Fuel Bank Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England (1175049) and Scotland (SCO488330). The charity was established in 2017, following a trial of the concept of Fuel Bank by the energy company npower, to address fuel crisis.
Paul Clark is Operations Manager at Citrus Energy
Suzanne Wright is Financial Wellbeing Manager-Queens Cross Housing Association
Ros Kane is Head of Governance-Fuel Bank Foundation
Matthew Cole is the Head of Fuel Bank foundation
Testimony highlights
‘‘Because of the pandemic’’ not lockdown once again takes centre stage. Remember all of this was going on whilst the media/NHS/political messaging was on ‘‘protecting the vulnerable’’ and it all had to be followed to benefit your health and to protect wider society. Many people and politicians were clapping in the streets.
Being at home more increased utility costs
Children not in school
Support networks disrupted
Job losses
‘Huge’ numbers of new benefit applicants
‘Huge’ negative impacts on mental health and wellbeing due to isolation
‘‘People were left in cold, damp homes.’’
‘‘The people who were approaching us were close to suicide.’’
‘‘Lots and lots of people who already were vulnerable and had medical conditions…their medical condition was exacerbated because they couldn’t put the heating on…people with RESPIRATORY conditions.’’
‘‘There was much more demand from vulnerable groups for help and support.’’
‘Panic-demic’ lockdown impacts
Hundreds of panic calls due to unemployment
No money for food
Worried about health
Struggling with prescriptions
‘‘A huge part of their (support) network just disappeared.’’
‘‘We had residents who were struggling with their own social isolation and the impact on their mental wellbeing…staff had call after call of real stress and difficult conversations.’’
Energy debt
As has been evidenced throughout ‘the pandemic’ the people of Scotland and small businesses were crushed by the authoritarian jackboot of lockdown, jobs, health, livelyhoods etc all destroyed yet the big corporations have made and continue to make a killing. The situation with standing charges is a national scandal.
‘‘Some people have energy debt balances of £4,000. These people are going to have a noose round their neck for years and years to come. Then we see through the media every year the vast profits energy companies are making.’’
-Paul Clark—Paragraph 20 of statement
‘For suppliers now debt issues are MASSIVE…in Scotland it’s going to touch 4 BILLION for consumers and commerical energy users.’’
NB: £4 billion was later corrected as UK total not Scottish.
‘‘The debt situation has gone beyond the pale…energy prices continue to double..treble.’’
‘‘We used to average 250 disconnections per’s now 3,500 per annum.’’
-Paul Clark
‘‘Some people go for YEARS without having access to their gas.’’
-Suzanne Wight
‘Self disconnection’
Likely to go unreported by the media it was made known the numbers of people in ‘‘fuel crisis’’ in Scotland has increased 10 times since lockdown. A shockingly high number of these people are elderly, sick and vulnerable. The total insanity of ‘COVID’ rules is laid bare towards the end of this evidence.
‘‘Before COVID we supported 4,000 people..first year of COVID so 2021 20,000 people..the second year of COVID 40,000 people and that number has continued to go upwards.’’
‘‘People that have a CRITICAL dependancy on energy..we track that. Between 40-43% of people who’s meters we are topping up to get back them on supply are very young, very old, very poorly and very cold.’’
‘‘Net Zero’’
One of the main contributors to fuel poverty is ‘net zero.’ Scotland contributes at present, 0.1% to the global CO2 total. As with lockdowns it is clear governments are serving the interests of unelected corporations (pushing pseudo science and phoney consensus) NOT the people upon which, any amount of harm (upto death) is justified if deemed to be ‘‘for the greater good.’’
‘‘The Scottish Government continues to focus on fuel poverty linked to carbon reduction.’’
Statement highlights-Paul Clark
Smart meters
‘‘Some people experienced fuel crisis due to an inability to leave the home to top up a pay as you go ('PAYG') meter. To combat this, suppliers pitched SMART meter installation as a solution as SMART meters can be topped up remotely from your home.’’
‘‘If as inevitably happens, the consumer doesn't respond, the supplier can remotely change the SMART meter to become PAYG with no need to apply for a warrant to make this change. The issue is SMART meters can also work like a PAYG meter. Not everyone is aware of this.’’
‘‘Once a SMART meter is installed in a home, if a consumer falls into energy debt, at the flick of a switch, the supplier can switch the SMART meter to operate as a PAYG meter.’’
-Paragraph 16 of statement
Protection from eviction
‘‘Putting debt recovery on hold for all debts did not really help the people that it needed to. Citrus Energy is now helping people mired in debt to landlords, councils, and energy companies. The effects from debt accrued during COVID-19 will be felt for years.’’
-Paragraph 18 of statement
‘‘Regulators and Governments need to step in and say, "you have attained massive profits during this period. Do us a favour, get rid of some of the back historic debt on these vulnerable people"
-Paragraph 21 of statement
Government ordered lockdowns damaged societies more than any invading force ‘viral’ or otherwise. There is still widespread denial about this.
Thanks for your attention. Please help share this information.
Regarding suicide. Retired CPN but working on nurse bank til Feb 20 when I stood back due to initial concerns about health (ashamed to say, but even I succombed to Fear at the beginning!). Live in my previous catchment area and can say I regularly supported ex clients I met on my daily walks. Even had ex patient approach me for support when her paramedic son in law hung himself beginning of second lockup in October 20. Did this willingly..these people had been ABANDONED by community mental healt services! Witnessed one wee family absolutely blown apart! It was and still is shocking! I tried to revalidate my registration citing these hours as in extraordinary circumstances of "pandemic" but 200 plus hours of support not acknowledged by NMC and left the register in 21 as a result. Apologies for long post but this makes me so angry. I was a dedicated experienced mental health professional and not a day goes by I do not miss my vocation.
Energy is already paid for by the government through the national grid. Energy companies are brokers not suppliers. Also, it is perfectly legal to have your own meters fitted as long as they're installed and certificated by a qualified electrician. There are a growing number of people who haven't paid for years (nearly 3 for me) and there's nothing they can do about it. I was happy to pay mine until the point at which they doubled the price of the energy AND standing charge. When is enough enough? I also stopped paying the fraudulent council tax 2 years ago. Again, there's little they can do because there is no obligation to pay it and contrary to popular belief, it goes straight to central government. Here's the thing. I can afford to pay it. I'm retired and financially better off than when myself and my wife were working but I'm not giving the government who are nothing short of terrorists, to spread they're death and destruction across the world. That's what I lose sleep over, not a knock on the door by scumbags masquerading as debt collectors