Dr.Finnis is volunteer deputy leader at clinically vulnerable families (CVF). I’d like to add the whole notion of ‘‘clinically vulnerable’’ children and young people at risk of ‘the virus’ in my opinion is just yet another highly damaging false narrative, even using the official data. By any logic, especially in 2024, people are only at serious risk of adverse health outcomes, ironically, from continuing to follow the unevidenced ‘protective measures.’
Mask abuse
Higlights from this remarkable session detail alleged abuse received by those still wearing masks in society. Clearly if it were upto Dr.Finnis we would all still be masked. The new ‘logic’ is you have to wear the right type of mask and wear it correctly for it to work.
‘‘I do wear a mask EVERYWHERE…people call us sheep.’’
‘‘I’m feeling like i should have a stash of FFP2 to give out to people.’’
Discriminatory DNACPR notices
Here is it documented a DNACPR notice would excluded vulnerable people from life saving treatment.
‘‘a DNACPR notice is not meant as a proxy for broader treatment decisions.’’
‘‘Are you saying that there is a tendency for such orders to lead to the exclusion of clinically vulnerable people from other LIFE SAVING treatment?’’
-Pete Weatherby KC—COVID Bereaved Families for Justice
- Dr.Finnis
Shockingly within Dr.Finnis witness statment NOT MENTIONED AT ALL throughout the session it is revealled that during lockdown 30 and 40 YEAR OLDS deemed ‘clinically vulnerable’ were being asked to agree to DNACPR notices.
Long COVID despite ‘vaccination’
Further in the statment it is written those taking the most precautions not only still catch ‘COVID’ multiple times but even develop ‘Long COVID’ despite booster ‘vaccinations’. This is apaprently because other people are not wearing masks.
(Page-43 of statement)
Concluding statement remarks
Video-youtube-UK Covid 19 Inquiry - Module 3 Hearing - 8 October 2024 PM
Full statement:
If people have viral phobias that is their business as long as it remains private but when they bring it out into the public forum and are listened to then it becomes our problem because we are strong armed into complying and feeding their fears. The abnormal is being normalised and we see it everywhere, health, hospitals, schools, gender issues and in society in general.
Sad to see these people four years down the line, as convinced as ever of a deadly pathogen waiting to claim them; when they are destroying their own current lives in the process. And in the case of one speaker above, also seemingly the lives of their families, in order to "shield" them alone. Which seems unbelievably selfish to me. But I wouldn't want to rush to judgment there, maybe.