The globalists are genocidal eugenicists (not in 'positive trait' sense but in a 'all the people we hate must die'). They believe they're top dog, own the planet, and essentially they see you as squatters in *their* back gardens (they can infinitely print money so monetary greed is no longer relevant to their selfish desires).
They have 'Malthusian goals' (derived from Thomas Malthus' work claiming the planet would die at 200 million people and advocating mass depopulation of the poor). Malthus was wrong because tech advances managed to greatly improve farming (industry grade fertiliser and machine mass manufacturing, along with refrigeration and advances in food preservation).
So in their unhinged, unquestioned viewpoints they believe they need to purge the Earth to "save the Earth" (but as one spiritual leader once asked: who are they saving the Earth for if they kill everybody on it?). I actually wrote an extensive rebuttal to their dogma (
Your second part of the question, why import migrants, is multifold:
1) It hides the native population decline by importing replacements (so you won't see a reduction of 10 million whites, but an increase of 5 million migrants)
2) It acts as a "stopgap" for labour shortages. Globalists aren't going to stoop to cleaning up their own litter or getting their hands dirty in fields.
3) It weakens the native population's ability to fight back by causing them to fight with the imported population. So rather than unifying to defeat the globalist scumbags, you're too busy fighting with 40 different multi-cultural viewpoints in local civil wars. Think how neither the Tories nor Labour actually controlled migration; because it is a distraction issue from their mass warmongering (also killing people) overseas in Ukraine and Yemen etc.
4) It allows them to depopulate the imported migrants as well. Because they're separating men from women, there's fewer women in net, and thus more men without a partner and without a job. They're basically either distractions or worker ants.
5) By allowing migrants in freely, they dissolve the concept of borders, which *globalists* hate because they want to centralise power of the entire planet to themselves. Borders and national sovereignty are barriers to their attempts to centralise control. Think how the EU tries to centralise everything and dissolves borders.
They then paint these plans with names OTHER than depopulation and replacement ('sustainability', 'net zero', 'environmentally friendly', 'carbon neutral', 'contraception', 'equality', etc etc). Once you see it you cannot unsee it.
Hi Rob, the data provided are direct from NRS. It is correct. June 2020 was post main lockdown period. There were 30% (640) more pregnancy terminations than normal. March-end May 2020. Not on the news.
Aha, got it! The June birth figures were low - probably because they weren't collected in time due to lockdowns - so the are bounced into the July 2020 figures, which were:
Depopulation of the existing people and replaced with migrants. But why?
Those are technically two distinct questions.
'Why depopulation?'
'Why replace them with migrants?
The globalists are genocidal eugenicists (not in 'positive trait' sense but in a 'all the people we hate must die'). They believe they're top dog, own the planet, and essentially they see you as squatters in *their* back gardens (they can infinitely print money so monetary greed is no longer relevant to their selfish desires).
They have 'Malthusian goals' (derived from Thomas Malthus' work claiming the planet would die at 200 million people and advocating mass depopulation of the poor). Malthus was wrong because tech advances managed to greatly improve farming (industry grade fertiliser and machine mass manufacturing, along with refrigeration and advances in food preservation).
So in their unhinged, unquestioned viewpoints they believe they need to purge the Earth to "save the Earth" (but as one spiritual leader once asked: who are they saving the Earth for if they kill everybody on it?). I actually wrote an extensive rebuttal to their dogma (
Your second part of the question, why import migrants, is multifold:
1) It hides the native population decline by importing replacements (so you won't see a reduction of 10 million whites, but an increase of 5 million migrants)
2) It acts as a "stopgap" for labour shortages. Globalists aren't going to stoop to cleaning up their own litter or getting their hands dirty in fields.
3) It weakens the native population's ability to fight back by causing them to fight with the imported population. So rather than unifying to defeat the globalist scumbags, you're too busy fighting with 40 different multi-cultural viewpoints in local civil wars. Think how neither the Tories nor Labour actually controlled migration; because it is a distraction issue from their mass warmongering (also killing people) overseas in Ukraine and Yemen etc.
4) It allows them to depopulate the imported migrants as well. Because they're separating men from women, there's fewer women in net, and thus more men without a partner and without a job. They're basically either distractions or worker ants.
5) By allowing migrants in freely, they dissolve the concept of borders, which *globalists* hate because they want to centralise power of the entire planet to themselves. Borders and national sovereignty are barriers to their attempts to centralise control. Think how the EU tries to centralise everything and dissolves borders.
They then paint these plans with names OTHER than depopulation and replacement ('sustainability', 'net zero', 'environmentally friendly', 'carbon neutral', 'contraception', 'equality', etc etc). Once you see it you cannot unsee it.
Thank you. Everything you wrote is coherent with observation.
That June 2020 births figure is absurdly low - could you check please?
Hi Rob, the data provided are direct from NRS. It is correct. June 2020 was post main lockdown period. There were 30% (640) more pregnancy terminations than normal. March-end May 2020. Not on the news.
Even with that, the drop of 75% is scarcely credible - I honestly don't see how that is possible, how could there be 3,000 less babies in June 2020?
2019 - 3884
2020 - 1078
2021 - 4003
This has to be a data input error, surely???
Registration offices closed to birth registrations in March 2020 and reopened in
June 2020.. overall births in 2020 were lowest on record.
''The 48,700 births recorded in Scotland were the lowest since mid-year records
began in 1952. They are also lower than any calendar year births back to 1855''
Aha, got it! The June birth figures were low - probably because they weren't collected in time due to lockdowns - so the are bounced into the July 2020 figures, which were:
2020 July Scotland 9233
'bounced back' to the lowest on record since 1855 and it is not improving.
''Analysis indicates that by 2045, there will be 200,000 fewer children .''
There was also some brought forward to August
2020 August Scotland 6304
This compares with August 2019:
2019 August Scotland 4417