It is impossible to rationalise any of the covid nonsense rules, they were abusive and harmful. The health system was given freedom to apply whatever rules they cared to come up with no matter how illogical, cruel or bizarre. They called it infection control but it really was an excuse for cruel and inhuman practices. People today are still trying to rationalise the covid theatre but in the end it was an assault on the mind and body particularly targeting the vulnerable. I feel for the families and what they went through but many of them still do not recognise that it was physical and mental abuse they and their families suffered.

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Very true....it is still frustrating that many don't realise it was a global theatre production. That it was globally orchestrated meant it impressed on populations that 'it' must be serious....how could it not be a matter of life and death with so many national leaders singing from the same hymn sheet. Big Tech was roped in to provide the many 'screens' on which it was played out.

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This account is truly poignant and so similar in every way to the accounts given in France by families who lost elderly relatives at that time. The cover-ups and absurd rules concerning funeral practices continued for a long time. Here, when Jean Pierre died on Saturday 7 January 2023, in a small local hospital, Christine, his sister, who is a midwife and had travelled 700 km to meet me at her brother's bedside, asked to see him again the day after his death, as she had to leave and take up her post. The hospital refused, saying he was in a Covid bag. The next day, his son called to organise the funeral, but the undertakers, on their way back from the mortuary, told him "not at all, your dad is on a table like all the others. When we received the medical records, we discovered that Jean Pierre, who was completely asymptomatic, had been labelled Covid the day before he died on a Ct 36.7 PCR...

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Yes, shocking. How many more?

''When we received the medical records, we discovered that Jean Pierre, who was completely asymptomatic, had been labelled Covid the day before he died on a Ct 36.7 PCR...''

Many tetimonies and i am sure this was hinted at here too ''sealed coffin'' relatives state they actually have no idea if they're loved ones were actually in the coffin.

‘‘I couldn't touch mums closed coffin. It was not allowed because of restrictions. How will I ever be sure this was my mum in the coffin, I just have to believe it was.’’

-Former nurse of 41 years


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And this occurred in EVERY country, in EVERY city, ALL over the world.😐

Can you imagine the sheer size of the monument that would be required if it were to come out, an exact accounting of all who died because of c19 BS and protecols, "therapeutics", and policies?

It would need to be the size of the great pyramid of Giza!!😱🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Imagine if EVERY country conducted an enquiry to this standard....🤔😐🤞

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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The propaganda managed to fool this ex copper with the positive test, yet no symptoms, the perky phone conversations by his mother with several family members only 12 hours prior to death, probably helped along by a wee dram or two of Midazolam, perhaps? Many staff were positive too, no doubt leaving the hospital short staffed, corners cut, blind eyes turned, patients neglected , nay, abandoned, because of the DNACPRs. In England during Spring 2020, I recall the story of a man's 93 yr old aunt who went to hospital because of a broken wrist. She, too, "caught the virus" there and died alone. Same happened to my ex m-i-l, April 2022, after a fall and admission, 10 days no visitors, and dying of pneumonia, after at least 3 jabs prior. They are getting away with murder.

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yeah the part about the phone call is a major red flag.

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Murdering bastards. Deserve life in prison 🤬🤬

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justfolowing orders

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lotof that in allcarehomes

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