This report mainly focuses on performance aspects but for the purposes of this article i will only be looking at the numbers of patients (bars on graphs).
‘10,803 Scottish residents had a final diagnosis of stroke in 2023. 85% (9,182) were ischaemic while 13% (1,451) were intracerebral haemorrhage.’
Thrombolysis numbers have increased across many NHS boards, with 1,055 patients having thrombolysis in 2023. Thrombolysis involves using ‘clot buster’ medicine as a treatment to dissolve dangerous clots in blood vessels. 1,055 patients received thrombolysis overall in 2023.
The highest level on record.
‘This is a sustained increase in percentage of patients receiving thrombolysis treatment year on year from 2021.’
Ambulance control centres (ACC)
‘‘The absolute number and proportion of calls initially identified as a stroke rose steadily from 2018 to 2022. The 2023 figure is similar to 2022.’’
Hyper-acute strokes
Patients presenting within 6 hours of stroke onset constitute a category of stroke patient known as the "hyperacute stroke patient.’’ 7,891 such cases in 2023.
The highest level on record.
Patients receiving thrombolysis for confirmed stroke
PHS Conclusions
‘The volume of incidents identified by the ACC as stroke has risen significantly from under 18,000 in 2018 to over 28,000 in 2023.
This cannot be explained entirely by achange in the ability of the ACC to determine which incidents are strokes assensitivity and PPV have remained relatively unchanged.’
‘The number of patients who have a final in-hospital diagnosis of stroke has also risen from 6,376 in 2018 to 7,891 in 2023.’
Full report-
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The volume of incidents identified by the ACC as stroke has risen significantly from under 18,000 in 2018 to over 28,000 in 2023.
The number of patients who have a final in-hospital diagnosis of stroke has also risen from 6,376 in 2018 to 7,891 in 2023.
This risk must be expected to escalate with each revaccination. Vaccine-induced harm to our blood vessels is unlikely to be rare.
I had a micro clot event (PET scan found necrosis of capillary fed heart tissue and doctor explained that this would be true over my entire body).
I suspect nattokinaise prevented more damage once I began to take it.