All of it was man made brought down on our heads by government and public health, it is staring everyone in the face but for some reason many people do not want to know what was done to them. The virus was not important it could have been anything, what was key to this travesty was the response and that was the killer! Shocking and appalling waste of life and it is still going on with the covid vaccine aftermath.

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Thank you for your energy and morality to bring this information forward. It is evidentially clear now that the virus (whatever it was as never isolated) was a man made construct to create the perceived need for the distribution of the Mrna vaccination programme. This was an attempted genocide of a global population. There is enough "hard science" out there now to warrant a international criminal enquiry and the fact that as that appears as of yet to not be happening the indicators are that this is part of a global strategy. That is what needs flushing out into the open. It is one of the greatest crimes against humanity and it is worrying that the public are not out in force demanding such an investigation. I sense that one reason may be denial by those vaccinated that they were misled and an fear to admit to the possibility that their long term health may be compromised.

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Thanks. Especially the morality part. My substack isn't too shabby for free. It's free as i believe this information is very important for everyone to know about and discuss. Especially the Scottish COVID inquiry.

''There is enough "hard science" out there now to warrant a global criminal enquiry and the fact that as that appears as of yet to not be happening the indicators are that this is part of a global strategy.''

- It's the only logical conclusion. The inquires were supposed to be a set up for 'pandemic-2' but this is not going according to plan due to the work of real independent researchers who ARE paying attention.

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Astonishing. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Rob. Started to look at UK COVID inquiry as bereaved relatives getting a chance to speak and submit statements.

Worth a read from paragraph 19.


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They will never admit to anything. Whitewash

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It's not really a whitewash when they are admitting the truths to it all especially at the Scottish COVID inquiry. The problem is the defeatist attitude of all those that claim to be awake but these same people want to stop chemtrails, 5G etc? lol If they aren't interested/can'texpose the biggest crime in living memory on the actual evidence presented not much chance with anything else imo. Always onto the next narrative whether it's msm or 'alt' media.

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