Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry|Health and social care|16 November 2023 (morning session)
Revealling testimony from Marian Reynolds a former NHS nurse.
NB: I'm still catching up having missed a few of the earlier testimonies.
Marian Reynolds is giving evidence in relation to her aunt, aged 95 (an adult without capacity who recovered from ‘COVID’) and her mother who sadly passed away on 29th July 2020 aged 89 from pancreatic cancer which spread during lockdown. Ms.Reynolds testimony is all the more revealling given she was/still is employed as a sheltered housing manager, fomerly worked for the NHS and is a trained nurse.
‘‘I wanted to be firm that do not resuscitate, did not mean do not do anything. Should aunty become ill, we would wish her to have pain relief,oxygen, and personal care, in effect anything to ease and comfort her.’’
‘‘These comments were met with frustration from the nurse who called, saying that was not what she asked.’’
-Paragraphs 20- 21 of statement
During oral evidence and within the statement forced medical intervention is noted:
‘‘During Aunty's last days in hospital, she said to me that I had to get her out of there. I witnessed three nurses conducting a Covid test by holding each of her hands and the third one was putting the test up her nose. Aunty was very agitated and could have done the test herself.’’
-Paragraph 42 of statement
Testimony highlights
Evidence of COVID existence seen on the news
Immediate lockdown DNACPR call from nurse
Nurse exasperated when told DNR should not mean lack of other treatment
Ms.Reynolds not informed that her aunt was very unwell instead was told she ‘just had a day in bed’
Physical restraint used in order to conduct a COVID test
Visiting rules
Outdoor visits family separated by a bandstand
CLOSED outdoor window visits not allowed
No Christmas visiting allowed even with ‘vaccinations’
No end of life visits allowed for dying mother
‘‘Can it (the virus) go through glass now, i mean c’mon.’’
‘COVID’ threat?
Ms.Reynolds states there was almost no ‘COVID’ in her sheltered housing complex during the entire 3 years of ‘the pandemic’. Interestingly her clients (who were all in the shielding category) were allowed visitors and were not ‘‘locked away’’ (as stated in the above video). Hospital visits were also allowed should clients become unwell. Yet more proof ’COVID’ mortality in 2020 was solely driven by government policies and not a virus.
‘‘The first time that any of my clients had COVID, an actual case of COVID was July 2023 and that’s been the only one.’’
Hopes for the inquiry
No human rights
‘‘The frail and vulnerable should never have their human rights removed again, just because they are vulnerable and have no voice. They did have a voice, they had us, but no one listened.’’
There was a very weak report of this testimony featured in the Daily Record.
Thanks for your attention. Please help share this information.
They will try again ....the fear mongering is already here !!
It's up to us the people to stand up because no one else is going too sadly 😞
The year the people come together and unite.
The year divide and conquer fails.
The year all the people wake up.
The year the billionaires loose control.
The year of the people.
If we all unite we can all be free.