Here we go. I often wonder when they state ‘‘OUR FUTURE’’ does that mean you and me or is it more to do with furthering their own careers, self enrichment and that of their corporate employers and pals at big pharma etc? The fact is despite the ‘COVID’ lockdown democide event the collaboration between government, NGOs and the private sector has never been stronger with the views of the people now clearly irrelevant.
‘‘The connections between the Scottish Government, public health agencies and research communities were never closer than during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report makes recommendations as to how the proposed partnership should keep those strong connections.’’
‘‘Lessons are now almost learned’’ post ‘COVID.’ The forces against real science, common sense and human dignity always let you know their plans. The real conspiracy theorists of our time. Clearly conspiring together to remove your rights, bodilly autonomy and whatever else they can get away with in the not too distant future to make profits.
“As the generation that lived through COVID-19, we have a collective responsibility to protect future generations from the suffering we endured. We must not be taken by surprise next time. And to not be surprised, we need to be prepared.”
-Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Glasgow in March 2024.
Conspiracy theory 1 disproven. What people ‘lived through’ and were damaged by en mass was fear propaganda/masks, deadly lockdowns and unsafe genetic injections of which future generations have been irrevocably harmed. That’s what needs to be prepared for and how we the people must not be taken by surprise next time.
‘‘The people of Scotland have experienced one of the most significant pandemics to affect the world for a century….
Conspiracy theory 2 disproven. Many times prior to ‘COVID’ death rates both annual and weekly were higher within the population. ‘The pandemic’ defintion itself has been changed by WHO since around 2003 no longer requiring ‘‘enormous numbers of deaths and illness’’ without which the scaremongering to achieve compliance would be ineffective.
…We have seen the impact it has had on our families, friends and communities as well as the wider scarring on education, society and the economy.’’
Conspiracy theory 3 disproven. The lockdown restrictions not ‘COVID’ impacted our families, friends and communities as well as education, society and the economy.
The next pandemic—‘Disease X’
The committee is ‘‘pleased’’ to know there are now many more reasons when a public health emergency can be declared whereas pre ‘COVID’ this would not have been the case. That should tell you something.
‘‘The Committee was pleased to note that the risk of pandemics has been expanded to a greater range of pathogenic threats than those previously included in these risk assessments. Experts consider a respiratory pathogen to be the most likely cause of a future pandemic affecting the UK and the Committee is aware that the SG continues to plan and prepare for these, alongside a range of pandemic and emerging infectious disease scenarios across possible transmission routes. This approach covers known and unknown pathogens, including ‘Disease X’, as referred to by the WHO.’’
‘‘The next pandemic could arise from other novel coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, influenza viruses or filoviruses which may prove to be more transmissible and potentially more lethal than COVID-19. We must avoid the pitfall of preparing only for the last pandemic we faced.’’
‘COVID’ inquiries
The document has the audacity to state:
‘‘That learning process will continue, with both Scottish and UK COVID-19 Inquiries underway.’’
The Scottish COVID inquiry has CONFIRMED after 8 months of health and social care hearings:
Severe lockdown isolation harms on residents in care homes (particularly upon those with Dementia) who allegedly died the most from COVID-19.
Neglect of residents in care homes (dehydration and starvation).
Human rights abused in care homes. (article 3-prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and article 8-right to family life of the European convention engaged).
No GPs or ambulances to care homes.
Misuse of DNACPR notices in care homes. (article 2-the right to life- of European convention on human rights engaged).
Blanket decisions in care homes with an inappropriate use and focus on providing end of life medication to residents.
The dystopian future of ‘lessons learned’
Everything faster, more efficient, more restricted with potentially no end in sight.
‘‘The Interim Report recommended that innovation in life sciences continue to be supported, with a focus on the development of diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics to provide the capability to respond to novel threats when required. The Committee reiterates this recommendation and the importance of effective collaboration between the Scottish and UK Governments, PHS, and UKHSA to deliver this.’’
‘‘It also noted seminal contributions from international bodies including the WHO and the G7 100 Days Mission to respond to future pandemic threats.’’
