We must keep repeating this. It was a crime, systematic mass murder and genocide committed on the weak and vulnerable. Euthanasia used by today's well dressed fascists where the weak and vulnerable were exterminated under the guise of attempting to help them.

It was the crime of purposeful medical malpractice (aided by "COVID" total immunity from law) in hospitals and nursing homes where falsely and preordained diagnoses (with phony PCR) of "COVID" patients were subjected to deadly untested, unproven and unapproved medical protocols, brutal isolation and neglect and drug regimes while treatment for underlying pre-existing conditions critical to saving lives was denied.

All of this was driven by extra hospital and doctors guaranteed profits for "COVID" patients only via extraordinary emergency funding from government and public health institutions granted for "COVID" purposes only in order to create a financial product that transfers wealth from society to shareholders. Medicine is increasingly that financial product.

Any and all localized excess deaths of vulnerable and elderly victims were caused not any viral respiratory disease but as a result of organized crime.

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And DESPITE the irrefutable evidence from Sotland this all being true we see almost nothing in terms of real pushback from our ''medical freedom'' people/groups and ''awake'' gurus. They will campaign for assisted dying and net zero etc but never this.

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Quite a few of them are riding upon some version of the Covid Gravy Train. They have very real vested interests in supporting the "kinder-gentler" version of The Big Lie.

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Very well said. It's a big 'awake (to profts) club. Still haven't seen Malhotra's new documentary on the COVID jabs. 19.99 reasons.

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"COVID hit people who were the poorest the worst and it also hit people who were in the most vulnerable groups the worst.’’ Covid searched out the poor and decided to infect them is truly nonsensical, the unions, business, medical and institutions are all given a voice to spout their garbage and we have to listen to it. "Anti-social behaviour reports" can be interpreted as people who behaved sanely. The brainwashing is incredible if it is true or are they being told what to say?

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Spot on as usual Amat. I'd say in this instance Ms.Foyer really believed what she was saying. Authoritarianism has never felt so good for so many and comes naturally to many Scots.

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The sinister part was people 'policing' family friends and neighbours to make sure they obeyed the patently stupid illogical diktats to save that all important 'one life' being lost to a bad cold. Just like in the remake of 'The Body Snatchers' ( the Donald Sutherland one), there was a 'scream' of reprobation that he/she isn't one of us'....because of standing too close, not wearing a mask, crossing in to a Level 3 tier to visit a lonely elderly person. It was as if 'compassion' went in to a deep freeze. It was all about slavishly following those 'rules'. Time repairs bonds to some extent but not (once long held) respect.

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That film is the one I related to during the pandemic, the image of Sutherland at the end with his mouth gaping and his arm outstretched pointing to the "other" who he knew was not one of them fills me with horror. I had an incident during the "pandemic" where a young woman was pointing and shouting hysterically at me because I was not standing the designated 6ft away and it brought me back to that end scene of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I will never forget that feeling of alienation.

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I had same exp with 6ft rule in store and i also wasn't wearing a mask, i firmly told the lady and said it out loud if she was that afraid she should stay at home. Silence thereafter.

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Union leadership were @ the trough from the get go & hung their members out to dry & still the dills pay their union dues. Beware the mob.

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Couldn't agree more they pushed all the harmful pseudo science nonsense now complain about the harms and those that tried to stop it.

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the egos cannot admit the wrongness and must double down.

oh - “deaths involving covid”.

i’d be just as interested in knowing the count of deaths involving air, as perhaps many were intaking air just before passing.

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Yes....inflated egos are very fragile- they don't want them to crack under any circumstances.

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I don't think the full truth will ever come out - these people were ultra-compliant and unquestioning. In for a penny, in for a pound - once captured they will never go back on their religious beliefs in Covid - just as the history of e.g. TB and the 1920 Flu pandemic will always reflect the irrational fears and paranoia of their times. Something about FEAR itself that switches off the brains capacity for observation and analysis.

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The full truth to 'COVID' has been out for a while though it's just the lack of real media coverage preventing it from reaching the masses and of course the general will of the masses to see the truth and then act upon it is almost non existent. Dark times ahead i'm afraid particularly for Scots given we've done nothing with our inquiry evidence. Also 'funny' how gov keep data on everything just not DNACPR orders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM2qnRtKVcM

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It was a confected fear at that. The authorities milked it for 2 years with lashings of their fakery.

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I used to enjoy expedition climbing and cave exploration in my teens and twenties - right through to my mid 30's when parenthood came around, and still enjoy real sailing adventures into my 70's. I am effing sick and tired of whining, flabby, weak, pathetic, useless and pointless individuals and agencies that wish to restrict my freedom to kill myself by any and all means at my disposal - because if you aren't taking risks, then you only have half a life ! Live wild - take risks - challenge the boundaries - and enjoy the fruits of life itself.

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Pot holing/caving...lots of risky elements, abseiling down through systems or climbing wobbly ladders! Challenging the boundaries is the stuff of existence, whether they are physical or mental ones. It seems these days one must just acquiesce to being restricted.....rules for health....just in case one gets a cold or flu. It's like being netted and corralled on a daily basis.

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I would like to hear ONE person admit there was no pandemic before the vaccines came out.

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Unfortunately something so blatant would not be admitted and if ''awake'' folks are waiting on this i suggest retiring back to BBC. DESPITE that however the evidence from Scotland has actually revealled as much which is why it goes unreported. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquirycare-home?utm_source=publication-search

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