They did all this on purpose to capture people for a massive vaccine market, and to trap people in a social credit system, via the ‘vaccine passports’.
It’s a criminal enterprise…
When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account?
We must identify the culprits and bring them to account…
''When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account? ''
If we had a REAL 'freedom/resistance' movement the process would be well underway instead those with millions of followers between them actively ignore, downplay or resist amplifying this real evidence. That's another huge part of the 'COVID' story for me that is now being documented along with everything else.
Regarding those with millions of followers who actively ignore the issue.... I'd say the same rule applies as for scientists: "9 out of 10 RESEARCHERS admit they do Not Wish To Be Defunded" With Millions of followers and a reliance on sponsorship, "bess believe, you suddenly start espousing ideas different from the mainstream narrative, well that's a boat you don't want to rock If you value your followers and friends.
I do understand your wish for a "REAL 'freedom/resistance' movement..." BP, but as I have commented previously, there are too many disparate factions with different focuses on the 'pandemic', its causes and consequences, to coalesce in to a unified force. Perhaps that was factored in by the Powers That Be - they control main stream media and TV so have that as a 'battering ram' for propaganda and for sowing dissent among the freedom movement (such as it is). Maybe, the dispersed feature of this movement makes it harder for the government to stamp it out, which it might be able to do if there was just one freedom movement. Better the government is constantly confronted on many fronts by many voices for years to come.
The ONLY 'constant confronotation' the gov has received during 'COVID' from 'team freedom' has been about the 'COVID vaccines.' This cannot be denied and in 2025 as i point out given the evidence of harm in care homes in 2020 people should REALLY be asking why the silence from critics able to reach millions?
''IF (care homes evidence) is exposed however, unquestioning public trust in future health emergency delcarations would likely be over for a generation. Freedom wins.''
''Isn’t that what the popular ‘COVID’ dissdents/groups claim to want?''
Well the vaccines affected everyone, obviously they are front and centre. It’s right there in Ferguson and co’s Report 9, that society was going to be shut down to force people to submit to vaccination - that’s the report that failed to disclose Ferguson is funded by the worlds biggest vaccine promoter, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
As for your frustration with the care homes scandal not gaining traction, tell me about it…
I’ve been banging on about valid voluntary informed consent, or rather the lack thereof, for years.
Just have to stick with it.
Have you been on any podcasts outlining your perspective?
Well the 'vaccines' didn't effect those who refused to inject. The LOCKDOWNS and associated 'COVID' rules affected everyone and laid the groundwork for the injections to be seen as the way out. I have no interest in a podcaster who wants to oursource a view on official public inquiry evidence. This is also not ''my perspective'' either the facts from the inquiry are what they are and common sense shoulld fill in any blanks. Sadly, no one prominent wants to discuss the world's only official COVID inquiry that has revealled what went on in 2020. How is that in any way excusable?
“Better the government is constantly confronted on many fronts by many voices for years to come.”
Liz, that's the problem though. It isn't...esp vs 'COVID.' Who has spoke about the care homes evidence from Scotland past 18 months? Sounds like just another in the long list of cop-out excuses made for the 'freedom influencers.' The following article clearly demonstrates where the curious public attention has been and REMAINS focused and who is that really helping?
I agree, but, so long as "The Bottom Line" continues to rule society by divine right, "WHOMEVER" is publicly brought to account you may be assured, will not be the players who are pulling the strings
At this stage, I’m going for the bottom of the house of cards, the vaccinators who didn’t obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
It seems they forgot about that…valid consent…
No-one has given valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination as that’s impossible to obtain in a hostile climate of mis/disinformation, aka lies, from ‘the authorities’, and other forms of coercion, and even mandates, which violate voluntary informed consent.
So now to identify exactly who drove this ‘plandemic’ of ‘Covid’ testing, or was it SARS-CoV-2 testing? You know, with people without symptoms being quarantined, and the entire world being turned upside down.
All to make people submit to vaccination on demand, and masking, and surveillance and other indignities and humiliations.
Some criminals stole a lot of money and violated people’s freedom on this back of this abomination.
The picture showing the scant media attendance says everything about how 'disability' is viewed...unimportant in the grand (government) scheme of things. It's the voices of people like David Kelter which detail how they had to live during the 'pandemic' which should shame the likes of Johnson and Starmer, except they are shameless. It is as if people like Mr Keller are an 'inconvenience', and too easy to 'fob off'. Indeed it has become standard practice to fob off people who want answers...."information not held", 'try this number, or the person in charge of that department', so accountability can be avoided in perpetuity.
