Since covid I have realised how sinister the "collective" word is, the individual disappears and our right to self determination does not exist in the collective world. We have given the governments and corrupted institutions power and control over us where we are fed the illusion there is consensus over their draconian rules and laws. All of it is theatre and the biggest illusion is that we can vote ourselves out of it.

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Democracy for the people is a total facade. There is only the needs of the corporation to be served.

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I picked up on that word....'collectivisation'. The method used by Stalin to force the peasants to give up individual small farms to join large collective farms. It didn't end well.

The individual is subsumed by State policy whether it is good or bad - no choice. Just as they did with the 'covid' thing. People hectored to have a jab for the 'good' of their community, or not to visit a lonely relative, because if saved just one person from dying from what they renamed 'Covid-19 ' it would be worth leaving people in a pit of depression.

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Stalin invented DEI. It wrecked Russia so bad they had to scale it back drastically after ten years.


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Once again we are finding synchronistic happenings in both Scotland and Wales.

I wrote about Wales and the well-being economy in 2023 (with a nod to Scotland within) 🤨😉


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Brilliant. I uncovered the meaning of "well-being" from the future generations commissioner in Wales. The upsidedown world of language. She, was sent as representative to the "World Government". Did you know there was one?

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Iron 👊 in an iron 🥊.


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