Not previously covered within my substack. This is one of only three unique testimonies where a witness has testified in person about the impact of the government ordered public ‘health’ restrictions on their life. See Anna McPherson’s evidence here and Steve Robertson here.
Derek Kelter has had a visual impairment for 45 years and suffered chronic asthma since a child. Mr.Kelter suffered a respiratory arrest in 1979 and wasn't resuscitated quickly enough, resuling in brain damage. This left him totally blind and paralysed at the time but some recovery took place the following years. He has no clarity of vision beyond 3 feet and is registered blind.
NB: Mask harms and rejection of ‘COVID vaccine’ was not covered during oral testimony.
‘‘Because I am an asthmatic, when I had to wear masks, several times, I had to take them off, because I thought, I can't breathe with these things on. And yet you were reprimanded if you were on public transport or walking about. The public would say, 'Why aren't you wearing a mask? You're giving us COVID.'‘
-Paragraph 67
‘‘For the best part of a year, I was unable to get any physical exercise or activity.’’
-Paragraph 68
‘‘I've decided this year, perhaps foolishly, I'm not getting the COVID injection again this year.’’
-Paragraph 85
Testimony highlights
Lockdown impacts
Support withdrawn for over one year.
No support to access food for 5-6 months (was helped by mates from the pub).
Repeatedly fobbed off after calling government emergency helpline.
Carer removed during lockdown.
MSP/MP offered no help.
Isolation impacts on mental health.
‘‘There was no support whatsoever and that prevailed for probably 13-14 months…the support was non existent.’’
‘‘My MSP and MP offered me absolutely nothing.’’
‘‘I was living in a black hole.’’
‘‘If it wasn’t for the sharp action of the GDA i would have been 100% totally isolated.’’
Statement highlights
‘‘Virtually overnight, I had nowhere to turn. I was dependent on support, particularly for shopping and doing my laundry, because of the barriers of my visual impairment. I thought, 'Bloody hell, I'm going to have to wear the same underpants for six months!' Like everyone else, it was a real unknown and it was frightening.’’
-Paragraph 12
‘‘I could've had COVID. I think I have had it twice, but there's no way of me knowing, because I am unable to read the testing kits or the results…
..I was basically housebound and didn't leave the house for five and a half months.
-Paragraph 26
‘‘My respiratory issues made me extremely anxious. I thought, its because of this that I could end up dead. I have asthma and have had several respiratory arrests. I kept thinking, if I catch this, I'm going to end up dead. It was something that I was really anxious about.’’
-Paragraph 29
‘‘ASDA and the other big supermarkets, they weren't delivering shopping to tower blocks…i spoke to ASDA, and they said they don't deliver to tower blocks, despite my personal situation. I explained all my disabilities and my personal situation, but they wouldn't change.’’
-Paragraph 39
‘‘Three years since the start of COVID, and my GP still doesn't do face-to- face appointments…During COVID, I ended up getting an infection, shingles, and I was diagnosed over the phone.’’
-Paragraph 59
‘‘I think my leg would have to be falling off to get a GP appointment during COVID.’’
-Paragraph 61
‘‘We're three years down the road, and my understanding is, it needs to be an emergency to get a face-to-face appointment, and there are barely any GPs in the surgery anymore.’’
-Paragraph 64
‘‘My local authority is a disgrace, and through COVID they didn't help. I tried multiple times to contact them for information but didn't get any in accessible formats.’’
-Paragraph 79
‘‘I emailed my MSP about support for accessing food, but they've never answered my questions. One of them didn't reply, and another said I should contact a different named person. I thought, did you read my email? I was looking for action, not advice to contact the Catholic Church.’’
-Paragraph 84
‘‘Disabled people, where we were a few years ago, with no services and no support, are we going to go back down that road again?’’
-Paragraph 87
Media turnout on the day
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They did all this on purpose to capture people for a massive vaccine market, and to trap people in a social credit system, via the ‘vaccine passports’.
It’s a criminal enterprise…
When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account?
We must identify the culprits and bring them to account…
The picture showing the scant media attendance says everything about how 'disability' is viewed...unimportant in the grand (government) scheme of things. It's the voices of people like David Kelter which detail how they had to live during the 'pandemic' which should shame the likes of Johnson and Starmer, except they are shameless. It is as if people like Mr Keller are an 'inconvenience', and too easy to 'fob off'. Indeed it has become standard practice to fob off people who want answers...."information not held", 'try this number, or the person in charge of that department', so accountability can be avoided in perpetuity.
The 'lockdown' ordered by Johnson in March 2020, lengthened, revisited through the risible Tier system based on 'cases' based on the blatant fraud of the PCR and Lateral Flow tests, didn't care about how many of the vulnerable suffered for weeks and months. No High Rise flat for him ( and Starmer who wanted longer lockdowns), no going without their wine, cheese etc. Mr Keller, isolated, had his fear of the virus named 'Covid' magnified, like many others in similar positions, many marooned in flats.
As time was called on Covid-19 in March 2022 ( by the government and all Councils which had 2 year plans on their websites), attention was switched to the war in Ukraine. You can imagine the government believing it would prove the ultimate distraction from their inhumane and destructive covid policies....'rally behind the brave Ukranians'! Get the flags out! ( forget about what was done to you from March 2020).
You are giving us the voices of the ignored, the inconvenient, those who are easy to fob off, and their experiences should not be brushed away from sight.