Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|Impact hearing| Health and social care|23 November 2023 (afternoon session)
Harrowing testimony from Ms.Micheleine Kane speaking about the neglect of her mother who was later placed on end of life drugs.
Ms.Kane speaks about her mother who was 73 years of age when she died after just 8 weeks in lockdown on 13th May 2020. She was a resident of Cumbrae Care Home which comes under the Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board. The cause of death was noted as COVID-19. One of only 9 deaths ‘involving’ the disease in the care home over the first 15 months of ‘the pandemic’ for which data is made available.
At aged 21 years old Micheleine’s mother was diagnosed with MS and eventually had a wheelchair, but she didn't need to use that much and fought the illness till she was around 60yo where the illness began to take more of a toll and care options were explored. She was always of sound mind and had ‘full capacity’ up until her passing.
NB: Ms.Kane’s testimony is all the more powerful as she is the chairperson for the Scottish Kinship Care Alliance and a representative for many other Disability Groups.
Lockdown deterioration
In this clip Ms.Kane explains a strange deterioration in her mum prior to her death yet she had no typical COVID symptoms. The home had also stated no COVID and in her view this decline in health was a result of her mother being drugged.
‘‘She looked to me as if somebody has drugged her to be honest with you.’’
‘‘It all happened so quick, mum getting ill after the start of lockdown. I asked can I see my mum, can I take her out? But was told that I couldn't and nobody was allowed to leave.’’ - paragraph 46 of statement
Further lockdown deterioration
Here Ms.Kane further explains the deterioration of her mum’s health over the next few weeks. The care home was confident they had no COVID in the home. The GP then told Ms Kane to ‘‘prepare for the worst’’.
The GP diagnosed ‘suspected COVID’ even though the care home stated they had NO COVID. His logic was due to knowing a hospital staff member testing ‘positive’ and Ms Kane’s mum had been in hospital recently.
‘‘How can you say my mum’s got COVID if there is no COVID in the home…how can she possibly have COVID ?’’
The GP made it clear to Ms.Kane residents in care homes were NOT to be allowed out to be treated in hospital if they had ‘suspected COVID.’ Ms.Kane was insistent her mum goto hospital and as power of attorney this was her choice to make to which the GP seemed evasive.
‘They weren’t being allowed into hospitals.’’
Her mum continued to become unwell appearing drowsy which was noted from an ipad ‘visit’ the following days and mentioned she was scared to go into hospital.
‘‘Mum was all drowsy, just kept saying "I'm too tired, hen". What was wrong with her then? She had no strength, couldn't hold the !Pad, staff were holding it.’’ - paragraph 58 of statement
‘‘The doctor said i won’t make it hen…they’ll leave me in the ambulance.’’
GP terror
Here Ms.Kane states how she felt the GP’s attitude towards her mum was not helpful and exacerbated her decline.
‘‘ I just thought you are terrorising my mum. Telling her she will not make it to hospital. Terrorising an old woman who is sick.’’ - paragraph 73 of statement
‘‘See if they hadn’t said that my mum would have said right send me to the hospital.’’
No cigarettes, no coffee
Here Micheleine explains how her mothers life-long cigarette habit of 40/day was given up whilst in lockdown along with drinking coffee. The home would not allow her to smoke in her room.
NB: Such an abrupt cessation would not be recommended by any competent doctor. Common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include restlessness, tiredness and difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal also include low energy levels.
Could these have been mistaken as COVID symptoms ?
‘‘My mum didn’t have a cough, didn’t have a temperature..who smokes 40 cigarretes a day.’’
Micheleine was well aware her mum had none of the main symptoms of COVID.
Care home neglect
When Ms.Kane could visit her mum it was later discovered her mother developed a sore throat not due to COVID (as many suspected) but it was due to being burnt after being fed hot soup. She was subsequently less able to talk to her family when they visited.
Micheleine came to the conclusion neglect in the care home was responsible for the decline in her mothers health NOT COVID after it was also confirmed her mum’s oxygen levels were normal. She mentioned this to the GP.
‘‘My mum’s NOT dying of COVID, my mums dying of starvation and dehydration…in front of all your eyes and we’ve seen it.’’
Following her mothers death Ms Kane reveals the distressing nature that followed for herself and her family.
‘She died on her own..the one thing we never ever wanted for her.’’
Upon grieving at her mothers bedside after death in the home Ms.Kane noticed an unusual needle mark on her mums hand as she was stroking it. She mentions again how weeks prior to her death her mum appeared to be drugged and was ‘‘delerious’’ unable to hold any conversations. Social work had called to say there were going to place her mother on end of life drugs.
‘‘You also noticed as you observed a needle mark around her thumb…what did you think about that ? -Stuart Gayle KC
‘‘They must have given her a jag then it hadn’t come out about midazolam..i was always under the impression they were giving my mum morphine.’’
‘‘You give my mum palliative care medicines i’m getting you charged with murder if anything happens to my mum.’’
No human rights/funeral/’COVID’/Midazolam
In her final remarks Micheleine explains the cruel funeral restrictions, reinforces her belief her mother did not died of COVID, the eerie coincidence surrounding Midazolam administration.
‘You could only get 10 people at a funeral…my aunties sat in a car park…we had to pick who would get in it was the most horrible thing ever.’’
‘‘I wanted to know what had happened to her..i never ever believed for a minute it was COVID.’’
‘‘They didn’t even tell me it was palliative care medicine they said it was just in care medicine.’’
No human rights
Ms.Kane finally pleads for honesty from officials and a real need for answers and accountability. She mentions a total disregard for human rights.
‘‘My mum was deprived of everything that’s natural…a cuddle…a hug.…time…she was deprived of all these things.’’
Concluding statement remarks:
‘‘I was and am convinced the home had killed her and I wanted a post-mortem…
…I spoke to the undertaker about the post-mortem saying I wanted to actually find out how my mum died, explaining the needle mark and that…
I wanted to know if my mum had been euthanised. I knew my mum was on palliative care, nobody told me about midazolam.’’
-Paragraph 127
‘‘I first found out about midazolam after my mum's death. My cancer turned aggressive, I nearly died and I was given midazolam, inprecisely the same spot as where I saw the needle mark on my mum's hand. I knew then that there was no coincidence.’’
-Paragraph 130
‘‘I just didn't think people could trample on peoples' human rights like that. Mine's and my mum's.’’
-Paragraph 136
There was a very weak assessment of Ms.Kanes testimony in the Herald online. Linked below.
Full video-Scottish COVID-19 inquiry YouTube-Impact hearing | Health and social care | 23 November 2023 (afternoon session)
Full statement Michelenine Kane-
Caffeine reduction-
Cumbrae House is a care home run by a company called Oakminster Care. They are a Scottish-based company owned by Mr and Mrs Podder who have been known by the QCQ to put profit above care for decades endangering residents with poor staffing levels unqualified staff, and bad overall neglectful care. One of their daughters had two care homes shut down due to being a danger to vulnerable elderly. So it's not surprising they would allow this inhumane treatment (for profit) to be allowed in their homes.
This is one of their other homes