UK COVID-19 inquiry 28 Oct 2024
Shocking testimony by Jackie O'Sullivan former CEO at Mencap.
An impressive yet highly disturbing heart-felt testimony here by Ms.Sullivan who was the former acting Chief Executive of Royal Mencap and currently is the director of strategy and influence. She joined Mencap in January 2018. Their remit is England, Wales and northern Ireland but not Scotland. They support 4,000 people with a learning disability.
Disabled people ‘‘afterthoughts’’
The ‘treatment’ of disabled people even BEFORE ‘the pandemic’ is as follows resulting in higher than normal death rates with the clinical frailty scale specifically targeting the cohort from March 2020.
Misuse DNACPR notices
Misuse clinical frailty scale
Medical neglect and discrimination
‘‘It suggests people weren’t getting the treatment they should have and as a result WERE DYING.’’
‘‘This makes it clear than the clinical frailty scale should be applied to ALL adults IRRESPECTIVE of age with comorbidities and that doctors would consider learning disabilites to be a comorbidity would be effected.’’
‘‘We were alarmed as it meant essentially MOST PEOPLE with a learning disability even people with mild or moderate needs would be INELIGIBLE for treatment.’’
‘‘On 24th March some of our services recieved letters stating if anyone in your service get’s COVID they are unlikely to be treated and therefore PLEASE DON’T BRING THEM TO HOSPITAL.’’
Teenager issued DNACPR without proper consultation
A teenager with a learning disability was sent a letter from the NHS during lockdown to agree to sign a DNACPR. Others were called by GP practises with support workers having to intervene to prevent agreements. Able bodied ‘‘very healthy’’ people in employment, living normally were also contacted. This was happening all over the UK.
‘‘The parents of a TEENAGE person with a learning disability got a letter asking them to agree to a DNACPR.’’
‘‘The doctor said if something bad happens to you they WON’T give you the kiss of life.’’
10 year old DNACPRs valid in 2020
Most people in the UK with a learning disability would have been issued a DNACPR from 24th March 2020. If they became unwell they would also not be taken to hospital. DNACPRs issued a decade ago were also activated.
‘‘This letter was sent to a household of people who were NOT frail and NOT at the end of their lives and this is the issue here.’’
‘‘If you were a GP and looked at the clinical frailty scale …There’s no point this person going to hosptial so we may as well apply a do not resuscitate notice and then we’ll give them PALLIATIVE CARE at home.’’
‘‘We also had cases where OLD DNACPRs were brought into play and people REFUSED conveyance to hospital on the basis that when they had a broken ankle 10 YEARS BEFOREHAND a DNACPR had been put in place.’’
‘‘In practise that’s what was happening..people were NOT getting treatment NOT getting conveyance to hospital.’’
DNACPR continued…
‘‘We had a BEREAVED family saying there loved one had not received ANY treatment whilst in hospital and that a DNACPR had been applied without their knowledge.’’
‘If you are level 5 or above you are NOT likely to get treatment for COVID and level 5 was someone who needs a bit of additional help with their shopping, their household finances, their medication..that’s the MAJORITY of people with a learning disabilty.’’
‘‘The sister was denied a routine scan than they resuled in her DEATH a few days later and when the family asked for an investigation it was shown there was a DNACPR on the patients file they had NOT agreed to…
…and that was quite common as well.’’
Isolation and neglect
Is this section Ms.O’Sullivan talks about the adverse effects of isolation policies and medical neglect of non verbal patients.
‘‘We had an individual of 49 years old with downs syndrome who had NEVER been alone in their life EVER. The family were barred from visiting…and the person DIED.’’
‘‘Another one..a person with a chest infection resistant to anti-biotics she was taken into hospital and put on a COVID ward but repeatedly tested NEGATIVE for COVID...eventually she was given the anti-biotics AND STARTED TO RECOVER.’’
How many were not so fortunate due to a ‘positive COVID’ test?
Questions from Bereaved Groups
COVID-19 Families for Justice-DNRs
Interesting to note ‘‘learing disability’’ can be listed as the cause of death on a death certificate.
‘‘19 reviews reported that the term learning disabilities or downs syndrome was given as the rationale for a dnacpr order..that’s quite a shocking finding isn’t it?’’
John’s Campaign- informed consent
‘‘There was no one there to advocate for the patient…we know there was DNRs applied WITHOUT family consent.’’
‘COVID’ death rates in disabled people
Disabled people had the highest age-standardised COVID-19 mortality rate compared with less-and non-disabled people across all ‘three waves’ of the ‘‘coronavirus pandemic’’. Gee, i wonder why?
Update: see sobering overview of this testimony by Mencap UK, in links below.
Full statement-
Video-Youtube-UK Covid-19 Inquiry - Module 3 Hearing - 28 October 2024 AM
All I can think about is how the frailty scale and the DNACPR would dovetail seamlessly with the euthanasia bill if it succeeds in the UK. The ground has been prepared for easy expansion of the euthanasia law to groups of vulnerable people and we all know from experience with other countries that it will expand. We can mark vulnerable people for no active treatment not even an antibiotic, covid firmly set the precedent for that. It really is a small step from no treatment to active euthanasia.
This was what I was watching ...horrendous. like I said crimes against humanity 😢
As just one person who has been deeply affected by all this 💔 both on a personal level with being injured myself but also being disabled and seeing first hand the lived experiences of others . Heartbreaking.