What prisoners told 'Let’s Be Heard' 2025
Further lockdown crimes evidenced at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry.
Warning: Please be aware this report contains distressing details.
Let’s Be Heard received 98 forms from prisoners, a 12.25% response rate, a standard rate for a mail-in survey. From these, 74 forms were used in analysis. This case study looks at what 74 prisoners in Scotland told Let’s Be Heard. Prisoners are not giving spoken evidence to the Inquiry.
Prisons where prisoners shared their experiences with Let’s Be Heard:
‘‘Prisoners who refused the jab were only given exercise with other prisoners who tested positive for COVID. It seemed like a punishment to me for refusing the jab.’’
‘‘During this time both my physical and mental health were destroyed, contact with family ended, destroying the ties I had to the real world. To this day I still feel disconnected and alone. All that those in charge cared about was 'covid', I was locked in a tiny cell for 24 hours a day, no exercise, gym or work, it became so bad I witnessed two inmates attempt suicide.”
“My granddad died April 2020 and I couldn't go to his funeral. It did not help my mental health. I felt like a caged animal.”
Report highlights-video below
Devastating mental health impacts.
Locked in cell 23 hours/day.
Significant barriers to healthcare.
Increase in hard drug use.
Served cold/stale food.
Hygiene became worse eg-showers once/week.
Punishment dished out for refusing ‘COVID' vaccination.’
Staff not following the rules.
‘‘I even tried to kill myself because there was no support and i couldn’t handle it anymore.’’
Deaths in Scottish prisons
From 2020-2022 highest on record. ‘COVID’ taking the blame.
‘‘The number of deaths in custody has risen overall across the 11-year period, with the highest number of deaths in any year (53) recorded in 2021.’’
Unvaccinated inmates subjected to solitary torture at HM Prison Perth
‘Testimony given by a young man held on remand at Perth Prison. He explains the torture regime meted out to unvaccinated arrivals under the guise of public health. He told us (off camera) that he eventually gave in to being medically assaulted TWICE against his will in order to be permitted "free association" within HM Prison Perth.’
Source: Moira Dundee Bitchute
Be sure to read ANNEX A: Additional quotes from prisoners
‘‘One prisoner stated that seeing a doctor was “almost non-existent”, sharing that despite numerous requests for an appointment.’’
‘‘Through 'COVID' I was incarcerated in [the prison]. During this time both my physical and mental health were destroyed.’’
“Everything just stopped for the best part of 4 years, any outside activities just stopped, the gyms closed we spent 23 hours a day in a cell with no communication to anyone except for the staff at mealtimes.”
For their health.
Full 94 page report can be viewed here.
Thanks for your attention. Please help share this vital information.
I reckon there are sadists in every institution. Probably more in prisons.
Thank you for this page. I have often wondered about what happened in prisons... Beyond the number of deaths, do we have a percentage that can be related to the prison population if it varied? What you say about unvaccinated prisoners put with positive Covid is appalling...