The entire modus operandi has been laid out by the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry

The only disappointment, has been the lack of coverage of the horrors being exposed, especially in our care homes

You have done a fantastic job in exposing the truth. We both have.

The inquiry testimonies are a tough watch. They take a lot of time to watch and even more time to drag out bite size clips.

History will remember that the few stood against the many

Enjoy your Christmas, Dave ….

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Cheers Yeah despite inquiry popping up on 'Dr' John Campbell youtube and also with Neil O on GBN i'm still effectively a one man show with it. The ''get it out the way'' exercise for them is complete but not for me as this is an ONGOING inquiry. Also anyone that covered damning inquiry evidence then gave up soon after (despite my updated emails) this is definetely not a good look in relation to their ''freedom'' credentials. In 2025 the show goes on and i will be there even if no one else is.

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Well said. Dave has done victims and their families a great service in exposing the truth. He has also done the public a great service, but most of the public are unaware of the damning truths he has tirelessly sought to expose.

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Merry Christmas to you and your family. I only follow real humans who genuinely care for their fellow man. Monumental effort that will be rewarded.💪🇦🇺🦘🎄👍

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Thanks Roc. Same to you pal. Everyone that has commented, liked or shared these inquiry posts this past year is a part of that big effort to unleash the real truth and to stop more lockdown insanity in future.

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They all heard our horror they chose to ignore they have as much blood on their hands as the rest ! Thankyou for all you've done and the real others out there !

Merry Christmas to you and yours

Justice4James🙏 Forever41 💔 Justice4all 🙏

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Thanks Pamela. It's bizarre so many complain about 'whitwashes' etc but as is demonstrated from the actual evidence nothing could be further from the truth, so where are the bold comments of concern from those that could make the biggest difference? Nowhere.

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Far too few are willing to be associated with people like us. What we say is deemed as conspiracy peddling. Even those accused of it themselves are wholly reluctant to consider the possibility that hospitals and care facilities deliberately euthanized patients or were complicit in their premature death.

Doctors see Families Against Involuntary Medical Euthanasia as a threat - Even those opposed to the Assisted Dying Bill refuse to entertain the fact that assisted dying is already happening and went on steroids during lockdown.

They keep telling us that we are talking nonsense, that our loved ones died because they were at end-of-life, because they were in terrible pain, their organs were failing, they could no longer swallow, they were distressed and agitated and that withdrawing care was the compassionate thing to do.

Our dossier is replete with examples where this was not the case. But no, we are medically ignorant conspiracy peddlers.

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Merry Christmas.to you too, and hearty thanks for your dedication to bring us these stories, because without your efforts, there is a real danger that they could be lost in the silo.

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Thanks Rob, always learn stuff from your comments. Yeah. it's frightening it takes a layman like myself to uncover this evidence and as you say without which the vast majority would have been lost forever.

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Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you for dogged determination and refusal to toe any party line. Truth will out.

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One truth to rule them all. https://x.com/Permagardenet/status/1848765142852342014

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All the very best to you and your family. Fantastic work in getting this information out.

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Thanks Allan. Remember sharing is caring. ;-)

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Keep up your great work, biologyphenom - your dedication in logging all of this is exemplary and is in itself deserving of a place in history.

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Thanks. It's quite obvious the world's only official COVID inquiry to reveal the truth to the lockdown is not only despised by the mainstream media but perhaps even moreso by the 'alt' media and popular 'freecdom' commentators (esp in Scotland) as many uncomfortable truths are avoided and not discussed with any real urgency. ANY other topic is allowed, just not this.

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Merry Christmas to you. I hope you can enjoy a well deserved break after your tireless efforts this year. Your work is very important and appreciated.

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Cheers Andrew.

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Thank you for being so active in covering this with such well written coverage 👏

Hopefully the sharing of all this has given more awareness.

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤️ x

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Thanks Kirst, doing my best. I'm often revisiting the articles to improve them in some way.

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The Scottish Inquiry witness statements are more damning as they come straight from the horses' (or rather, victims') mouths, minus the filter of so-called representative groups. The latter are often compromised by their eagerness to come across as measured, balanced, and not overtly critical of care providers or State/Government Covid policy.

As for the media, yes; they are wholly complicit in the whitewash, and wholly culpable in the nationwide coverup of Lockdown harms, most especially those against the elderly.

We have approached all the mainstream media outlets with our dossier of End-of-life protocol abuses ( most during lockdown). Only 3 replied, and not one has run a story on these crimes.

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