Wellbeing Economy-Annual Engagement Report
More deeply embedded relations between unelected NGOs and Government.
It took me a while to find a definition of what a well-being economy actually is so here is what is stated.
‘A well-being economy is to transition to an economic system, within safe environmental limits, which serves and prioritises the collective wellbeing of current and future generations’.
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See ‘Well-Being Economy Alliance’ website
Within the main report all the UN/WEF buzzwords are used like ‘A Just Transtion.’
‘‘A personal highlight of the last year was the Wellbeing Economy Forum in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference programme offered a multitude of fascinating sessions, including a WEGo slot on the challenges of implementation. The Forum, in its second year, brough further institutional contributions from OECD, World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe and UNESCO.’’
-Gary Gillespie, Chair of the WEGo Network and Chief Economist at the Scottish Government.
National Strategy for economic transformation
The following video linked within the main document was created in 2022, 2 years after the ‘COVID’ lockdowns decimated the economy and the lives of millions of Scots with unprecedented excess death rates.
None of the political virtue signallers want to talk about that though.
‘‘We want to succeed. We want to LEAD THE WORLD in pioneering new solutions and with this strategy working with BUSINESSES and the THIRD SECTOR and TRADE UNIONS we believe we can succeed.’’
Lest we forget?
Well-being report from 2020. All harms permissable under the guise of ‘COVID.’
‘Purpose’ documentary
Also linked in the document was the following video with just 2,000 views in 2 months and 36 thumbs up. These concepts clearly not popular with the people but Government’s are fully on board nonetheless.
‘‘The global multi-crisis is accelerating, it affects all levels of society: democracy, climate, biodiversity, migration, justice, equality, institutions, farming … And yet, there is no mainstream debate about the issue at the core of many — if not all — of these problems: our economies.’’
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
Given the human catastrophe of the ‘COVID’ lockdowns revealled in harrowing detail from the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry it’s astonishing that in 2019 the former First Minister was lecturing people on human well-being. Her Ted Talk linked on the Purpose film website.
The ‘SIN’ countries
Did you know? Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand are known collectively as SIN because of their desire to work towards ''the common good.''
‘That is why Scotland, in 2018, took the lead, took the initiative in establishing a new networkcalled the Wellbeing Economy Governments group,bringing together as founding membersthe countries of Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand, for obvious reasons. We're sometimes called the SIN countries, although our focus is very much on the common good.’’
People should take note that Scotland often leads the world on globalist agendas yet many native Scots, particuarly SNP supporters often shout about independence, it’s ludicrous however given the SNP are the antithesis of independence as they are unarguably submitted to UNELECTED powers at the WHO and UN etc where the actual views of the majority Scottish people are largely irrelevant.
Independence definition
‘‘The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one's own affairs without interference.’’
Wellbeing economy forum
Scottish ministers in attendance along with the president of the Club of Rome.
So is it fair to surmise the ‘COVID’ lockdowns were used to upend the economy and lives of millions in order to usher in a communist style technocratic ‘utopia’ that would otherwise never be accepted? Where is the consent from the people of Scotland for these policies? Why are unelected NGOs dictating to democratic governments the future direction of entire populations for the next 30+ years? Why is no one extremely concerned by this, most of all Scottish independence supporters?
Economic degrowth is offical government policy. Hence the last 4 years (ongoing) which is part of a much bigger agenda.
Thanks for reading.
Since covid I have realised how sinister the "collective" word is, the individual disappears and our right to self determination does not exist in the collective world. We have given the governments and corrupted institutions power and control over us where we are fed the illusion there is consensus over their draconian rules and laws. All of it is theatre and the biggest illusion is that we can vote ourselves out of it.
Once again we are finding synchronistic happenings in both Scotland and Wales.
I wrote about Wales and the well-being economy in 2023 (with a nod to Scotland within) 🤨😉