FoI: Scottish Ambulance Service heart problem callouts 2015–2023
Evidence of harm caused exclusively by COVID-19 'vaccines'?
Given the risks of the ‘Sars COV-2 virus’ as well as the experimental COVID-19 gene therapy ‘vaccines’ in relation to developing heart problems i was curious to see what real world impact any or both had on the cardiovascular health of the Scottish population.
2020: COVID virus- no impact on reporting rates
Firstly, you can see from the historical data below, in 2020, the total incidents attended by the Scottish Ambulance Service for chest pain/heart problems in the peak ‘pandemic’ year the rate was only 2.5% above average or 1,260 more attendances over all age groups. There were 211 more reports in 2016. So 2020 was well within the range of normality. You can also see when ‘the virus’ struck hardest in the March-April (main lockdown period) there were significantly less (698) heart problems attended over all ages groups.
The data for the year of 2020 also includes an unusual spike in heart related problems reported only in the month of December. Interestingly, the COVID-19 mass ‘vaccination’ programme commenced Dec 8th and during that month there were 587 more incidents than expected, which is about 14.5% above average. A significant shift in harms being reported.
2021 mass ‘vaccination’- help or hindrance ?
Following the rollout of the COVID ‘vaccine’ into 2021 the rate of heart problems reported by the SAS continued to increase. By years end after 12 million injections of a novel theraputic there was an additional 7,535 reports over all age groups which is 15% above the baseline average. This is highest reported rate since records began. Many politicians and medical experts have claimed the risk from ‘vaccine’ induced heart problems is much lower than the risks posed by ‘the virus’ however the real world data here is not particularly supportive of that conclusion.
Negative cardiac impact on younger populations increase almost 50%
COVID-19 ‘vaccinations’ commenced in Scotland for those deemed ‘at risk’ ages 16-64 in from March 2021. All ages down to 12 were offered a dose by the end of Sept 2021.
When looking at the younger age groups, those widely acknowledged to be the least at risk from ‘the virus’ when offered the injection there is a dramatic increase in reported heart problems.
From March till end of June the historical averge for these months is 2,655 but in 2021 there were 3,909 reports. A 47% increase. The month of May was particularly noteable recording over 1,000 incidents as those 40 years of age were invited for ‘vaccination.’ These rates continued to remain elevated throughout 2021 and well into 2022 as younger, healthier people continued to be injected despite the medical reality of the mainstream attaining robust natural immunity.
Problems with mRNA ‘vaccines’
The JCVI acknowledged the risks of myocarditis post ‘vaccination’ for young people with long term outcomes unknown.
A large Israeli study also noted the relationship between COVID ‘vaccinations’ and an increase in heart problems in those under 40.
‘’These results also are mirrored by a report of increased emergency department visits with cardiovascular complaints during the vaccination rollout in Germany as well as increased EMS calls for cardiac incidents in Scotland.’’
2023-no pre pandemic normal
Despite over 15 million ‘vaccinations’ administered in Scotland and weaker ‘viral variants’ emerging since 2022 there has been no significant reduction in cardiovascular problems being reported amongst the youngest age groups (15-44) which have remained elevated since lockdown 3 years ago. This is the age group that should have the least amount of cardiac health problems however for some reason are being impacted the most.
Final thoughts
All over the world i can no longer deny i have noticed an increase in reports of sudden death and heart problems reported in young, fit, prior healthy individuals after 2021.
Reports of adverse health outcomes post ‘vaccination’ appear far more common than acknowledged. A basic search on social media demonstrates this.
Dr Peter McCullough one of the most published caridologists in US history said:
‘’Buchan and colleagues reported 77 Canadian teenagers age 12-17 who needlessly suffered myopericarditis after the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Sixty six percent occurred after dose 2 and only 7% had prior COVID-19, so the vaccine was to blame in the vast majority of cases.’
Further evidence of harm
One only has to view the comments beneath some of Dr.John Campbell’s Youtube videos to see the sheer scale of COVID ‘vaccine’ harms being reported by people all over the world, most go unreported officially.
A common theme is sufferers being pressued into the injection and often dismissed and gaslit by health authorities.
One viewer of many reported:
‘’Immediately after the C19 jab I had symptoms and breathlessness which ended up with my having to go to an A and E department at my local hospital. AFIB was diagnosed and eventually treated. That was relatively successful but I still had a subsequent episode in March of this year. Not fun at all (tiredness, breathlessness, faintness). How I wish now that I had never allowed myself to be talked into taking the jab ... I was originally reluctant but caved to the pressure of 'doing the right thing' for my family.’’
So as is often said, correlation does not equal causation but when does it ?
It's terrifying to think of the undiagnosed heart conditions in the youngsters walking around today who were coerced into taking that terrible concoction.
I still cannot believe how many people voluntarily rushed towards getting the Covid injections in the UK. We are still living in bizarro land where no one in the general population really acknowledges what has happened, first rule of the covid vaccine is we do not talk about it.