Simply heartbreaking - not sure if this is the right phrase but thank you

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It would very surprising if imposing these draconian restrictions and regulations did not result in significant numbers of totally unrelated and preventable deaths. What is quite clear is that the authorities panicked and fell over themselves to make life as difficult as possible for the front line staff involved, mainly to cover their own backs, with total disregard to realities on the ground.

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Well yes the policies were specifically designed to create excess deaths to justify claims of pandemia. This was a planned assault on the most frail. The panic was manufactured deliberately. I would cut some slack to avg NHS worker for buying into all the hype but to NOT speak out in 2024 about it i have little sympathy. These are crimes against humanity anyway you slice it and that's BEFORE mass experimental mRNA. The damage from the lockdown policies will likely last a decade or more. No mistakes were made here.

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You credit those in power - which is quite dispersed, actually, when you consider the number of senior public health people and civil servants involved - and their political so-called 'masters' with having a brain. I find little evidence of such higher consciousness. This looks more to me like a massive attack of hysterical groupthink - 'fight or flight mode' than a genuinely devious and deliberate attempt to murder poor old biddies. Occams razor implies total cock-up, not conspiracy. To me, anyway, but then in my former career I was an NHS board strategic planning manager - so I have some insight into just how dim these people really are.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

No 'in power' as for politicians they are mostly just corporate employees that will do/say whatever they are told, not so much ''in on things''. I'm sure some are more in the know than others. 'COVID' wasn't that hard to pull off when you can master the propaganda and they played a blinder. There is no way this was NOT planned from the top. If people were acting in good faith they would have spoke out long before now given what we now know. But nothing. I agree about the hysterical group-think which was in fact a part of how this was all done. Fear was weaponised. Medical professionals should know better. But history repeats.

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I am under no illusion whatsoever about the role of Big Pharma in this whole scheme, nor of their dirty dark connections with NATO security services. They, and they alone, had the motive, the ability, and the means, to trigger a cynical mass-panic - principally in order to instil fear and compliance on an unprecedented scale across the largely hapless national regimes. By talking up the bug - which they already must have known was mild and transient after it afflicted their athletes at the Wuhan Military Games - they gained unimaginable and virtually unaccountable power - just as they did with the 'Wars' on drugs and terror.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27Author

Hmm, well 2009 swine flu should have alerted the public and public health/MPs to think twice over 'COVID' but they did not. I think the evidence is very strong 'the virus' narrative itself is a pack of lies and being used to cover for the fact government's the world over have deliberately culled sections of their populaiton using human rights depriving policies and other very sinister methods. Midazolam/Ventilators etc

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Well, my question is whether governments were the instigators, or merely the hapless victims, of this alleged 'massively co-ordinated international plan'. I strongly doubt that it was deliberately orchestrated to CAUSE deaths of frail elderly people, because (apart from the propaganda value) most operatives of security agencies themselves are humans and have elderly frail parents and neighbours - so I'm unconvinced that even they had the slightest insight into the devasting consequences of their plans. I think it all went horribly wrong due to social media etc.

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How many lives have been ruined from COVID so a few oligarchs could line their pockets in gold?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Billlions of lives ruined from LOCKDOWNS not ''COVID''. Millions more from experimental gene therapies thereafter.

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I would use the word 'affected' rather than 'ruined'. People are quite resilient. This does not excuse the direct damage to human lives and health, but it is also important to compare it with similar deadly modern scourges such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or autism, which probably have multiple causation (yet uncertain) and are proving damned difficult to eliminate.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by biologyphenom

Its impossible to estimate the numbers. I'd see it as a spectrum - billions were adversely affected, tens of millions were deeply affected, and an indefinite number of poor old people died a bit earlier than they might have otherwise. I've known otherwise healthy athletes drop dead long before covid came around, so we have a lot of complicated number crunching to do before we can figure out how many otherwise healthy people died who could have reasonably expected another fifty years of more of life ahead.

Lets put this into context - lots of lives could be better and longer if only people ate healthy food, exercised daily, and stopped smoking !

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I've lost count now since 2021 the amount of ''incidents in the stands'' during sports with a fan collapsed...definetely not climate change.

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