Pamela Thomas interview|June 2024
Full length interview Pamela Thomas of the Scottish COVID bereaved on the circumstances surrounding the death of her 41yo brother James.
Harrowing NEW interview with Pamela Thomas who has testified at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry about the death of her 41yo brother James who had no underlying comorbidities.
Main issues:
Delayed medical treatment
Ventilator associated pneumonia
Experimental drug trial
Forged signature
Hospital acquired infections
Cardiac arrest
Funeral director concerns
I have covered Pamela’s Scottish COVID inquiry testimony on my substack in more detail.
Tweetstreet Scotland interview June 2024
Pamela talks about how she reported James’ death to the police but was essentially ‘‘fobbed off.’’
‘‘Surely they have a duty to investigate?…i’m alledging some serious stuff’s going on here and nobody is investigating.’’
Full 90mins interview:
Please follow TweetStreetScotland on X @TweetStreetocc1 and on Youtube and Rumble.
Thanks for watching.
Thanks Dave 🙏 Justice4James 🙏 Forever41 💔 Justice4all 🙏💫
Pamela is a brave woman who has fought very hard for her brother James both before and after his death. She is right, government, public health and the medical community have "blood on their hands" and I truly hope justice is meted out to the people concerned during her lifetime, it is the very least she deserves.