The Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) is the membership body for community-controlled housing associations (CCHAs) and co-operatives in west central Scotland. Its main purpose is to promote, represent and campaign on behalf of CCHAs and to share information and best practice. As at August 2024, there are 64 member associations in GWSF.
Testimony highlights
Statment highlights
With the witness statement it is noted:
‘‘In some areas, the nearest supermarket is a bus or car journey away. They are "food deserts". During the pandemic, people were unable to access supermarkets without public transport or being given a lift by someone in another household. Even if people had the money to purchase food, they did not have the means to get there.’’
-Paragraph 2.1 (a)
‘‘Some people were scared to visit supermarkets.’’
-Paragraph 2.1 (b)
‘‘Support networks were lost in some communities, which impacted on mental health.’’
-Paragrapg 4.2 (a)
‘‘Tenants were socially isolated.’’
-Paragraph 4.2 (c)
‘‘Older people living in sheltered housing complexes were unable to access communal areas, and feared catching COVID-19, and so became socially isolated.’’
-Paragraph 4.2 (d)
‘‘Increases in anti-social behaviour complaints during the pandemic were linked to deteriorating mental health and people living in such close proximity to each other all of the time. People were less tolerant of their neighbours.’’
-Paragraph 4.2 (e)
‘‘There have been lasting impacts on mental health.’’
--Paragraph 4.2 (f)
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Without the governments treachery none of this would have happened, they were the gatekeepers that allowed the tyranny of a fake pandemic to descend on us, regardless of who was ultimately behind this the governments, public health and the institutions are directly to blame. The far off planners of this travesty may be out of our reach but in the end the governments who are in our sight are responsible for allowing this to happen and if we had a properly working democracy they would be punished to the maximum penalty for the crimes they committed against the population.
had one scream at me and my girlfrend. for coming to close. por dear