first red flag something was wrong.
Behind the scenes there was supposed to be two major pathways.
Your usual hospitals, doing typical urgent procedures (not this bulk cancellation bullshit), and opting not to perform non-essential (read: not life threatening) procedures.
Then the COVID-19 care pathway that would have diverted infectious seriously ill COVID-19 patients to other hospitals, namely, Nightingale Hospitals.
The idea being you keep infectious patients with an unknown disease away from vulnerable and uninfected patients and staff in conventional hospitals. Think of Nightingales as 'plague wards' and 'overflow hospitals'.
The zero patient see-through rate meant there was no massive amount of seriously ill patients. And stupidly, those deemed to have COVID-19 were routed to normal, non-Nightingale hospitals anyway. A complete clusterfuck no matter what theory you subscribe to or what measurement for resources you chose.
We all watched the horrors of the fake pandemic on TV 2020, people falling to the ground in china, overrun ICUs in New York, the onslaught of covid in Bergamo, all dying, death everywhere we were told and shown but only on TV. All I could see were people scared of each other and of an invisible virus that was supposed to be lurking in every corner. It was our very own Trueman Show.