I know folks are critical of school closures. I'm not going to pretend it solved disease spread.

But I'd like folks to take a moment to consider - the very same people who forced poison shots onto you and come up with batshit ideas, are the exact same people writing the educational syllabus.

I can tell you, for a matter-of-fact, as one of those 'teacher's pet' type students (initially high scorer, blah blah blah), that the grading system **measures conformity**. On exams, children are given a false choice dilemma; for example, a critical thinking paper "allows" you to argue against GMOs, a history paper "allows" you to argue against the Vietnam war, an English question that "allows" you to be 'optionally' critical of the propaganda pro-LGBTQ whatever story. But don't be fooled; if you do any such thing, your grades will be absolutely fucking destroyed.

Teachers were absolutely baffled how I could answer questions but have my exam papers marked so negatively. It took me years to figure out why. School is government indoctrination. They award you grades based on how well you conform. It's why they hate homeschooling. People thought not sending kids to school was neglect, but sending your child to be diddled by those mRNA poison shot pushers? That's abuse.

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Sep 9Liked by biologyphenom

The media today is all about the Covid inquiry and the impact on ‘our NHS’.

Unfortunately emotionally labile medics and nurses were wheeled out to fight back the tears and tell an eager public how terrible it was.

Personally I would have sacked this unprofessional bunch immediately.

I blame the training and mentorship these emotionally retarded people received.

Heaven help us all.

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Notice how the BBC etc have QR codes on screen almost willing people to tune into UK COVID inquiry whereas Scottish COVID inquiry is all but COMPLETELY ignored for 8 months. In particular the 2024 closing statements from the health and social care hearings. ZERO coverage.

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Sep 9Liked by biologyphenom

I'm just like that teacher, I tried my damnest with people I rated but unfortunately for them they didn't rate me. My conscience is clear.

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That should be something to get trending on social media vs lockdown harms #myconscienceisclear

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The closure of schools for such long periods was a crime of child-neglect, and the forced wearing of masks was an assault.

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