Lockdowns (disproven and lethal)
Masks (disproven and harmful)
PCR tests (disproven)
New mRNA jabs developed within 100 days (not safe and effective)
Contact tracing (disproven)
Behavioural manipulation (unethical)
Fear propaganda (unehtical and harmful)
More censorship of ‘misinformation’ (undemocratic)
‘‘At a lecture at the Royal Society in April 2024,21 Dr Anthony Fauci, the former director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, noted that one of his key learnings from his experience of the COVID-19 and HIV pandemics is that it was prior scientific advances that enabled robust pandemic responses.’’
Yet all the actual pre ‘COVID’ science was ignored.
‘Behavioural science’ 2.0
Aka brainwashing. As you can see, in their own words, nothing they do actually works because you have to participate for as long as they deem necessary ‘‘for your health and safety’’ of course and the misinformation over ‘‘safe and effective’’ continues.
On the one hand, vaccines were only beneficial if people were willing to get vaccinated. On the other, the benefits of vaccination, however substantial, did not remove the importance of getting tested, participating in contact tracing, and self-isolating if infected. The advent of the vaccines therefore emphasised rather than removed the need for behavioural science.’’
Annex A - Detailed Recommendations
You will find most policies must be completed by September 2025 some as early as March 2025 interestingly when the World Bank funding for the ‘COVID-19 programme’ ends.
Devi Sridhar
Ms.Sridhar is now a former member of the Standing Committee on Pandemic Preparednes.
COVID ‘experts’
Here is a list of those that have sat back and said nothing over the harrowing Scottish COVID-19 inquiry evidence.
All these crucial defintions have changed before, during or after the ‘COVID’ era assault on humanity.
Airbrone transmission
Herd immunity
Which has enabled the formation of biomedical authoritarian state apparatus.
‘‘The COVID-19 pandemic saw the strengthening of disease surveillance systems through the use of new technologies enabling the identification of a wider range of threats, including cutting-edge genomic sequencing and the development of near real-time Scotland-wide intelligence on COVID-19. There have also been significant advances in the approaches to diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics where the aim must now be not only to retain recent advances, but to develop and innovate further.’’
Professor Andrew Morris CBE-Chair Standing Committee on Pandemic Preparedness
This is also infrastructure being funded and built in the tens of millions+ for something that they state themselves has a 75-95% chance of never actually occuring in the first place the next five years.
‘‘For both pandemics and infectious disease outbreaks, the risks are assessed as having a 5-25% likelihood of their reasonable worst-case scenario occurring in the next five years.’’
Thanks for reading please share your thoughts.
The Covid Operation is a clear example of how the mafia operates. Complete coercion and only letting the boot off your neck once you comply with “The Deal” which is in this case taking and paying for the injection of their profitable poisons. These people are monsters.
Covid™ was never an epidemiological event it is a business model meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super- wealthy.
Public health policy has been hijacked and harnessed to global markets. Instead of serving those at risk of sickness and death, these policies of financialization are constructed to benefit investors.
Manufactured pandemics create new investment products that increase the holdings of billionaires and further concentrate their wealth.
The WHO, CDC, NHS etc. are merely conduits for these investors who channel their investments through the likes of the Gates Foundations e.g. The return on these investments is staggering.
This is not going away unless and until we make it go away. All of the politicians that are “deciding” these things are spokespeople for these investors.
There are no new killer virii from Venus. “COVID™” was just a new label for Pneumonia "discovered" via the holy grail RT-qPCR which is not a test- it is a manufacturing process. Pure and unadulterated horseshit.
The “excess” deaths were all from the elderly and disabled with co-morbidities that are routinely killed when they contract flu and pneumonia and subjected to wholesale terror, brutal "treatments" and total neglect. This was compounded and accelerated by aborted end-of-life care as policy- those are crimes.
"Safeguarding 'our' future through preparedness" - I bet they are preparing for our future and there is that word "safe" - all of their words end up meaning the opposite. The pandemic narrative is a tsunami of misinformation mixed with lies and we are drowning in it, thank you for the excellent article.