A cruel joke really. I met an ex-nurse down the aisle of a supermarket back in autumn 2021, masked up to complement the outfit she was wearing. We talked for about 10 minutes, she masked the whole time. I asked her about the very hard of hearing relying on lip reading, and now marginalised from normal social interaction because of the mask mandates. She dismissed them as a group.
I found that impromptu meeting with the ex nurse quite shocking and also disappointing, but it appears there were/are too many like her. Why are so many so blinkered and seemingly without genuine compassion? Was it just the propaganda at work but for many the spell hasn't broken.
That realisation is saddening and frustrating to behold. We are all 'wired' differently but one hoped/hopes to be 'on the same page'. Actually many might be on that page now with all that has happened to friends and neighbours, but won't be admitted.
The people charged with a duty to protect children sacrificed their principles to protect politicians, who sacrificed their principles to protect the government, who sacrificed its principles to protect global organisations, who cared only for power and their pockets but were given free reign to deceive and destroy us. Shame on those who still don’t see it.
‘I am not sure the Scottish Government, or any of us, were prepared for the huge impact COVID-19 had on the mental wellbeing and health of children and young people. For some, it has had a lasting impact on their ability to engage with education.’’
This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one with any common sense. Almost everyone outside of the blinkered credentialed classes soon recognised all these problems, even if they didn't feel able to say it out loud.
You're quite right - and this is another example of the fudging of the issue by our apparently inarticulate credentialed classes. It's a salutary lesson in how imprecise ideas create a false narrative.
I can't bring myself to believe that the harms were deliberate. I think it looks more like the Milgram experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) writ large. In this case the men in white coats were Big Pharma, the WHO, Imperial College and various NGOs who were egging on our impressionable leaders to 'do the right thing' for 'the greater good'.
This was interference in personal lives on a grand scale and it was a mixture of corruption and abuse of power. This would have been inexcusable even if the outcome had been good.
I believe that any interference, however well-intentioned, can very quickly become an evil. It's very unlikely that a busybody personality has honourable motivations. Add to that the hubris bestowed by political or commercial power and you have a deadly combination. In other situations such people can be humiliated or fired; in government they're deadly.
Yes, I think we agree on the outcome just not the cause.
I believe that our society has become impossible to administer because it's become so complex. No one person or small group, however clever they might be or think they are, is capable of doing a good job. Even in restricted areas like healthcare we've seen the mess they can make (and your column here provides a wealth of hard evidence).
Imagine how much trickier managing all the areas of modern life like finance, defence, law (the list goes on) when each of these has become hugely more complicated.
Even the best intentioned and smartest are going to come a cropper.
WAS DELIBERATE---THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND CARRIED ON!----If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
04/10/2021------By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
The credentialed classes got their credentials through compliance and social approval. I have a determined-normie, retired-academic, multi-jabbed branch covidian, Stockholm-Syndrome-suffering, Guardian-reading brother who could be their poster boy.
He spent his life teaching computational linguistics, but apparently can't parse a notice on a box of surgical masks that literally says 'this item is not PPE and cannot protect against respiratory illnesses'.
There must be very many families so 'divided'. They never look even a bit deeper these slaves to the 'rules', just see or hear what msm produces, or, are impressed by podium speeches and three word memos. 'Save our NHS'. 'Stay at home'.
That's another thing with my bro. Degree in philosophy and sociology; master's in linguistics. Wouldn't recognise government/media propaganda or neuro-linguistic programming if it slapped him on the jaw (which I suppose it has!).
Similarly, I had a political philosophy lecturer 50 years ago - nice chap and a very down-to-earth Cockney. I'm still in touch at Christmas with him and his wife. I recall (not in any detail!) his lectures on totalitarianism particularly these days. He has totally failed to spot it in real life. Sent me a card in 2020 ending 'stay safe until the vaccine!'. Most academics live in the Truman Show.
I have a son like that, and an ex-used-to-be-close friend. It seems that academics, in common with others in the credentialocracy, are especially susceptible to 'narratives'.
I think this is because they live in a world of words insulated from the real one. When words are your sole stock in trade then you're bound to be susceptible to opinion, rhetoric, half-truths and downright lies.
True. The other thing is that they've been largely subsidised, all their lives, directly or indirectly, by the state. They therefore see the state (if not individual governments, according to taste) as benign and even caring. I used to be largely a supporter of the welfare state (I still wouldn't like to see anyone totally falling through the net) but I now think that was its purpose - to give the state a veneer of appearing to care for citizens, when it actually only serves global bankers.
There is enough evidence that the "masks" used would not stop anything. They were if anything, a bad joke.
A cruel joke really. I met an ex-nurse down the aisle of a supermarket back in autumn 2021, masked up to complement the outfit she was wearing. We talked for about 10 minutes, she masked the whole time. I asked her about the very hard of hearing relying on lip reading, and now marginalised from normal social interaction because of the mask mandates. She dismissed them as a group.
