Scottish COVID-19 inquiry Impact hearing|Health and social care|8 December 2023 (morning session)
Extremely powerful testimony by Mr.William Jolly from the Scottish COVID Bereaved who's father was placed on Midazolam and Morphine after a positive COVID test.
William’s father, a dementia sufferer, sadly died after testing positive for COVID-19 on 26 April 2020 aged 88. He had suffered fall whilst in a care home and it was also believed he was suffering from a urine infection around 8th April 2020 therefore was placed on anti-biotics and admitted to hospital. He was subsequently tested for COVID and found to be positive on April 12th.
In relation to Bill’s fathers dementia it is stated at paragraph-7 :
‘‘Dad was still reading the newspapers, watching TV, you could still have a conversation with him. He had blips but he was aware of what was going on in the world.’’
Testimony highlights
Power of attorney
Soon after the positive COVID test at that point Aberdeen Royal Infirmary were able to take full command of the situation rendering Mr.Jolly’s power of attorney over his father ‘‘irrelevant’’.
‘‘On the 12 April 2020, an ARI doctor, a lady, called meand told me that the ARI were now taking over all the decision-making inrelation to my father because of his very confused condition and his dementia.’’
-Paragraph 51 of statement
‘‘They told me that my Power of Attorney was irrelevant they had "special powers", they would make all decisions on behalf of my father. They didn't tell me what these special powers were but said they had full authority to deal with my father's situation.’’
-Paragraph 52 of statement
William’s father fell several more times (5 in total) at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. He was never sent for a brain scan to check for internal injuries. He was remarkably then discharged mentally damaged, disfigured and double incontinent back into the care home with a ‘positive’ COVID test. Symptoms of COVID were absent. Pleas from Mr.Jolly to the NHS this was wrong were dimissed.
‘‘My father came out of that hosptial looking like he had been in a serious road accident.’’
‘‘The hospital basically put me in my place..they told me i had no authority and that they would do what they wanted to do.’’
Midazolam and Morphine
On the 19th of April, 7 days before his father’s death, Mr.Jolly was informed by the care home his father would now be placed on end of life medication.
More falls
2 days after the call about Midazolam end of life care William’s father was suffering yet more falls in the care home. It was mentioned there was never any discussions with Mr.Jolly about placing his father on end of life care it was just decided by the NHS.
“He had been shouting out for help when he went in at first but once he was pumped full of ‘be quiet drugs’ he was dead within 10 days.”
-Daily Record report
‘‘I got called by the care home to say that my dad was failing. He was agitated and shouting for help, he had been up wandering into other rooms. So he was still mobile. They had found him on his hands and knees trying to get to the toilet.’’
‘‘I was then told they would introduce end-of-life medication, midazolam and, if needed, morphine. I was shocked.’’
‘‘I found out that midazolam is not a particularly nice drug, some practitoners refer it to being waterboarded because it floods the lungs.’’
‘‘In my opinion it was almost like a random decision to keep him quiet..keep him in isolation in a room in a comatose state.’’
‘‘I was so stressed with what was going on. One minute I think my dad's dying, the next minute he's going about the home entering other rooms, going to the toilet. The end-of-life medication was being randomly used, in my view.’’
-Paragraph 95 of statement
End of life?
Further in the statement Mr.Jolly explains in more detail that his father was certainly not at death’s door prior to the administration of end of life medications.
‘‘My father was still active, he was trying to get out of bed, shouting for help, saying his hands were cold. Why then, within a matter of days of having been sitting in a chair, having breakfast was he being given midazolam and morphine? One of the comments on my dad's notes was that he had walked down to somebody else's room.’’
-Paragraph 113 of statement
COVID-19 cause of death disputed
After his father’s death, Mr.Jolly disputed the cause on the death certificate feeling the serious falls his father suffered should have been a consideration in his decline. But this was dismissed.
‘‘His cause of death was officially written down as Covid but Mr Jolly and his family are not sure whether that is the case.’’
_Daily Record report
‘‘I said, "what about all these serious head injuries, why did you put Covid-19"? She said that he did have Covid-19 and he was not a well man. She referred to the head injuries as a consequence of existing health conditions. I asked if she had seen him in person on discharge and witnessed his injuries. She hadn't seen photos of him either.’’
-Paragraph 126 of statement
‘‘Why was my dad discharged from ARI? He was horribly injured, with live Covid, it felt to me like he was a neglected patient and written off.’’
-Paragraph 150 of statement
Final remarks
In his concluding remarks to the inquiry Mr.Jolly cites his ‘displeasure’ at the performance of Scottish Government officials relating to ‘missing’ Whats App messages.
‘‘My family and many others including the COVID bereaved believe the Scottish COVID inquiry has been compromised.’’
‘‘I have little faith that will happen. With the performance of the Scottish Government we've had over the last while..
…from the former and present First Minister down, they seem to get away with murder.’’
- Paragraph 172 of statement
‘‘As far as I am concerned patients returned to care homes from hospital with Covid were euthanised.”
-Daily Record report
Thanks for your attention. Please help share this information.
Mr Jolly issued me with an update 11/03/2024 through x/twitter and would like to share the following.
The sheer barbarity of what's been done, 75 years after "Never Again".
Are not there procedures to follow for requesting exhumation and performing autopsies? the results of the autopsy would be the most plausible evidence for what happened.