The covid con was over in 2 years- English Councils published policy documents that ran from March 2020 to March 2022. Odd the neat time limit of 24 months. The Net Zero scam has no end date....Councils have published Climate Emergency Action Plans without a 2 year time limit. Various universities have declared 'climate emergency' with pledges to become carbon neutral by 2030! Maybe similar north of the border. What was covid but a (destructive) conditioning for the 'command and control' of society ad infinitum. Net Zero will be just as destructive to the vulnerable, the aged, the young, those with small businesses having to comply with a heap of preventing climate change measures, thus driving many in to the ground, the food supply....more trees, less pasture, more turbines, more dead birds- can't eat those, and, as for pubs closing at increasing rates....music to the government's ears. Less chance people have to assemble and discuss the draconian 'new order' in the name of 'saving granny' ( during covid), and now the Net Zero scam.

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covidcultfor was the mask for net zero both scam demics. botn tax paidfor

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AHH, the colonies,always a good place to try things out .

Mathew Ehret has an excellent article "Mark Carney: technocrat superstar and echo-warrior takes the helm of Canada" (another colony)

The city of London ,our king and chums are going to make a financial killing☠️ out of going green🥳🤝

Societal collapse will help things along nicely👍

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Net zero is the biggest con in our lifetime. Our transport system is a joke sky high fares on the railways non existent bus services. A globalist vision to be carried out locally and people as usual sleepwalking into it.

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Great post. Thanks for the heads up on the consultation. I feel a rewrite of my "Debunking the climate change hoax" coming on.

To paraphrase St Greta, how dare they oppress us so badly with their fake climate emergency and their pretend Net Zero solution to this non-problem.

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Thanks Douglas. I know this is an area you are extremely passionate about and whilst i am focused on the 'COVID' inquiries i'm also paying close attention to the 'climate emergency' and 'net zero' goals given these policies are going to effect everyone in the nation for decades suffice to say NOT for the better.

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"[...] and that scheduled flights between Scottish Airports should be decarbonised by 2040 [...]"

Methinks the right hand knoweth not what the left hand doeth. Agenda 2030 says there will only be 3 airports in the UK by the end of 2029 - Glasgow, Belfast and London, if I recall correctly from the very knowledgeable Sandi Adams. Or maybe the pushback is making them drag their heels?

The combination of evil and insane is scary (although one should refuse to be scared, because they like us being scared!).

Half of households in Edinburgh live in Victorian tenements and similar. Glasgow is presumably comparable. They can't be retrofitted. I have it on authority from Ian Murray MP who - although he pointed out it was a devolved issue, natch (like the 'covid response' then, Ian, that you don't like talking about? - that we couldn't currently fit heat pumps to Victorian tenements (he lives in 'similar accommodation, he says. We're all in this together. 😂) So they've got a problem (aside from the observation that heat pumps don't work, especially in Scotland)

Rosa Koire saw how they were solving it in the US - just declare a whole area of a city 'blighted' and Bob's yer uncle, no-one is allowed to live there. Cut off the services. Start by making it illegal to sell a house with a gas boiler (put out there as an idea a while ago by Useless to test the water) and what you've got is thousands of 'stranded assets' - buildings people put their life's work into, only to find they have no monetary value AND you aren't going to be allowed to carry on living in them either. You will own nothing and be ... homeless.

And what will they do with all these newly homeless people? Well, some can go in smart rabbit hutches and be surveilled every second of their lives. And the rest? Well, they can just be mRNA'd and Liverpool-pathway-ed to oblivion, I suppose, over a period of time. If they're miserable in the meantime, there's assisted suicide to hasten their demise.

Anyone notice they've now developed a 'covid vaccine' you (or they!) can just spray up your nose? That could have crowd potential, in subways and metros. Like a less dramatic version of Zyklon B. Oh, dear, I'm getting bleak again ...

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John Swinney should listen to the "Science" the only thing that changes our weather is the SUN.

These misinformed idiots have caused more havoc and cost to the Western world for not knowing that carbon dioxide is life itself, are they trying to eliminate life itself?

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The Scottish government wants the people of Scotland to change the weather that bad climate models are predicting?


The government thinks you’re stupid and they hate you.

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Just how the hell do we put a stop to these parasites? The juggernaut of lies chunters towards its goal no matter what evidence we show them. Nobody cares.

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There is clearly no real organised opposition that's the biggest issue otherwise they would get smashed in elections. Scotholm syndrome prevails.

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Don't know about you, but while it's a shame that even those who fought against it will be affected every bit as much, we should be consoled in the knowledge that humanity will get exactly what it deserves.

If that means cattle-like slavery, then that's all humanity was ever worth.

The last 5 years have vindicated every misanthrope.

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Scots should have united over the COVID debacle regardless of what you believed the common ground should have been there but dark forces are at work to prevent this.

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We should have risen above it but failed to do so.

There's still time and there are always more and more of us, but will it be enough is the big question.

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The Spartans were vastly outnumbered, as was Wallace, this is the way it goes.


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If you go into UK FIRES you can read/see a chart what the PERFIDIOUS SCUMBAG POLITICIANS/ESTABLISHMENT have in store for the public!?-----Absolute Zero


https://www.ukfires.org › uploads › 2019/11 › A...


29 Nov 2019 — UK FIRES is a research programme sponsored by the UK Government, aiming to support a 20% cut in the UK's true emissions by 2050 by placing ...

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covid cult now netzero cult same guyswef un & who all in on the climatescam.

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I think (hope) that now that POTUSA has called out the "green scam" as part of his policy looking ahead, things will get slowly and slyly reeled back in here in the UK and across Europe. Especially as this is now the only continent that is putting any investment into net zero by the look of it. The problem seems to be that we have a mixture of fanatics and credulous idiots in charge of implementing these policies. Not to mention probable heavy inducements of some sort to press on for as long as possible.

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