Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

In the US an estimated 129 million people have at least 1 major chronic disease.

My original comment was slightly inaccurate- I will edit to represent the reality.

Edit: (The 129 million number is from the adult population, 18 and over, which represents around 77% of the overall population- around 260 million. The percentage of chronic disease among children in the US is around 40-54% depending on whose figures you trust. There are approx. 77 million children in the US- 23% of total population. This means about 31 million children with chronic disease using the low figure.

This means around 160 million total in the US with chronic disease. Around half the population.)

Over the past 2 decades prevalence has increased steadily, and this trend is expected to continue. An increasing proportion of people in America are dealing with multiple chronic conditions; 42% have 2 or more, and 12% have at least 5 .

In the US childhood obesity rates tripled in the past three decades, increasing kids’ risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. 71% of Americans are overweight or obese.

About 90% of the annual $4.1 trillion health care expenditure is attributed to managing and treating chronic diseases. That $4.1 trillion figure represents around 18% of total US GDP.

Health management systems are currently the largest money spinners in the world. The incentives are to keep this treadmill going- even worse- to make people sicker means greater profits for the financial cartels that run every government in the Western World.

Think about that. Every single Western government is operating with imperatives and incentives to harm the citizens that live in those nations.

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Sobering but cracking comment!

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Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

My original comment was slightly inaccurate- I will edit to represent the reality.

The 129 million number is from the adult population, 18 and over, which represents around 77% of the overall population- around 260 million. The percentage of chronic disease among children in the US is around 40-54% depending on whose figures you trust. There are approx. 77 million children in the US- 23% of total population. This means about 31 million children with chronic disease using the low figure.

This means around 160 million total in the US with chronic disease. Around half the population.

Whatever the precise numbers the reality is staggering and you see it everywhere you go in this country.

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Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

No mention of vitamin D 🤔

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Quite telling i thought. Why would they not look at that?

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Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

MISSING IN ACTION VITAMIN D . The world is now facing a deficiecy of this vital vitamin that we manufacture mostly from sunshine. Think 'chemtrails all over the world and the inadequate vitamins mentioned here that together with Vitamin D creat a balanced functioning body.




Vitamin D3 and D2 supplementation were associated with a 45% and 48% lower risk of suicide attempt and self-harm

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I see they've shoehorned Iodine in there.

Perchance to justify their sneaking in of Potassium Iodate into British foodstuffs (literally no-one besides The Daily Beagle has reported on this trend):



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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Thanks for that. Very interesting. Personally you couldn't pay me to eat that processed junk!

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I had a guy very insistently argue with me that it had nothing to do with Ukraine wanting to bomb nuclear power plants (Potassium Iodate can be used to prevent radioactive iodine uptake), and everything to do with the government feeling oh-so-concerned for our health by giving us 'micro-nutrients'.

After the gaslighting cunt said that, I banned him; the Midazolam murders and the blatant protection of Pfizer's mass murder (plus the genocide in Gaza and war in general) concretely refutes any batshit notion government has our best interests at heart. The fact someone was desperate to throw me off the scent of nuclear war though should send alarm bells ringing.

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Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

In NSW Australia, we have just found we have PFAS (forever chemicals) in our water (see https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-20/australia-forever-chemicals-pfas-drinking-water-platypus/104244072). One of the two towns mentioned here is mine in Katoomba. Our state representative's response:

"I believe our drinking water here in the Blue Mountains is among the best in the world. She had no basis for saying this (also see https://www.wheredoesmoneycomefrom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/trish_doyle_PFAS_Press_Release.pdf)

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Need to get some more boosters🤝👍

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Yeah, none of this discussed in Dr Gregor's new medical report.

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Sep 2Liked by biologyphenom

I wonder how much positive effect the money wasted on convid would of had if it were spent on sanitation, access to clean water and improving diet for the masses👍🤝

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The thought alone adds years to my life. ;-)

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