Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

You know what I'm emotional reading this I am angry reading this I am angry they never had a fucking clue and never allowed us to be present with our loved ones I'm angry that they just went along with it or jamp ship to do pip forms I'm angry staff didn't have a clue I'm angry with whoever gave these orders every single bit of it is unacceptable inhumane and I'll never ever forget.

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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

This was a forced situation and they tell you by their description of it, fear level of staff elevated, they were told to nurse three critically ill patients at a time using equipment they were not familiar with, this is a recipe for disaster. No questioning or critical thinking involved even down to what they had to wear masked, gowned, gloved, no hydration allowed, they were isolated in their wards and they admitted they were terrified, this would physically stress anyone and is impossible for people to function for any length of time. They were presented with seriously ill patients, the nurses see it as a result of an epidemic what they don't see is the iatrogenic harm that had been inflicted on these poor people before they arrived at intensive care. The care given to Covid patients was forcing them onto a road of severe illness and death which was what these nurses were seeing. All of this was completely avoidable if normal hospital working responses had not been removed. Patients are not in critical care for end of life treatment yet this is what they say is "fundamental" to their job? All of this response that is related to Covid is sinister and the human tragedy resulting from it is wicked and it was made to happen. Those poor patients stood no chance.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by biologyphenom

I actually said this to an icu nurses face and she was taken aback but not two shits were given here.

This was at the start of 2022 and my husband took me to our local indoors ski slope as a consolation prize for being banned from skiing abroad as I refused to take the dart.

30 minutes into the session the lady in question asked if she’d ever be as good as me to which I explained I’d been skiing a long time and she’d improve with every season.

She then told me about her holiday plans and asked whereabouts I was going to which she got a very blunt reply, nowhere as I’m banned because I refuse to take the jab for something I’ve already had I’d had no issue with it apart from a sore throat for a few days without not a single rise in my temperature.

I then got she was an icu nurse and she’s seen the other side of the undarted and they were all exhausted.

I told her straight that she’d have had less customers had people been treated early and promptly instead of being denied medical help and treatments.

She looked a little shocked about the lack of worship from the public that they had grown accustomed too and mumbled how I was right.

The things is I had pneumonia many years ago, I know how missing early treatments is essential to stop infection turning nasty.

Due to having a really high pain threshold I managed days that I shouldn’t have so I ended up in hospital and actually started entering organ failure to which my body quickly turned it around with the brilliant team of doctors and nurses who looked after me.

My own experience gave me the insight to point this out to people and question why the government and healthcare were refusing to treat people who would have then never entered hospital at all.

In fact I openly stated how it was the first time in history to how the openly showed distain without hiding it for the whole world to see and people still thought it was about protecting them and the NHs, it’s the biggest joke and scandal ever.

Oh and can I add a friend of mine ended up in hospital at the end of 2021 with Covid pneumonia and not one antibiotic was given, she was told she had to fight it off herself even though her oxygen levels were seriously low.

I asked her if she hadn’t thought it was rather strange that lifesaving medicine had been withheld yet had been given to patients freely to patients before who had needed it.

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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

A powerful comment, Amat.

And if those poor patients had no chance then nor did the nurses co-opted to ensure it.

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Just awful, especially when policy makers were constantly warned about the harms associated with wearing masks for long periods, especially in the absence of any benefit risk analysis. With help from Prof Richard Ennos I set about the task, focussing on care homes but the risks identified for staff are just as these nurses have described.


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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

Your scrupulous benefit-risk analysis repeats what has been well known from studies for many years, that masks do not stop infection.

The fact that masks were nevertheless insisted on, not only in care homes, but everywhere else, in some places including outside, suggests a medically ineffective or harmful policy was imposed quite deliberately around the world. As you say, there was no informed consent, which means it was a criminal assault.

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I would definetely agree with that. Masking was about control and spreading fear of a deadly pathogen. They also can make you very ill which then of course 'COVID' can take the blame. Really sinister.

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deletedJun 15·edited Jun 15
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Jun 16Liked by biologyphenom

I admittedly wore a mask to start with, this was only because I was the lifeline for my mother plus sister and nephew who is immune suppressed.

