We suffered the madness of the fake pandemic but what followed was the equal if not greater insanity of the covid vaccine frenzy. I look back on it now as viral terrorism inflicted on the population by the governments, public health and the medical institutions, not one of them have been held accountable for their deadly insane responses.

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Governments etc have every intention of repeating all this.

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I’d say it’s a racing certainty.

I can’t imagine an alternative use for the multiple manufacturing facilities being built around the world, if not to inject more innocent people.

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I was so frustrated & upset at how little was shown of the vax injured & just one bereaved in the impact film today . Again not showing the Truth 😪 we have many in London and at the inquiry all injured & bereaved . Thank goodness for our KC For UKCVFAMILY/ Bereaved Groups

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Yes, the conspiracy theorists are calling the shots Kirst. They will do anything to force a false reality upon us all.

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We have waited so long just to get here....I know it was never going to be the best. Let's hope it helps us all at least 🙏

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it's like we live in a bad sci-fi movie

anybody see those "calamari clots" growing in the jabbed??

according to a recent worldwide survey, 83% of embalmers do... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/the-calamari-clot-phenomenon-may

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A powerful speech on the death jabs at the world health organisation. Well worth a watch.


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Not convinced by Martin with the bow tie or any of these prominent 'freedom' proponents. What have they said about Scottish COVID inquiry? What has Ivor said? Nought.

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