Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland WhatsApp messages
More interesting exchanges between officials.
Interesting exchanges revealled in Nov 1st Freedom of Information response between the former CMO Catherine Calderwood and many other officials during the early days of the ‘COVID-19 pandemic.’
The (HCB) Health and Social Care Management Board shortly before ‘the pandemic’ had nicknamed themselves ‘‘The Incredibles.’’ Members are Carolie Lamb, Richard Foggo, Donna Bell, Elinor Michell and Jason Leitch.
Mandatory vaccinations
As early as March 7th 2020 the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers was being discussed with Health Secretary Jeane Freeman.
Media celebrities
‘‘We have a couple of media stars in Jason and Catherine.’
Remarkably after Dr.Calderwood broke lockdown rules TWICE by visiting her elderly parents there was no condemnation from ANY official. The nation had just recorded 354 ‘COVID’ deaths in 2 weeks. Ordinary Scots would later be fined, lambasted in the media, critisiced by politicians and even arrested for such ‘‘reckless’’ behaviour.
‘‘I will miss Catherine and am sad today- Catherine thank you for being you - you have left us a legacy that can be built on going forwards.’’
-Fiona McQueen-Former Chief Nursing Officer
Medical totalitarianism
Just 2 days before the national lockdown the following points were rainsed by Gillian Russell (senior civil servant-former director for safer communities in the Scottish Government from 2015-2020).
‘‘We need to enforce staggering of access to shops so people we are shielding if they have to go out are going out separately.’’
‘‘Apparently pubs rammed last night as well. Contrast France and Spain where people are now confined to their homes.’’
‘‘Not sure if our current legislation covers this or whether we need something to allow police to move people on.’’
Vaccine or lockdown forever
On day-1 of lockdown March 23rd 2020 it was already stated (by the future CMO-Dr Gregor Smith) the ONLY exit from ‘the pandemic’ would be a vaccine.
‘‘Only exit strategies are vaccine development (12m plus implementation at scale.’’
‘Red zone’ shift
Unedited feedback from a shift at a COVID hub in Fife 26/3/2020.
‘‘Just finished my shifts in the red zone…. I saw one patient.’’
No war zone ICUs
NHS ICU staff within Scotland’s second largest hospital were allowed to book holidays during the peak of ‘the pandemic.’
‘‘I find it hard to think that ITU nurses would be even allowed holidays at our peak and am astonished that management are not allowing them to cancel leave.’’
With the National Clinical Director stating:
‘‘GRI ICU last night we’re sitting about.’’
GRI=Glasgow Royal Infirmary (1000 bed hospital)
Lockdown harms and DNACPRs
Even as early as April 2020 discussions were taking place about the ‘‘HUGE RAMIFICATIONS’’ on the harms from lockdown. Charity groups were already conacting government with concerns over DNACPR notices. Elinor Mitchell Director for Community Health and Social Care stated:
‘‘Some groups saying now we’ve signed DNRs and don’t need or want my life prolonged so why can’t I live the life I want. Not to mention impact of social distancing on our list vulnerable and the trauma of not being able to visit loved ones in care homes.’’
Swedish approach delusional?
The real world data clearly shows who was really off in a world of their own.
‘‘The Swedish are off in an entire world of their own..’’
-Jason Leitch
Dystopian video 27 Mar 2020
Linked in discussion at page 60 is the following video.Dr.Andrew Riley comments-
‘‘What a superb video and a personal morale boost. How can we make sure all staff have a chance to see that?’’
GP sugeries under pressure?
Official data shows over 1 million less PHYSICAL appointments were being carried out from March 2020.
Lots of laughs
Unfortunately the image in discussion was redacted.
‘‘Laughter is surely the best medicine.’’
Jeane Freeman
In this very interesting exchange the CMO cites concern over promoting to the public daily deaths figures to which the health secretary Jeane Freeman rejects this stating how they can be used to justify the need for restrictions and with an intriguing remark about ‘‘NR’’ presumably National Records of Sotland. Were ‘COVID’ deaths reported being fabricated?
. We can’t NOT put numbers out. First death(s) will cause a flurry and numbers rising too but when we start introducing more measures and my thinking is that will be pretty soon, the numbers will become perceived as increasing justification for those measures and be less a ‘story’ in themselves. So numbers go out but we don’t need NR to go with them....’’
Thanks for reading.
Links shared in Whatssapp:
Frightening how they got away with this. Interesting they thought their messages could not be read outside of their emails. Fate has a funny way of dealing a hand.
The deaths are now coming home to me. I am uninjected but a friend has just been diagnosed with skin cancer and another is now in hospital with a damaged heart. They cannot continue to cover this up. Surely the doctors will be forced to speak out by what they are witnessing.