US attorney Jeff Childers gives scathing coverage of these sickening revelations in his daily newsletter: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/untouchable-friday-september-20-2024

He doesn’t mince his words: “The videos and his own words prove Jay Varma is a horrible human being, a total pervert, an adulterer, and the very last person you would want running anything, much less being in charge of a major city’s pandemic response. In a functional society, people like Jay Varma would be driven away, exiled from normal life, put on a sex offender list, forced to slink around peep-show places like the sick deviant that he is, or preferably shot out of a cannon”.

Also covered by El Gato Malo: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/public-health-as-public-disgrace

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14 hrs agoLiked by biologyphenom

Their pandemics live in the twisted thoughts in their heads, it is what they want to happen but could not achieve it without a terror campaign. We have all seen the terror of pandemics on tv and films so we have been primed in what to expect and the perpetrators did not disappoint. Panic, fear and lies all televised for us to see secondhand. Yes, there were viruses in 2020 with illnesses and deaths like every year but there was no pandemic. Unfortunately people believe what comes out of their square boxes at home and still do. I passed today a poor old man wearing his mask outside still scared he might catch "the covid" and I am sure many other people will don the mask if told to again. The real sickness is people like Varma and I am sure there are plenty like him in every government and public health no matter where you live.

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Yes, so many in positions of power all they care about is more power and of course more profits at any cost. Until enough people wisen up this cycle will just repeat and get worse each time.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by biologyphenom

Although I personally despise the usage of Wikipedia, if it is used as a citation, I strongly recommend you archive the version you refer to at archive.org/web given they [Wikipedia] have, without fail, always altered the page the moment it becomes controversial or used as ammunition in the fight against mainstream media.

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14 hrs agoLiked by biologyphenom

Could we get a class action lawsuit against those in positions of power who participated in political theatre causing death? Pretty please?

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