It will never make sense, the most terrifying thing in all of this is the wrong lessons are being learned. We have the ordinary members of the public giving their honest testimony of what they experienced during the fake pandemic but the biggest problem is the lie of covid being perpetuated, from that all sorts of future tyranny will be accepted. The lesson being learned is not how to improve protection of the vulnerable it is also not about preventing future abuse of the mental and physically disabled or the general public by making it impossible to remove the checks and balances that stop harms being implemented by governments and institutions. The lessons being learned are how to perfect the lies, brainwashing and psychological manipulation of the population and how to bring the next crisis faster, quicker with tighter control of the public.

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Thank you Anne, this is very helpful in terms of making sense of the purpose of the inquiry and why it’s now okay for these people to speak out but not when these atrocities were taking place and could have been stopped - not that there was a will to do so as is blatantly clear. This helps to make sense of why I’m having difficulty with these testimonies instead of heaving a sigh of relief that the concerns I raised in 2020 are at last out in the open. We’re all on a journey and it’s hard to keep up with the twists and turns but Dave’s work here and comments like yours are all helping me to find a focus that I’ll communicate with health and social care organisations. I fear that Substack could be a bit of a silo if we don’t share what we’ve learned beyond this converted audience.

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Valerie, try not to see it as 'Daves work' all i am doing is reporting on an official public inquiry that everyone in Scotland is paying for, has access to and anyone can actually attend the sessions in person. It can be time consuming work but overall very straight forward. I feel strongly without discussing the evidence more broadly (hence my pleas to big accounts to do so) as Amat has so eloquently described nothing will change in future. Your last point is of course the whole point of this and where the battle will be won or lost.

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Ah, but I do consider it to be 'Dave's work', unless of course you've got a Mrs Dave beavering away in the background. I confess to having a very low boredom threshold so any inquiry tends to be tedious apart from what's considered to be highlights and those who have an interest will rely on summaries such as yours. Although as you say, running commentaries are pretty much absent, even from other perspectives. I'm sorry to say that if it wasn't for your work, I doubt if I would have been following it so I'm very grateful to you.

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Thanks Valerie at the end of the day i am just an avg bloke looking on wondering why my fellow Scots in particular are numb to all this without an opinion and of course you are more than aware of my frustrations over that with the 'alt' media and freedom groups etc But late 2024 i am now bored trying to get them to pay attention. Yes, that should terrify people that the world would not know about most of this critical evidence if not for my keen eye especially when we are supposed to be surrounded by so many clued up gurus etc It is what it is an interesting time to be alive.

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Well said. This is exactly what is happening with the placebo wins in Australian courts right now. The ‘wins’ are on procedural grounds with Agreed Facts determining there was a deadly pandemic and necessary emergency, meaning that for next time, they will go carefully by the book.

The ‘wins’ were: procedure was not followed. The procedures are still in place.

The power structure has learned to be more careful and the killbox will be so tight that not even a shaft of false light will be able to penetrate.

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And all of this has happened as a consequence of the ‘Covid’ debacle, a deliberately manufactured crisis - a WHO 'PHEIC', aka FAKE - which has been used to foist an experimental 'vaccine solution' upon the global community, against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn't a serious problem for most people, as I noted in my BMJ rapid response, published in March 2020, see: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

In my BMJ rapid response, published in March 2020, I quote the WHO: "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults."

So if it was known from the beginning "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild...", why was there ever a 'vaccine solution'?!?!?

I'll tell you why...because this pandemic has been in the planning for years...it is a plandemic... Led by the software billionaire Bill Gates, who has unaccountably been the driver of international vaccination policy for years, and who was the prime mover in the 'race for a coronavirus vaccine', see my substack article: "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet": https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/we-need-to-make-the-vaccine-available

Bill Gates has led this plandemic, via his influence everywhere - the WHO, Gavi, CEPI, etc. And via the medical and scientific establishment he appears to dominate.

And now here we are, with reportedly billions of people around the world injected, and I suggest with NO VALID CONSENT. Valid consent is impossible in a climate of mis/disinformation from ‘the authorities’, and coercion and vaccine mandates.

It’s mind-bogging what has gone on…

Why was the medical profession incapable of recognising and calling out this scam?

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See some of my emails sent in 2021:


- Reckless and grossly irresponsible response to covid-19 - the UK in the thick of it, 28 July 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/reckless-and-grossly-irresponsible-response-to-covid-19-the-uk-in-the-thick-of-it.pdf

- The reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the most reckless and grossly irresponsible 'public health' response in history, 6 April 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/sars-cov-2-virus-the-most-reckless-and-grossly-irresponsible-response.pdf


- Why are people not at risk of covid-19 being pressed to have covid-19 injections? 18 August 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/why-are-people-not-at-risk-of-covid-19-being-pressed-to-have-covid-19-injections.pdf

- Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS- CoV-2? 30 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/who-initiated-the-plan-to-vaccinate-the-entire-global-population-against-sars-cov-2.pdf

- Why were children included in the covid-19 Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trials? 16 June 2021:


More on this webpage: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-united-kingdom/

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Apparently about to open in Edinburgh, Injecting Hope. A new exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland ‘a close look at the behind the scenes work that took place to roll out the vaccine etc’.

Anyone want to join me in throwing paint and or soup?

Running late January 2025 to April 2025.

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My son has a learning disability, and until March 2020 he led a busy life, with two support workers taking him places most days like the gym, swimming pool, snooker hall, pub, cafes shops and cinema, theare concerts etc etc . That all ended, and unfortunately he got into the habit of sleeping all day, which means that his current activities are very limited.

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Really sorry to hear that Rob. What a disaster these lockdowns have been to put it mildly. i really hope your son can get back into those active habits.

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There’s so much here to unpick so credit to you again Dave for highlighting these very powerful testimonies and the issues that they raise.

I wonder how many of these people giving evidence actually raised their concerns with the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland in real time? The MWC is unique to Scotland and has a powerful and influential role in protecting the rights and interests of all people with mental disorder; a term which includes mental illness and learning disability. I was a Mental Health Officer for fifteen years and since 2020, I’ve had frequent dialogues with the MWC who gave me the impression that I was a lone voice in raising similar concerns to here and subsequently dismissed and latterly ignored me.

You’ll know that I’m concerned as previously that all statements reinforce ‘the pandemic’ as the cause of all these problems as opposed to the response. I’m also concerned that Tressa Burke seems to imply that certain groups are more vulnerable because health protection measures have been removed and by this I’m assuming she’s referring mainly to masks.

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Thanks. As i said to you recently, what more proof do people need and also anyone claiming to be a freedom fighter yet choosing to say nothing about all this is not credible, do they not care? Of course those testifying are clearly attempting to cover all policy harms under covid which is ridiculous on the face of it all. They need more money you see. If you expect the inquiry to host people that come out and say it like it is you're in for a long wait. This evidence regardless is beyond damning hence ZERO media coverage. Yes, masks etc etc makes NO sense.

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