May 24Liked by biologyphenom

"Dr" John; "Now come on, I've apologised for coercing people into taking the jab(s) so can't we all just move on. I have a really big following so I have to be really careful about the deadly algorithms that could have shut me down but NEVER have.I know that other people at the same time were being just as clever,who at NO time ever tried to coerce anyone into taking the deadly jabs were shutdown but maybe they weren't clever enough. Anyway I have to go, got an inquiry to attend to that other people were on to ages ago & I've got a bit of catching up to do. Please, please, do not laud me & give me the credit for this as well & don't forget to hit the like & subscribe buttons."

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Yeah sadly it appears John does NOT follow the evidence whereever it leads. He follows the clicks and money.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

As the old saying goes; "If you can fake sincerity you've got it made."

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May 25·edited May 25Author

That's me locked out of my twitter account now. No explanation given. Latest inquiry post had NHS porter talk about half empty wards in 2020. 60,000 views.Will upload here shortly.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

Flack from the target 🎯

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Yeah. I don't post that much. No way did i do anything out with their rules. It's cos it's election season and my LET'S BE HEARD compilation clip i created to show politicians the lockdown harms ets when at the doorstep.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

Millions should be getting on board the footy can wait because one day they'll take that too.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

Do you really think it's about money for him, or just a slower wake up. I watched him through the beginning because- despite his belief in Vaccines, he also presented the data, studies in a way I could understand and I didn't feel like he was lying to get money. Idk

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May 24Liked by biologyphenom

I cannot bear to look at his smug, stupid face. 🤬

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May 26Liked by biologyphenom

No neither can I. I tried to watch just now, but I felt the anger rising within nanoparticle, sorry nanosecond. Am a nurse, he is a nurse..I knew from getgo and he must have too. Ridiculous wee man 🤬

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May 24Liked by biologyphenom

He should, imo, apologise profusely every time he shows his face. Indirectly responsible for some of this mess. Way too late about the inquiry & he'll be called a hero by the ill informed. All the best 👍🇦🇺

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He's been half hearted about it and it now appears has given up altogether. Worried about his revenue stream from YT no doubt for reporting the truth for a change?

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May 24Liked by biologyphenom

Anxiety and distress was induced in the residents of the care homes by all the pandemic measures. Conveniently the government and institutions came to the rescue with their directives and protocols to sedate residents with Midazolam and Morphine to relieve them of anxiety and distress caused by their measures. The frail elderly stood no chance, the dosage they were given would have depressed their breathing which is not difficult to achieve in the elderly. This did not happen by chance and the government and health institutions knew what the outcome would be, it was deliberate involuntary euthanasia.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by biologyphenom

It seems that Jamie was murdered.

The real question is: Why were NHS staff so insistent that he sign a DNR?

Where was that coming from?

Campbell calls for more (time-wasting) Qualitative Analysis.

He should be calling for a Criminal Investigation.

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Hi Linda, i am now locked out of my twitter account after latest clip on inquiry going viral. Yeah 'Dr' John looks like he's done with Scottish inquiry now. Sent him enough clips for make at least another 6 more videos. I noted with the clips he did post he spent as little time as possible on them compared to other videos.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

Campbell is silent because this is a complete indictment of the system he worked all his life in -and in many ways still represents.

Hopefully you’ll access your X account soon.

None of the platforms are without censorship but Telegram might be a good place to create a channel.

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Indeed, my limited interactions with John lead me to believe he's only in this for the clicks and money not the truth. I'm about done with 'social media' tbh and feel i have taken Scottish COVID inquiry as far as i can now personally. No help really from ANY of the big ''alternative/freedom'' voices out there who should be taking the torch forward. Everyone is all so very meek now. They talk the talk but they do NOT walk the walk.

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May 25Liked by biologyphenom

For one last hurrah: Perhaps get in touch with Tony Gosling. He often does in depth interviews on subjects others ignore.

That's probably because he started covering Bilderberg in the 2000s.




He's also on X @TonyGosling

You've done a stellar job.

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You should like this - https://substack.com/home/post/p-144926817?source=queue

Only two guys in the WORLD have followed Scots COVID inquiry. No one more than me but this guy a close second. ;-)

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May 25·edited May 25Author

Thanks Linda. You'd be suprised how few people have direclty messaged me to say they appreciate what i have uncovered vs Scottish COVID inquiry. The ''awake/freedom'' movements are mostly all about EGO, fame and fortune.

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May 26Liked by biologyphenom

The trouble is, so much information/voices are discovered by accident. I can’t remember how I came across your Substack but it was pure chance. You have done sterling work and people are now picking up on it.

I’m behind on watching UK Column due to moving house (nightmare!) but I noticed that your SS was mentioned in a recent programme and they said what great work you’d done. Please don’t lose heart - keep on keeping on! ❤️

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Really bad in Scotland. I am blocked by most 'freedom' groups over their lack of interest in Scottish COVID inquiry.

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