NRS monthly mortality+births analysis Jun 2024
All cause mortality remains high. 2nd lowest June birth rate on record.
All cause mortality Jan-Jun 2015-2019
2015= 30,254
2016= 28,864
2017= 29,206
2018= 30,602
2019= 28,788
Average= 29,542
All cause mortality Jan-Jun 2020-2024
2020= 33,868
2021= 30,906
2022= 31,061
2023= 32,510
2024= 31,401 +16 million doses of mRNA
Compared to pre pandemic currently mortality is around 6.5% above average. An additional 1,859 deaths over the first 6 months of 2024.
Apologies for the size of image.
‘COVID’ era period mortality
The last 4 years are unprecedented for sustained excess death rates (% of population) in Scotland, surpassing both world wars and Spanish flu mortality events. Despite best efforts by NRS to reduce how excess deaths are calculated.
‘‘The chosen methodology uses statistical models to obtain the expected number of deaths in each period. Importantly, this approach moves away from averages drawn from raw numbers and instead uses age-specific mortality rates.’’ - ONS
Current birth rates continue to remain historically low and for June, 2nd lowest on record since 1991. Despite a growing population births are 40% BELOW 1991 levels.
With ongoing higher death rates combined with lower birth rates depopulation is a very real threat to the continuation of the native Scottish population.
‘'Scotland’s population is projected to start declining from 2033 the only country in the UK where this is the case.’' - Scottish Government
14 council areas to decline over next decade
Total children to fall nearly a fifth by 2045
Depopulation of the existing people and replaced with migrants. But why?
That June 2020 births figure is absurdly low - could you check please?