Utter tosh: "These people who have paid the highest price - which we have all benefitted from.."
There has been zero benefit to society through compliance to this or any other Pandemic demand. Everyone in this group had their own reasons for submitting but heroes they were not. I know some who took it to go on holiday. One of them is now disabled.
British citizens will be saddled with compensation for this debacle for many many years.
Yes you'd think as a lawyer she would have at least read the Cochrane review. But of course with Scottish evidence the true reality of the 'COVID' years is even more serious.
Isn't it ironic we have one of the lowest vaccine injury payment schemes in the world and also interestingly one of the slowest vaccine injury payment schemes in the world but we were the fastest in the world to deploy the vaccines. They found enough money and they found enough manpower to jab those arms when they wanted to, all of it is a quagmire of corruption. I agree with the above commenter there are no heroes in any of the covid compliance but the state are determined the pandemic theatre continues.
Ultimately no one is willing to adress the root of the ''pandemic'' as revealled in Scotland. Even with the jab evidence (not even a vaccine) it's all being put down as 'rare.' Indeed the theatre does continue and because the 'freedom' proponents are largely divided and work part-time tops whereas the other side is full-time and don't mess about there will only ever be one winner. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj910k8g4l0o
They really have learned from their mistakes in 2020 "A new national "vulnerability map" will be produced, Mr McFadden says, to highlight populations who may be vulnerable in a crisis, using data on age, disability, ethnicity and whether someone is receiving care." Now they know where their next victims live, what disability they have even their age and ethnicity, they will be the first targets. They are really planning ahead determined to bring the next "emergency" to our very doors. They have also given us a little hint "But we will plan in a way that recognises the next crisis may not be the same as the last."
The use of the word 'rare' is a sort of self-fulling prophesy. It makes 'them' look bad when the numbers rise, so rather than admit damage is quite common - 'they' simply redefine it and refuse all applications that fail to fit the totally arbitrary criteria that they set. Its a repeat of the old ATOS scandal, which incentivises the operatives to treat applicants for benefits as 'chancers and scammers' as a default option.
I think anyone who knows anything about this vaccine damage compensation scheme regards it as unfit for purpose. Would you trade losing half your working life and 60% disability for a lousy £120k? Or nothing if you have 59% disability?
Its like a pink sticking plaster with a 'My Little Pony' design that you give your little girl when she scabs her knee in the playground. Worthless and patronising.
My son (30) has a significant complex disability, and he actually receives rather more than that each year from a variety of state benefits, including ESA, PiP (rebranded now in Scotland), UC, Housing benefit and a Personal budget to employ five round the clock members of staff, to enable him to manage in his own tenancy. But I would rather he was healthy and fit.
The real cost to the UK State of very significant disability from the age of 20 to 60 is around £9M or so - including all those benefits plus healthcare costs.
Utter tosh: "These people who have paid the highest price - which we have all benefitted from.."
There has been zero benefit to society through compliance to this or any other Pandemic demand. Everyone in this group had their own reasons for submitting but heroes they were not. I know some who took it to go on holiday. One of them is now disabled.
British citizens will be saddled with compensation for this debacle for many many years.
Yes you'd think as a lawyer she would have at least read the Cochrane review. But of course with Scottish evidence the true reality of the 'COVID' years is even more serious.
''It is UNCLEAR as to whether or not vaccination has made ANY difference to the numbers of deaths from COVID-19.''
Isn't it ironic we have one of the lowest vaccine injury payment schemes in the world and also interestingly one of the slowest vaccine injury payment schemes in the world but we were the fastest in the world to deploy the vaccines. They found enough money and they found enough manpower to jab those arms when they wanted to, all of it is a quagmire of corruption. I agree with the above commenter there are no heroes in any of the covid compliance but the state are determined the pandemic theatre continues.
Ultimately no one is willing to adress the root of the ''pandemic'' as revealled in Scotland. Even with the jab evidence (not even a vaccine) it's all being put down as 'rare.' Indeed the theatre does continue and because the 'freedom' proponents are largely divided and work part-time tops whereas the other side is full-time and don't mess about there will only ever be one winner. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj910k8g4l0o
They really have learned from their mistakes in 2020 "A new national "vulnerability map" will be produced, Mr McFadden says, to highlight populations who may be vulnerable in a crisis, using data on age, disability, ethnicity and whether someone is receiving care." Now they know where their next victims live, what disability they have even their age and ethnicity, they will be the first targets. They are really planning ahead determined to bring the next "emergency" to our very doors. They have also given us a little hint "But we will plan in a way that recognises the next crisis may not be the same as the last."
If there is another crisis, I think I might also consider alternatives to writing to my MSP. Not that I advocate violence, but accidents do happen :-(
The use of the word 'rare' is a sort of self-fulling prophesy. It makes 'them' look bad when the numbers rise, so rather than admit damage is quite common - 'they' simply redefine it and refuse all applications that fail to fit the totally arbitrary criteria that they set. Its a repeat of the old ATOS scandal, which incentivises the operatives to treat applicants for benefits as 'chancers and scammers' as a default option.
17% of (1,400) Scottish NHS workers polled said they refused a COVID jab last winter due a previous serious adverse event. As we know not rare.
I think anyone who knows anything about this vaccine damage compensation scheme regards it as unfit for purpose. Would you trade losing half your working life and 60% disability for a lousy £120k? Or nothing if you have 59% disability?
Its like a pink sticking plaster with a 'My Little Pony' design that you give your little girl when she scabs her knee in the playground. Worthless and patronising.
My son (30) has a significant complex disability, and he actually receives rather more than that each year from a variety of state benefits, including ESA, PiP (rebranded now in Scotland), UC, Housing benefit and a Personal budget to employ five round the clock members of staff, to enable him to manage in his own tenancy. But I would rather he was healthy and fit.
The real cost to the UK State of very significant disability from the age of 20 to 60 is around £9M or so - including all those benefits plus healthcare costs.