I found that impromptu meeting with the ex nurse quite shocking and also disappointing, but it appears there were/are too many like her. Why are so many so blinkered and seemingly without genuine compassion? Was it just the propaganda at work but for many the spell hasn't broken.
Perhaps this is just their true nature and the realisation is we are not all the same when it comes to what matters most?
That realisation is saddening and frustrating to behold. We are all 'wired' differently but one hoped/hopes to be 'on the same page'. Actually many might be on that page now with all that has happened to friends and neighbours, but won't be admitted.
How I looked on the PUTRID MUTTON MASKERS!---https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html
The people charged with a duty to protect children sacrificed their principles to protect politicians, who sacrificed their principles to protect the government, who sacrificed its principles to protect global organisations, who cared only for power and their pockets but were given free reign to deceive and destroy us. Shame on those who still don’t see it.
Spot on Valerie! The corporations comes first, not the people.
But they all went along with it!
and would do so again!
most definitely sadly!
‘I am not sure the Scottish Government, or any of us, were prepared for the huge impact COVID-19 had on the mental wellbeing and health of children and young people. For some, it has had a lasting impact on their ability to engage with education.’’
This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one with any common sense. Almost everyone outside of the blinkered credentialed classes soon recognised all these problems, even if they didn't feel able to say it out loud.
NOT covid-19 though THE LOCKDOWN ordered by the government. BIG difference.
Event 201 The Rockefeller paper 2010 Lockstep it was all scripted!
You're quite right - and this is another example of the fudging of the issue by our apparently inarticulate credentialed classes. It's a salutary lesson in how imprecise ideas create a false narrative.
One can only conclude the harms inflicted were deliberate.
I can't bring myself to believe that the harms were deliberate. I think it looks more like the Milgram experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) writ large. In this case the men in white coats were Big Pharma, the WHO, Imperial College and various NGOs who were egging on our impressionable leaders to 'do the right thing' for 'the greater good'.
This was interference in personal lives on a grand scale and it was a mixture of corruption and abuse of power. This would have been inexcusable even if the outcome had been good.
I believe that any interference, however well-intentioned, can very quickly become an evil. It's very unlikely that a busybody personality has honourable motivations. Add to that the hubris bestowed by political or commercial power and you have a deadly combination. In other situations such people can be humiliated or fired; in government they're deadly.
I find the concept of what you describe even more terrifying in all truth Jim but we are where we are.
Yes, I think we agree on the outcome just not the cause.
I believe that our society has become impossible to administer because it's become so complex. No one person or small group, however clever they might be or think they are, is capable of doing a good job. Even in restricted areas like healthcare we've seen the mess they can make (and your column here provides a wealth of hard evidence).
Imagine how much trickier managing all the areas of modern life like finance, defence, law (the list goes on) when each of these has become hugely more complicated.
Even the best intentioned and smartest are going to come a cropper.
WAS DELIBERATE---THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND CARRIED ON!----If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
04/10/2021------By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
The credentialed classes got their credentials through compliance and social approval. I have a determined-normie, retired-academic, multi-jabbed branch covidian, Stockholm-Syndrome-suffering, Guardian-reading brother who could be their poster boy.
He spent his life teaching computational linguistics, but apparently can't parse a notice on a box of surgical masks that literally says 'this item is not PPE and cannot protect against respiratory illnesses'.
There must be very many families so 'divided'. They never look even a bit deeper these slaves to the 'rules', just see or hear what msm produces, or, are impressed by podium speeches and three word memos. 'Save our NHS'. 'Stay at home'.
That's another thing with my bro. Degree in philosophy and sociology; master's in linguistics. Wouldn't recognise government/media propaganda or neuro-linguistic programming if it slapped him on the jaw (which I suppose it has!).
Similarly, I had a political philosophy lecturer 50 years ago - nice chap and a very down-to-earth Cockney. I'm still in touch at Christmas with him and his wife. I recall (not in any detail!) his lectures on totalitarianism particularly these days. He has totally failed to spot it in real life. Sent me a card in 2020 ending 'stay safe until the vaccine!'. Most academics live in the Truman Show.
I hear you Sheila it's extraordinary!
Good example!
I have a son like that, and an ex-used-to-be-close friend. It seems that academics, in common with others in the credentialocracy, are especially susceptible to 'narratives'.
I think this is because they live in a world of words insulated from the real one. When words are your sole stock in trade then you're bound to be susceptible to opinion, rhetoric, half-truths and downright lies.
True. The other thing is that they've been largely subsidised, all their lives, directly or indirectly, by the state. They therefore see the state (if not individual governments, according to taste) as benign and even caring. I used to be largely a supporter of the welfare state (I still wouldn't like to see anyone totally falling through the net) but I now think that was its purpose - to give the state a veneer of appearing to care for citizens, when it actually only serves global bankers.