UK COVID-19 inquiry|9 Sept 2024
Highlights include a shocking IFF report, how 'COVID' deaths were recorded within 60 DAYS and 'COVID' death rates among healthcare workers.
‘Stay at home…protect the NHS…save lives’….Did we protect the NHS?..Did we save lives?’ Why did we need to protect the NHS and at what cost?’’
-Jacqueline Carey KC
Shocking IFF report
81% of healthcare professionals agreed patients level of care was compromised during the lockdown periods with patients becoming more severely ill as a result. The highest death rates ‘involving’ COVID-19 occured during this time.
‘The hugely difficult decisions being repeatedly made by healthcare workers which effected…
…who was escalated for treatment and who was not.’’
Well known from the Scottish COVID inquiry is that the elderly and infirm were effectively abandoned by the NHS during lockdown. No ambulances, no GPs, misuse DNACPRs etc Thousands died thereafter.
‘‘Some patients who required hospital would not want to go for fear of catching COVID.’’
‘‘GPs were told to do in advance care planning and make rash decisions on DNACPRs especially on those that were most vulnerable, elderly and frail.’’
-GP London
Overwhelmed hospitals? Not according to IFS report
COVID death recording
‘‘As can often be the case when looking at statistics there needs to be a degree of caution as there are inevitably caveats and qualifications..there were differences in the way the Department of Health recorded..initially they had to have a positive test..that was changed August 2020..
‘‘Deaths were counted if a patient died WITHIN SIXTY DAYS of testing positive.’’
NB: Deaths of ANY cause during this time would be classed as a COVID death.
Deaths ‘‘involving’’ COVID-19 in UK Healthcare workers
Total NHS= 904
NHS England= 559
Scotland= 27
Wales= Gov hold no data
Northern Ireland= Gov hold no data
‘‘Those who caught the infection at work is not straight forward.’’
Therefore there is no credible evidence a single healthcare worker caught a ‘COVID infection’ in the workplace due to to lack of PPE/testing etc. This narrative is based on hysteria and propaganda not facts.
‘‘I’ve been told i misread…it’s 27 Scottish staff died.’’
Numbers in perspective
The NHS in Scotland employs 160,000 staff. Therefore 0.017% died ‘‘involving’’ COVID-19 meaning 99.983% survived ‘the deadly pandemic’.
RIDDOR reporting
RIDDOR reporting is mandatory relating to cases of disease or deaths from COVID-19 and only apply where an employee has been ‘infected’ with coronavirus through:
deliberately working with the virus, such as in a laboratory
being incidentally exposed to the virus
It has recorded 170 ‘suspected’ COVID-19 deaths in total.
‘‘The HSE have noted there appear to be both under-repoting and OVER-REPORTING of COVID-19 by employers in healthcare settings.’’
‘‘The FATAL reports are LOWER than one might have expected.’’
RIDDOR Scotland
Only 30 ‘suspected’ COVID-19 deaths recorded in 2 YEARS during a deadly pandemic within ALL employment sectors not just the NHS. Guess you won’t be hearing that on the BBC any-time soon?!
Even the official data demonstrates the sheer scale of the lies with regards to the threat posed by the virus but rather than accepting this reality in 2024 what happens next is to claim under-reporting or justify any other number of mental gymnastics to maintain the extreme fear of something that never was.
The saga continues…..
Video-UK COVID-19 inquiry Youtube channel
IFF report-
All of it was man made brought down on our heads by government and public health, it is staring everyone in the face but for some reason many people do not want to know what was done to them. The virus was not important it could have been anything, what was key to this travesty was the response and that was the killer! Shocking and appalling waste of life and it is still going on with the covid vaccine aftermath.
Thank you for your energy and morality to bring this information forward. It is evidentially clear now that the virus (whatever it was as never isolated) was a man made construct to create the perceived need for the distribution of the Mrna vaccination programme. This was an attempted genocide of a global population. There is enough "hard science" out there now to warrant a international criminal enquiry and the fact that as that appears as of yet to not be happening the indicators are that this is part of a global strategy. That is what needs flushing out into the open. It is one of the greatest crimes against humanity and it is worrying that the public are not out in force demanding such an investigation. I sense that one reason may be denial by those vaccinated that they were misled and an fear to admit to the possibility that their long term health may be compromised.