The 'lockdown' ordered by Johnson in March 2020, lengthened, revisited through the risible Tier system based on 'cases' based on the blatant fraud of the PCR and Lateral Flow tests, didn't care about how many of the vulnerable suffered for weeks and months. No High Rise flat for him ( and Starmer who wanted longer lockdowns), no going without their wine, cheese etc. Mr Keller, isolated, had his fear of the virus named 'Covid' magnified, like many others in similar positions, many marooned in flats.
As time was called on Covid-19 in March 2022 ( by the government and all Councils which had 2 year plans on their websites), attention was switched to the war in Ukraine. You can imagine the government believing it would prove the ultimate distraction from their inhumane and destructive covid policies....'rally behind the brave Ukranians'! Get the flags out! ( forget about what was done to you from March 2020).
You are giving us the voices of the ignored, the inconvenient, those who are easy to fob off, and their experiences should not be brushed away from sight.
Johnson and Starmer? Sturgeon and co i'd say. Also exposes the 'independence' lie as nothing they stand for mirrors the definition. SNP MSPs/MPs often speak of wanting to do things differently vs down South but when it comes to policies of ruin they are in perfect lockstep. I also think imagine if Scotsgov took a Swedish approach back in 2020 many people including myself probably would not have questioned 'the pandemic' as much if at all and you'd actually start to think maybe these people do care about Scotland, instead the truth in 2025 is very apparent.
A very perspicacious comment. The S.N.P are shameless hypocrites, they put Scotland last, the Scottish people last and give preference to settling and pandering to thousands upon thousands of fighting age, young male migrants/so-called refugees..
It breaks my heart to see men from decommissioned Scottish regiments, sleeping rough and begging for a few coins for a bite to eat, or a cup of tea; while illegal aliens are given luxury hotels to sleep in, all meals provided, free healthcare and pocket money.
Agree completely Seacat. Also how smart to create such a vast division between the holier than thou masked, vaxxed angelic, patriotic, caring folk and the demonic, plague spreading, granny murdering unvaxxed, unmasked scum. Clever psy ops.
But you CAN trust the popular 'freedom' influencers and 'alt' media who have waxed lyrical about 'COVID vaccines' for 4 years in a row at the expense of the CONFIRMED and ADMITTED and far more damning care homes evidence?
What are you doing to challenge the implementation of HPV vaccination, and meningococcal B vaccination, aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines, all the vaccines pushed upon pregnant women now? And the rest of the vaccines on the ever-increasing ‘womb to tomb’ schedule.
I’ve been doing my work for 16 years, and I can tell you it was a damn sight harder before ‘Covid’ - what were you doing back then?
Good luck with the work you’re doing, but you are not helpful at all dissing the work of others.
-In case you haven't noticed, revealling the truth to the so called 'COVID' pandemic by exclusively covering for FREE the WORLD'S only official COVID inquiry to hear directly from families, care home managers etc.
''Do you think this is a competition?''
-No, but it sure feels like it. One of the reasons my substack get's almost no promotion from the big names as this is a competitive business arena and i'm not interested in monetary gain or fame.
''Dissing the work of others''
-It's called valid criticism of those making money in the 'freedom' space with millions of followers maintaining a campaign of silence on real evidence. Even worse people defend them for it! Similar to how mainstream people defend the 'COVID' narrative.
''Good luck with the work''
-I don't need luck tbh. It's revealling to me and this comes up alot that if i am personally not 'liked' this somehow invalidates what i post about? Astonishing! I am irrelevant in this equation.
I have asthma and never wore a mask. I was asked in a hospital why I was not wearing one and they should have known better that the masks we had been given were useless in preventing virus transmission. Totally useless. My daughter who worked in a hospital had a mask which stood a chance of preventing virus transmission caused her a lot of discomfort and distress as she was wearing it for 10 hours a day sometimes. I am very angry about this. I will never again be taken in by any government dictat. We have been guinea pigs, experimented on and treated like prisoners. No I will not do as I'm told ever again, and I will not take another Mrna vaccine.
They did all this on purpose to capture people for a massive vaccine market, and to trap people in a social credit system, via the ‘vaccine passports’.
It’s a criminal enterprise…
When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account?
We must identify the culprits and bring them to account…
''When are the perpetrators going to be brought to account? ''
If we had a REAL 'freedom/resistance' movement the process would be well underway instead those with millions of followers between them actively ignore, downplay or resist amplifying this real evidence. That's another huge part of the 'COVID' story for me that is now being documented along with everything else.
