Probably the most disturbing piece of data i’ve discovered throughout my investigations into the ‘COVID pandemic’ in Scotland is the devestating effect lockdown had on the health of pregnant women. This is information that has, to the best of my knowledge, not once been covered by the mainstream media who continue to remain comatose on covering the more challenging aspects related to the ‘pandemic’ response.
The harms from lockdown
I discovered through a recent Freedom of Information act request that during the first lockdown period from March till End of April 2020 there was a chilling 30% more or 640 extra pregnancy terminations in Scotland vs the 5 year average.
Why was this happening ?
The reason for the increase can at least partly be explained within Public Health Scotland’s latest Termination of Pregnancy document, stating on page-31.
NB- Most terminations in Scotland are carried where the pregnancy has not exceeded its 24th week. Page 21-
It also appears that due to incessant pandemic fear based messaging from the former First minister Nicola Sturgeon along with public health experts like Prof Devi Sridhar (who advocated for a CCP ‘Zero COVID’ approach) both detailing out daily ‘COVID’ ‘case’ and death counts along with the mainstream media that many prior willing young mums simply lost hope and or were too afraid to attend hopistal for treatment. What a tragedy ! All but confirmed in a 2021 report by MBBRACE.
‘Collateral damage cost’
These additional pregnancy terminations during this lockdown period in 2020 would equate to approximately 51,000 PYLL (potential years of life lost) which very likely occured over just a 5 week period from March 23rd 2020 till the end of April.
I’ve still yet to find any credible evidence lockdowns saved a single life in Scotland only that the data clearly and continually demonstrated harms were being accrued on the entire nation, ironically all in the name of health and safety.
Lost years
The YLL (years life lost) due to ‘COVID-19’ was already (as of end April 2020) significantly less than those being harmed from the restrictions. The mortality range from ‘the virus’ (at it’s peak) continued throughout the year to show it was a very severe disease for predominantly only the most elderly and infirm of society and yet the harmful policies for the whole of society continued. This is a surely an enormous failure of parliamentary democracy and public health expertise to evolve with the science and facts to minimise overall harm to the population?
‘COVID’ deaths exceed natural life expectancy
National Records of Scotland stated that ‘’as at 3 May 2020, there have been a total of 2,795 deaths registered in Scotland where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate.’’
Scotland’s Wellbeing: The Impact of COVID-19 report 2020 states on Page-16- ‘’The average age at death for those who died with COVID-19 was 79 for males and 84 for females’’
Therefore most ‘COVID’ deaths were occuring in people who had already surpassed natural life expectancy which pre ‘pandemic’ was 81 for females and 77 for males in Scotland.
Dr.Ashley Croft COVID-19 inquiry-Scotland-Day 1
''The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 deaths occur in those who are very old, that is the highest risk factor, those who are over 80 most likely to get severe COVID and die, also the very sick but that is less a risk factor.''
No end in sight 2021-2022
Looking further ahead, rather than seeing the trend of pregnancy terminations return to pre pandemic levels we actually see further increases continue into 2021 and 2022.
A 50% increase in termination rates !
‘’In 2021, Dundee City had the highest resident termination rate at 22.3 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 years in 2022. Termination rates have increased by more than 50% in the last ten years in ten of the twenty-nine mainland local authority areas’
Why no return to normal ?
Ths Scottish government (as described above) introduced antiprogesterone to be taken as home because of ‘the pandemic’ however as of 2022 women's Health Minister Maree Todd has confirmed that model will now continue. Under section 1(3A) of the Abortion Act 1967 it will allow antiprogesterone to continue to be taken at home where a clinician decides that it is clinically appropriate. This medical intervention has now become a permanent policy in Scotland increasing year on year since it’s implementation.
‘’In 2022 almost all terminations (16,392, 98.8%) were performed medically.’’
The drug comes with a wide range of debilitating side effects.
So to simplify, post ‘pandemic’ it’s now much easier for women in Scotland to have an abortion.
A stark reality for Scotland is depopulation
In a nation that is suffering record low birth and fertility rates are these current government policies a wise course of action ?
''There were 47,786 live births registered in 2021, a slight increase of 2 per cent on the year before but still the second lowest annual total since records began in 1855. ''
Why is the government and public health not concerned about the increase in terminations, the drop off in births since 2020 and the low fertility rates ? Would one not expect competent public health management to be implementing policies that would focus on increasing native births not to reduce ?
No good news and parliament oblivious
On further analysis of the data a ‘double whammy’ effect taking place within the population due ‘the pandemic’ and the harmful response in that deaths are now outstripping births at record rates - this is another trend that shows no sign of slowing.
I would have thought our institutions would urgently be seeking to improve population health, instead we are promoted only more injections and more pills.
To further compound the situation The Green Party of Scotland are committed to delivering abortion ‘buffer zones’ citing ‘’anti-choice’’ groups as the main reason. As of 15th June 2023 enough support was agreed on by MSPs to proceed further. The bill has not yet passed however seems a formality.
October 2023 update:
‘’Right to Life UK warned that if the legislation becomes law, Scotland will become home to the world’s most extreme buffer zone.’’
2023-the depopulation of Scotland continues
From recent data released by National Records of Scotland as of June 13th 2023 it states -
‘’There were 11,655 births registered in Scotland between 1 January and 31 March 2023. This is 6.3 per cent lower than the quarter one average of 12,440.’’
This continued rate of decline would equate to over 3,000 less births than on average for the entire year.
Why isn’t the Scottish government nor public health taking this seriously ?
The latest data from Public Health Scotland shows the teenage pregnancy rate in Scotland is now at its lowest level since reporting began and rates fell for a fourteenth consecutive year. There were 9,362 pregnancies in 2007 vs 3,221 in 2021 ! In 2021 more than half (53%) of teenage pregnancies in ended in termination and this is also the highest since reporting began.
As of July 20th-2023 - NRS report
‘’Scotland’s Total Fertility Rate has fallen to a new low. At 1.28 it’s down from 1.30 in 2021.’’
A Worldwide problem
Japan, with a fertilty rate about the same as Scotland at around 1.3 and one of the lowest in the world, the Japanese government have declared this a crisis and national priority. The Japanese Prime Minister has said he wants the government to double its spending on child-related programs, and that a new government agency would be set up in April to focus on the issue. In Australia the media warns of a ‘baby drought’ due to low fertility rates which are 1.7. Exceeding those in Scotland.
and in 2023 urgent calls grow for action to fix Australia's infertility crisis.
There are no such concerns in Scotland from the NHS, our politicians nor do the mainstream media wish to highlight the seriousness of this issue.
For a further breakdown on these disturbing trends i recommend the following analysis from the content creator Thinking Slow. An account well worth following on Rumble and Twitter. The Scottish data starts from 8mins 49s.
‘’In three generations three QUARTERS (75%) of native Scots will be gone.’’
Full video-
To supplement further, the following is also a sobering 4-min highlight reel on many of the points i have outlined here by ‘Resisting the Lies’. A content creator that focuses on Scottish politics.
Concluding thoughts
If you are as concerned as i am by this data and the consequences of inaction by the Scottish Government for the future of the country may i suggest you write to your MSP and ask some questions about what they plan to do about the depopulation of Scotland’s natives.
I wll add the latest graph on pregnancy termination rates from Public Health Scotland, as these have now been updated well into 2023.
Is this now the ‘new normal’ for Scottish mothers ?
If you’re willing to run the thought experiment in your imagination that an objective of government policy is to greatly reduce the indigenous population of Scotland (to take it as an example), there is much that’s consonant with such a notion to be found in this article.