I worked through the shit show and because I did fully understand what we were dealing with in the beginning I wore a mask very briefly.

Now I did remove and not wear again to many people’s dismay who I really didn’t give two penneths for their opinions of me.

Unlike a lot of the public I never wore a dirty grotty mask I carried a bag of clean and a bag for used which I changed regularly from shop to shop.

By week two I was shopping maskless because I found that a mask brought on a pain in my lung that I’d had pneumonia in.

I’d not had that pain in over 14 yrs so I knew my body was telling me the mask was no damned good so exempted myself there and then and never wore one of those silly lanyards either.

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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

Nice referenced article. What they did was no mistake.

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Pandemic? Where?

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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

I know it's a silly question, but did any hospitals try their own treatments and if so did anyone monitor for any difference in outcomes?

Was the nightmare imposed univerally by diktat?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

You cannot treat an illness that doesn't exist. You can wear as much PPE as you want, inject the patient with any concoction you want, ventilate them as much as you want but it will be totally ineffective for an imaginary virus.

Am I a nutcase? No, i'm a Paramedic with 23 years experience and the number of patients with life threatening breathing difficulties I've seen is between 100-200.

I can absolutely assure you (though you won't believe me) that there was no Covid 19.

It is a delusion that only exists in the mind.

Therefore not a single person on planet earth has died of Covid 19 and every single death attributed to Covid 19 has another rational explanation, mainly ventilation, Midazolam and the vaccines.

What we witnessed with Covid was actually ANOTHER illness called Mass Psychosis. That illness is the oldest and deadliest illness known to man and the reason it was so deadly this time was because it began, and flourished, in the medical profession. As these people are the most trusted and respected members of our society the logic was simply, if they're going mad over Covid then we need to go mad too.

Once we understand the concept that it wasn't the patients who were ill, it was the doctors who were ill, then it ALL starts to make sense.

I totally understand my comment will fall on deaf ears but just remember:

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”

― St. Antony the Great

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I think you may well be right. It seems clear that patient treatments and the general treatment of the wider population were each inappropriate and caused a great deal of harm. It is telling that the politicians and health establishment avoid any open discussion or request for raw data and full investigation relating to the persistent excess deaths since March 2020.

If there is no covid, it explains why the diagnosis is by a flawed test and the treatments are harmful, but the enormity of what it means for our understanding of the world if covid is a construct is more than most can handle.

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Jun 15Liked by biologyphenom

Yes, it's mind blowing.

The problem is that not only will the Covid hysterics not accept it but neither will the covid sceptics.

They've invested a lot of time and energy into the plandemic hypothesis and won't give that up easily.

Even more so because, in their eyes, the Mass Psychosis explanation let's the 'perpetrators' (the doctors, politicians and media) 'off the hook'.

They think the doctors committed murder when it was, technically, manslaughter through diminished responsibility.

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deletedJun 16
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Jun 16Liked by biologyphenom

These people are now firmly in damage limitation mode. They understand that it was their actions that facilitated the deaths of millions and it was them that gleefully advocated that every man, woman and pet dog be injected with what's looking very much like Thalidomide 2.0.

There's not many people that didn't go along with the insanity to some degree, scientists, doctors, politicians and the media and even many of the hard core sceptics who now proclaim they "knew all along"

If Tess Lawrie believes in Ivermectin then she believes in Covid and therefore even she is complicit in the madness.

My consistent (lone) argument, since day one, has been this was Mass Psychosis over an imaginary virus.

In the beginning the covid hysterics didn't like that explanation and now both sides (hysterics and sceptics) still don't like that explanation.

You're doing a fantastic job by the way, enjoy watching your content.

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deletedJun 16
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deletedJun 15·edited Jun 15
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Thank you.

The document you linked represents the bureaucratisation of the response, passing control and responsiblity to a trusted few - people on the ground apparently not to use their wits and experience.

There were a few doctors from around the world who claimed great success with their covid patients, for example Dr Chetty from South Africa, but I'm not aware the Whittys of this world took any interest, except to ignore them.

https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Dr-Shankara-Chetty-session-82-en:5 (the first few minutes give the essentials)

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