Scottish COVID inquiry Impact hearing | Health and social care | 24 October 2023 (afternoon session)
Highlights from this session feature Joseph Bryce, a human rights lawyer representing the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group.
The Scottish Vaccine Injury Group (on social media X @scottish_vig) has been set up to provide support for those who have suffered adverse reactions to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. The group was set up by Ruth O'Rafferty, Alex Mitchell and John Watt, all vaccine injured themsevles.
They have been granted core participant status in the Scottish COVID inquiry.
‘‘There are a total of 258 members of the group of whom 15 are bereaved people’’
-Joseph Bryce (Scottish Vaccine Injury Group)
UPDATE: In 2024 The Scottish Vaccine Injured Group have now around 500 members.
Safe and effective ?
As described, many people injured from COVID vaccines are routinely dismissed and offered no support by the NHS or the government. Social media sites routinely take down testimonies of those injured or bereaved. Furthermore, claims made for the VDPS (vaccine damage payment) in the UK are rejected due to a very strict ‘60% severe disability’ criteria.
Alex Mitchell
The first living person to be acknowledged by the UK government, medically certified as Vitt (1 of 445 in the UK alone) paid out under the scheme is Alex Mitchell from Glasgow, who lost half his leg due to a blood clot from the Astrazeneca COVID vaccine.
MSP reaction
Remarkably, as if this wasn’t stressful enough to add insult to injury some MSPs have openly mocked those sharing their ‘vaccine’ injury stories on social media, like John Mason SNP MSP, from Glasgow.
MHRA Yellow Card scheme
Unknown to most Scots is that to date, COVID-19 vaccines have been implicated in over 200 deaths with 35,000 yellow card reports in total and 114,000 adverse reactions. More than half of all reports are determined to be serious in nature. Typically, reports to MHRA Yellow Card are under-reported by as much as 98% so actual numbers are likely to be significantly higher in reality.
Scotland’s COVID vaccine injured
Here is a video of just some of those injured or bereaved by the COVID ‘vaccines’ in Scotland who have suffered in silence since 2021.
Scottish COVID inquiry-YouTube- Impact hearing | Health and social care | 24 October 2023 (afternoon session)