Rozanne Foyer is General Secretary of the Scottish Trade Unions Congress (STUC). She started in this role on 16th of March 2020. Ms.Foyer is the Principal Senior Officer of the STUC who represent their members' aspirations and concerns as workers and as citizens. STUC liaise with and coordinate trade unions across Scotland.
Aswell as ‘COVID vaccine’ uptake issues we also hear (again) about harms inflicted on vulnerable populations by government lockdown policies, media propaganda and public ‘health’ advice however this is all permissiable under the guise of ‘COVID.’ The removal of the mask mandate is mentioned as a concern for vulnerable people despite chair of BMA Scotland Dr Iain Kennedy stating at the inquiry surgical masks are ‘‘useless’’ but this matters not.
‘‘There was also an issue around the uptake of vaccines among people from ethnic minority communties.’’
‘‘There was disproportionate impacts of people with disabilites and chronic conditions…the mental health impacts of self isolating.’’
‘COVID hit people who were the poorest the worst and it also hit people who were in the most vulnerable groups the worst.’’
‘‘For people who had a disability and were shielding it was particularly difficult they went through isolation but for them there was no end to it.’’
NB: Prolonged isolation kills people.
‘COVID’ police state
I wonder how far Ms.Foyer would like the government to go?
‘‘Workers in transport had to police the public’s adherence to guidance.’’
‘‘You had alot of anti-social behaviour reports…sometimes you had alot of people refusing to do the right thing.’’
‘‘There was a real lack of enforcement atound all of the workplace guidance.’’
‘‘It was left to union reps to police and enforce if managers or employers were’nt following the guidance.’’
Mental health impacts
Of course nothing to do with extreme, unethical ‘COVID’ fear propaganda SUPPORTED BY THE UNIONS.…‘‘the pandemic’’ done it. The ‘‘cost of living’’ crisis nothing to do with the £400 billion spent on lockdown? Again SUPPORTED BY THE UNIONS? I recall those that were resisting both to prevent the following harms and more were deemed irresponsible.
‘‘The legacy of COVID is still happening.’’
‘‘The levels of deprivation, povery and societal breakdown we are actually dealing with in working class areas has an impact.’’
‘‘COVID was definetely a class issue for those in those lower paid occupations..they suffered more severely.’’
‘‘Public safety guidance absolutely should have been followed by employers…that non compliance i believe was widespread.’’
‘‘In a pandemic bad employment practises cause loss of life.’’
‘‘Lessons are being learned’’
Thanks for your attention.
We must keep repeating this. It was a crime, systematic mass murder and genocide committed on the weak and vulnerable. Euthanasia used by today's well dressed fascists where the weak and vulnerable were exterminated under the guise of attempting to help them.
It was the crime of purposeful medical malpractice (aided by "COVID" total immunity from law) in hospitals and nursing homes where falsely and preordained diagnoses (with phony PCR) of "COVID" patients were subjected to deadly untested, unproven and unapproved medical protocols, brutal isolation and neglect and drug regimes while treatment for underlying pre-existing conditions critical to saving lives was denied.
All of this was driven by extra hospital and doctors guaranteed profits for "COVID" patients only via extraordinary emergency funding from government and public health institutions granted for "COVID" purposes only in order to create a financial product that transfers wealth from society to shareholders. Medicine is increasingly that financial product.
Any and all localized excess deaths of vulnerable and elderly victims were caused not any viral respiratory disease but as a result of organized crime.
"COVID hit people who were the poorest the worst and it also hit people who were in the most vulnerable groups the worst.’’ Covid searched out the poor and decided to infect them is truly nonsensical, the unions, business, medical and institutions are all given a voice to spout their garbage and we have to listen to it. "Anti-social behaviour reports" can be interpreted as people who behaved sanely. The brainwashing is incredible if it is true or are they being told what to say?