NB: A session i missed from the health and social care impact hearings 2024. Warning: Contains details of a harrowing nature.
Wendy Scott-Crawford is a full-time carer for her disabled 21yo daughter (name has been redacted) who has Normal pressure hydrocephalus and other conditions. PAMIS support people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, their families, carers and professionals.
NB: There was no mention during the oral evidence of the COVID ‘vaccine’ adverse reaction, mask harms or concerns around DNRs nor were the last 2 sentences of paragraph 71 read out which is absolutely CHILLING!!
‘‘The reaction NR had to the last injection caused her mouth and gums to scab up which is a side effect. I will not authorise NR to have another vaccine at the moment due to the side effect risks.’’
-Paragraph 42 of statement
‘‘NR won't wear a mask which is difficult. She likes to see a mouth when people talk to her and, when masks were implemented, it cut her off from the world even more.’’
-Paragraph 63
‘‘There are other children NRs age being pumped full of drugs because the services aren't there to support them generally. The parents are exhausted and don't have the energy, so they are being put aside and hidden…
…Children will be lost. It is a way to manage the collapsing services.’’
-Paragraph 71
Testimony highlights
Lockdown impacts
SEN children ‘a forgotten generation.’
Worried about daughter’s health decline.
No consideration by government to the learning needs of the most vulnerable.
Years to restart any sort of pre-’pandemic’ care.
Long term adverse physical impacts.
‘Huge’ adverse mental health impacts.
‘Solution’ offered to family was powerful sedative medication. (see paragraph 47 below at end of this article).
‘‘I was getting quite distressed..her mental health and physical health and everything was in decline.’’
‘‘I was not happy to pump her full of drugs for a problem she didn’t have pre-pandemic.’’
Statement highlights
NR=name redacted SEN=children with special education neeeds and disabilities.
‘‘Because of the pandemic her records went missing and suddenly we were left completely without support as she passed into adulthood.’’
-Paragraph 33
‘‘Every time I question the lack of support we are receiving the answer is always the same. We have no money.’’
-Paragraph 37
‘‘I was told that Covid was like the flu. Flu could have killed NR so I agreed with the decision. What I didn't realise was how long this would be for.’’
-Paragraph 39
‘‘She has now had four injections; they now have an egg free one. The last one she had was last year and it was a different one and she had a really bad reaction to it. She was invited back last week and they said it would be the same type of injection so she didn't get her Covid Jab though she has had the flu jab.’’
-Paragraph 41
‘‘NR is on epileptic medication. Anti-psychotic medicine has been offered post-pandemic due to the deterioration in behaviour as a result of the pandemic but I don't want NR to be drugged up…To me she was amazing before so why should we take the easy option of just drugging her up and have her sitting there dribbling in the corner. I will not do that to her.’’
-Paragraph 45
‘‘School thinks she needs an antidepressant because she cries a lot. She was happy pre-covid, having a huge range of activities and things that helped her development.’’
-Paragraph 46
‘‘Now looks as though she has had a stroke because her weaknesshas become so extreme. As her physical ability deteriorated, someone from paediatrics quietly said to me that the NHS should have been involved a while ago…there was no referral for her, but she has profound disabilities and was not on the radar of the disability team.’’
-Paragraph 50
‘‘All I know is that NR had no allied health support during the pandemic and didn't get any until 2023.’’
-Paragraph 53
‘‘ I have always been afraid to send NR to hospital as I am terrified that such a thing( DNR) will be used, and she wouldn't be given any necessary help she required. I am still afraid to send NR to hospital when she is ill due to fear the will apply a DNR. NR has no voice and is unable to advocate for herself.’’
-Paragraph 57
‘‘Pre-Covid NR was doing five days a week at school. She was very structured because the school was very structured and rigid. After the pandemic hits NR had a full year basically just living in her bedroom not seeing anybody and her whole world changed.’’
-Paragraph 60
‘‘During lockdown children got to do online education but the SEN kids didn't get anything. There was no interaction at all. For NR hey dropped art supplies by the house once. There was no team, no groups, nothing. Nothing online.’’
-Paragraph 62
‘‘NR won't wear a mask which is difficult. She likes to see a mouth when people talk to her and, when masks were implemented, it cut her off from the world even more.’’
-Paragraph 63
‘‘These are all new issues that have developed since the pandemic. I believe that lockdown has created this behaviour. Prior to the pandemic this was never an issue.’’
-Paragraph 64
‘‘As the months went on, she became angry, she acted as though she was giving up the will to live. It was isolating….s the isolation went on, this became worse forNR.’’
-Paragraph 65
‘‘NR started pulling her hair out, slapping herself, hitting her head, her behaviour became quite dramatically different, and these behaviours are continuing to this day. I am currently receiving psychological support to help manage NR's behaviour.’’
-Paragraph 66
‘‘Physically, during the pandemic, she was putting weight on, because there were limited opportunities for walking with her inability to assess 3D environments. She lost muscle tone rapidly.’’
-Paragrapg 67
‘‘She had lots of falls, she wouldn't use her right hand. I felt that we had gone back 5 years in development physically, in that one year. Her current physical health is causing a lot of concern to everyone including the professionals involved with her care.’’
-Paragraph 68
‘‘She started to have more smaller seizures, a trigger for these was boredom…NR is seen at Hairmyres hospital for this.’’
-Paragraph 69
The ‘‘protecting the vulnerable’’ narrative laid bare once again. It’s very clear the severe harms to population health were due to public ‘health’ measures and media fear propaganda. ‘‘COVID’’..‘‘Pandemic’’..the ultimate get out of jail free cards!!
‘‘People with learning/intellectual disabilities in Scotland are three times more likely to die from COVID-19.’’
-Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities February 2021
Another truly shocking piece of evidence which was not mentioned orally.
‘‘My son was given an anti-psychotic when he shouldn't have which caused him a heart arrhythmia and it killed him. I have refused to put NR on the same drug for this reason. It has been suggested this will help NR because it calms down people with disabilities.’’
-Paragraph 47
Thanks for your attention. Be in the minority who like, share and comment because you care.
‘‘People with learning/intellectual disabilities in Scotland are three times more likely to die from COVID-19.’’
Translation: people with learning/intellectual disabilities in Scotland were helped on their way, just as old people were. T4-style.
Thank you so much for covering this Biologyphenom. It’s so important to know the details of what went on in Scotland. I’m so grateful to you, and also so sad, how people have been treated. The statements are sticking in my mind, which I think is important. I will try to raise it more among people