Exclusive|Anne's Law consultation responses
Shocking first hand accounts of the harms caused to care home residents and their families due to lockdown policies.
NB: Contains personal testimonies of a harrowing nature.
The consultation seeked views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for delivering ‘‘Anne’s Law’’ in primary legislation, to ensure that people who live in adult care homes have rights to see and spend time with the people who are important to them.
‘‘We will strengthen residents’ rights in adult residential settings and bring in ‘Anne’sLaw’ – giving nominated relatives or friends the same access rights to care homes as staff while following stringent infection control procedures, as called for by Care Home Relatives Scotland.’’ -Scottish Government
See my prior article 'The Dark Side to Anne's Law' which outlines rather than ‘strengthening rights’ as claimed by the government..in reality it actually removes them (eg-guidance=right to refuse changed to law=right to obey) and therefore normalises harmful mitigations like lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing. In effect medical totalitarianism.
Comment from Prof Martin Neil-Queen Mary, University of London.
a substack well worth following.
Consultation responses
Having read all 252 submissions most respondents outlined severe harms inflicted upon their loved ones and even themselves from the lockdown restrictions not ‘COVID’. One reply even citing crimes against humanity, of which how can this be evidence of anything else?
Exclusive video highlights reel below followed by actual responses. Read in full. This is not a complete list.
‘‘The evidence of the harm caused (by the restrictions) to those living in care homes is overwhelming.’’
-Alzheimer Scotland/Action on Dementia
‘‘The negative impact of the visiting restrictions on the health and wellbeing of care homes residents cannot be overstated. Levels of loneliness have risen and a noticeable acceleration in conditions such as dementia has been observed.’’
-Age Scotland
‘‘The consant lockdowns in my mum and dad’s care homes have had disastrous consequences. My mum lost 8lbs in weight and was dehydrated and had to be hospitilised.’’
‘‘She is 103 year of age. This past 18 months of restricted access has seen a considerable reduction in her health both physically and mentally.’’
‘‘My mother and many other residents deteriorated during lockdown when they were getting no visits, feeling abandoned.’’
‘‘My mother pretty much died of boredom. Basically old age was the cause of her death but this draconian measure (‘‘banged up for so long’’) was a contributing factor.’’
‘‘I saw the way my mother and other residents deteriorated during lockdown, when they were getting no visits, feeling abandoned. They mentally switched off due to lack of mental stimulation.’’
‘‘My uncle went through weeks of solitary confinement in his room for weeks. We wouldn’t accept this in prisons. It is immoral and dangerous.’’
‘‘To lose contact with their family can cause distress and can lead to health issues which was prominent in some of our residents.’’
-Abbey House care home
‘‘My mum deteriorated significantly during lockdown due to lack of family interaction.’’
‘‘As a very experienced health professional under no circumstances whatsoever it is acceptable to incarcerate innocent adults and subject them to a regime which on balance has been as deadly as Covid.’’
‘‘Too many have died from broken hearts. It is the biggest human rights tragedy ever.’’
‘‘I am a care assistant. Continuity is a massive part of residents life. And without it i agree alot of residents gave up the fight.’’
‘‘Between March 2020 and March 2021 i was allowed only one distanced 30 minute visit with my dear mum aged 89.’’ She died only weeks after we were reunited.’’
‘‘A friend of mine lost the will to live during lockdown in 2020 and now she is gone. Her death was caused by the separation from those she loved.’’
‘‘My mum has Dementia. Her mental state deteriorated substantially during lockdown. She has lost so much weight and has deteriorated so much in her wellbeing.’’
‘‘When we were isolated from her, her health deteriorated markedly. At her age (89) this is unlikely to be somehting she will recover from-she has been irrevocably harmed.’’
‘‘I have been shocked at the harm done to my mother by misguided and cruel rules.’’
‘‘My mother is in a care home and her mental health has deteriorated enormously since the pandemic.’’
‘‘I was angry that my mother was subjected to confinement in her room for two weeks even though she tested negative. I call this abuse. Even a prisoner gets time out!!’’
‘‘My gran had a heart attack which i’ve been told she will not recover from. I was denied essential visits. i believe this triggered her heart attack.’’
‘‘This has been a humanitarian disaster. People will have died early because they have been deprived of their loved ones.’’
‘‘Her dementia got rapdily worse as a result of the Covid restrictions. These inhumane restrictions had a severe impact on her mental health and well-being at one stage she was saying she didn’t want to be here.’’
‘As a care home manager we could see our residents deteriorate due to lack of contact.’’
‘‘When we were unable to visit it became very clear her mental condition deteriorated greatly and she became very anxious and withdrawn.’’
‘‘I suspect managers may be using COVID as an excuse for not doing their jobs properly and as a cover for deaths by other causes.’’
‘‘What about giving advice on taking Scotgov to court for crimes against humanity?’’
Questions require answers
Why are questions not being asked by academics, the media etc that if thousands of already frail people succumbed to these brutal restrictions during lockdown March-June 2020 and were put down as COVID deaths then that is NOT a pandemic, it is something else?
See below analysis is from the Unbekoming substack here.
Thanks for reading. Please share.
I hope Adam Hill the very vocal advocate of lockdowns in the Daily Telegraph reads this and reflects.
An absolutely disastrous policy that achieved nothing but harm.
I doubt anyone will ever be held to account but it’s a lesson to all about the abuse of state power.
I am currently reading “Fighting Goliath” by Prof Norman Fenton who as a data expert dissects the covid data and the “ treatments”
It’s fascinating and remarkably readable but if anyone still thinks the state seeks to looks after its population and what happened was simply “ unfortunate” think again.
An appalling episode in world history.
I just hope enough wake up before it’s tried again.