I’m not part of a ‘freedom/resistance’ movement…
I’ve been doing this work for years, questioning taxpayer-funded vaccination policy.
This is a long game, and who knows how it will end.
I’m just persevering, sending emails, asking questions…
My mother who lived to 85 did not trust jabs!? She died in 1993!
Regarding those with millions of followers who actively ignore the issue.... I'd say the same rule applies as for scientists: "9 out of 10 RESEARCHERS admit they do Not Wish To Be Defunded" With Millions of followers and a reliance on sponsorship, "bess believe, you suddenly start espousing ideas different from the mainstream narrative, well that's a boat you don't want to rock If you value your followers and friends.
I do understand your wish for a "REAL 'freedom/resistance' movement..." BP, but as I have commented previously, there are too many disparate factions with different focuses on the 'pandemic', its causes and consequences, to coalesce in to a unified force. Perhaps that was factored in by the Powers That Be - they control main stream media and TV so have that as a 'battering ram' for propaganda and for sowing dissent among the freedom movement (such as it is). Maybe, the dispersed feature of this movement makes it harder for the government to stamp it out, which it might be able to do if there was just one freedom movement. Better the government is constantly confronted on many fronts by many voices for years to come.
The ONLY 'constant confronotation' the gov has received during 'COVID' from 'team freedom' has been about the 'COVID vaccines.' This cannot be denied and in 2025 as i point out given the evidence of harm in care homes in 2020 people should REALLY be asking why the silence from critics able to reach millions?
''IF (care homes evidence) is exposed however, unquestioning public trust in future health emergency delcarations would likely be over for a generation. Freedom wins.''
''Isn’t that what the popular ‘COVID’ dissdents/groups claim to want?''
Well the vaccines affected everyone, obviously they are front and centre. It’s right there in Ferguson and co’s Report 9, that society was going to be shut down to force people to submit to vaccination - that’s the report that failed to disclose Ferguson is funded by the worlds biggest vaccine promoter, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
As for your frustration with the care homes scandal not gaining traction, tell me about it…
I’ve been banging on about valid voluntary informed consent, or rather the lack thereof, for years.
Just have to stick with it.
Have you been on any podcasts outlining your perspective?
Well the 'vaccines' didn't effect those who refused to inject. The LOCKDOWNS and associated 'COVID' rules affected everyone and laid the groundwork for the injections to be seen as the way out. I have no interest in a podcaster who wants to oursource a view on official public inquiry evidence. This is also not ''my perspective'' either the facts from the inquiry are what they are and common sense shoulld fill in any blanks. Sadly, no one prominent wants to discuss the world's only official COVID inquiry that has revealled what went on in 2020. How is that in any way excusable?
I’m not saying it’s excusable.
But my hands are very full with my own work, pursuing those who are actually accountable.
I agree “Better the government is constantly confronted on many fronts by many voices for years to come.”
“Better the government is constantly confronted on many fronts by many voices for years to come.”
Liz, that's the problem though. It isn't...esp vs 'COVID.' Who has spoke about the care homes evidence from Scotland past 18 months? Sounds like just another in the long list of cop-out excuses made for the 'freedom influencers.' The following article clearly demonstrates where the curious public attention has been and REMAINS focused and who is that really helping?
I agree, but, so long as "The Bottom Line" continues to rule society by divine right, "WHOMEVER" is publicly brought to account you may be assured, will not be the players who are pulling the strings
At this stage, I’m going for the bottom of the house of cards, the vaccinators who didn’t obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
It seems they forgot about that…valid consent…
No-one has given valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination as that’s impossible to obtain in a hostile climate of mis/disinformation, aka lies, from ‘the authorities’, and other forms of coercion, and even mandates, which violate voluntary informed consent.
So now to identify exactly who drove this ‘plandemic’ of ‘Covid’ testing, or was it SARS-CoV-2 testing? You know, with people without symptoms being quarantined, and the entire world being turned upside down.
All to make people submit to vaccination on demand, and masking, and surveillance and other indignities and humiliations.
Some criminals stole a lot of money and violated people’s freedom on this back of this abomination.
Quite the crime against humanity…
The picture showing the scant media attendance says everything about how 'disability' is viewed...unimportant in the grand (government) scheme of things. It's the voices of people like David Kelter which detail how they had to live during the 'pandemic' which should shame the likes of Johnson and Starmer, except they are shameless. It is as if people like Mr Keller are an 'inconvenience', and too easy to 'fob off'. Indeed it has become standard practice to fob off people who want answers...."information not held", 'try this number, or the person in charge of that department', so accountability can be avoided in perpetuity.
