Scottish COVID-19 inquiry Impact hearing| Health and social care|9 May 2024 (morning session)
Today's session features Susanne Napier from UNITE testifying about the harms from face masks and the lack of confidence in COVID vaccination.
Ms.Napier is employed by Turning Point Scotland and has been a social care worker for the last 20 years. She is a union representative. Turning Point Scotland is the country’s leading social care developer and provider.
Media presence on the today
M.Napier is about to cite serious harms from mask wearing, raise concerns around ‘COVID vaccinations’ and the ethics around medical coercion.
No Covid
Ms.Napier notes in her statement no one she knew died or became seriously unwell with COVID.
Mask harms
However, Ms.Napier explains harms she has witnessed upon herself and others from prologed mask wearing.
‘‘I never in my life has sinusitis before and i had it really…really badly and still at times suffer for it.’’
2 hours on the bus and then 12 hours at work.
‘‘I feel that had a real deterimental effect to myself and others.’’
‘‘Even people within my family are suffering from it, regular sinusitis now.’’
‘‘My daughter is a nurse..her face would be RED RAW….literally from wearing a mask.’’
Long COVID and vaccination
Here Ms.Napier explains she believes she has developed ‘Long COVID’ and has lost all confidence in the ‘COVID vaccination’ programme. She explains those unvaccinated are having less health problems dealing with ‘COVID’ than those vaccinated.
‘‘I know people (even with underlying conditions) that have not had the vaccine and have had COVID and it’s been slight…i know others fully vaccinated and COVID hit them like a ton of bricks.’’
‘‘I took two vaccines i wish i had never taken it at all…if i was offered it again i wouldn’t do it.’’
Ms.Napier also points out the coercive tactics used by the government and her employer to facilitate compliance with the ‘COVID vaccinations’. For some reason the lawyer Mr.Caskie was not keen to read out paragraph 66, you can view that below.
‘‘veiled threats what will happen if you don’t take the vaccine?’’
BBC Radio Scotland
Given Ms.Napier has lost all confidence in COVID ‘vaccinations’ did she perphaps develop ‘Long COVID’ directly from the vaccine?
Dr Kevin Deans is a consultant chemical pathologist at NHS Grampian who has been researching ‘long Covid’ confirms this is happening.
‘‘We’re now uncovering evidence that some people are developing Long COVID after the vaccine and it seems to be that is the thing that has triggered it…it is under recognised and under acknowledged.’
‘‘So we do need to get a serious handle on just how big this problem is.’’
credit for video-@RussTT11 on twitter/X
NB: I could find no mainstream/alternative media reports of this testimony.
Full statement-
Full video-Scottish COVID-19 inquiry-Youtube-Impact hearing | Health and social care | 9 May 2024 (morning session)
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