EXCLUSIVE|2023 Excess deaths anomaly Scotland
Newly released cremation data calls into question official excess deaths numbers.
Data received by me today from The Cremation Society pours scorn on the official data being released by National Records of Scotland. As you can see in 2023 cremations (all council and private) are at a higher level now than at any-time during the ‘COVID pandemic’ years and are in fact highest on record!
(Scottish cremation data goes back to 1980 not shown here).
In 2022 for example, there were 45,102 cremations and 3,285 excess deaths.
In 2023 ther were 46,362 cremations but NRS are now claiming only 360 excess deaths.
How can that be?
Here is an excellent summary of the situation by @TheRustler83 on X, an account well worth following and on substack
Is this solid proof of statistical manipulation?
As always, please share your thoughts.
Can I state, excellent research, please keep up the good work.
Brilliant thanks. Sharing to fakebook and twitter. Need to keep outing the murderers and using our Wrongthink to maximal effect. As we know they want to do this again.