The 'lockdown' ordered by Johnson in March 2020, lengthened, revisited through the risible Tier system based on 'cases' based on the blatant fraud of the PCR and Lateral Flow tests, didn't care about how many of the vulnerable suffered for weeks and months. No High Rise flat for him ( and Starmer who wanted longer lockdowns), no going without their wine, cheese etc. Mr Keller, isolated, had his fear of the virus named 'Covid' magnified, like many others in similar positions, many marooned in flats.
As time was called on Covid-19 in March 2022 ( by the government and all Councils which had 2 year plans on their websites), attention was switched to the war in Ukraine. You can imagine the government believing it would prove the ultimate distraction from their inhumane and destructive covid policies....'rally behind the brave Ukranians'! Get the flags out! ( forget about what was done to you from March 2020).
You are giving us the voices of the ignored, the inconvenient, those who are easy to fob off, and their experiences should not be brushed away from sight.
Johnson and Starmer? Sturgeon and co i'd say. Also exposes the 'independence' lie as nothing they stand for mirrors the definition. SNP MSPs/MPs often speak of wanting to do things differently vs down South but when it comes to policies of ruin they are in perfect lockstep. I also think imagine if Scotsgov took a Swedish approach back in 2020 many people including myself probably would not have questioned 'the pandemic' as much if at all and you'd actually start to think maybe these people do care about Scotland, instead the truth in 2025 is very apparent.
A very perspicacious comment. The S.N.P are shameless hypocrites, they put Scotland last, the Scottish people last and give preference to settling and pandering to thousands upon thousands of fighting age, young male migrants/so-called refugees..
It breaks my heart to see men from decommissioned Scottish regiments, sleeping rough and begging for a few coins for a bite to eat, or a cup of tea; while illegal aliens are given luxury hotels to sleep in, all meals provided, free healthcare and pocket money.
Agree completely Seacat. Also how smart to create such a vast division between the holier than thou masked, vaxxed angelic, patriotic, caring folk and the demonic, plague spreading, granny murdering unvaxxed, unmasked scum. Clever psy ops.
Re “attention was switched to the war in Ukraine”…
Yes! It’s so obvious now what they’ve been doing for years, a never-ending stream of manufactured crises to fleece and distract us.
I look at everything with a jaundiced eye now, trust none of it.
They’re trying to play us the whole time.
But you CAN trust the popular 'freedom' influencers and 'alt' media who have waxed lyrical about 'COVID vaccines' for 4 years in a row at the expense of the CONFIRMED and ADMITTED and far more damning care homes evidence?
What are you doing exactly?
Do you think this is a competition?
What are you doing to challenge the implementation of HPV vaccination, and meningococcal B vaccination, aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines, all the vaccines pushed upon pregnant women now? And the rest of the vaccines on the ever-increasing ‘womb to tomb’ schedule.
I’ve been doing my work for 16 years, and I can tell you it was a damn sight harder before ‘Covid’ - what were you doing back then?
Good luck with the work you’re doing, but you are not helpful at all dissing the work of others.
'What are you doing exactly?''
-In case you haven't noticed, revealling the truth to the so called 'COVID' pandemic by exclusively covering for FREE the WORLD'S only official COVID inquiry to hear directly from families, care home managers etc.
''Do you think this is a competition?''
-No, but it sure feels like it. One of the reasons my substack get's almost no promotion from the big names as this is a competitive business arena and i'm not interested in monetary gain or fame.
''Dissing the work of others''
-It's called valid criticism of those making money in the 'freedom' space with millions of followers maintaining a campaign of silence on real evidence. Even worse people defend them for it! Similar to how mainstream people defend the 'COVID' narrative.
''Good luck with the work''
-I don't need luck tbh. It's revealling to me and this comes up alot that if i am personally not 'liked' this somehow invalidates what i post about? Astonishing! I am irrelevant in this equation.
I have asthma and never wore a mask. I was asked in a hospital why I was not wearing one and they should have known better that the masks we had been given were useless in preventing virus transmission. Totally useless. My daughter who worked in a hospital had a mask which stood a chance of preventing virus transmission caused her a lot of discomfort and distress as she was wearing it for 10 hours a day sometimes. I am very angry about this. I will never again be taken in by any government dictat. We have been guinea pigs, experimented on and treated like prisoners. No I will not do as I'm told ever again, and I will not take another Mrna vaccine.
The song more relevant today than ever and down in history!?------