97% of doctors cannot differentiate between cause and effect.

97% of climate scientists have the same problem.

Also war is peace under Keir Starmer.

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Post viral conditions have been around as far back as I can remember, we just never called them long chickenpox, long measles or long influenza. It is all part of the scam to create this "special" virus with its mythical varied "special symptoms". I had a virus in March 2020 and felt tired for weeks afterwards but you work with your body to get over it and that should include exercise, good food and regular sleeping habits. Yes many people are ill after taking the Covid injection but it is not "long covid" it is serious effects from a bad "vaccine" that is causing illness. They know the vaccine is causing people to be very unwell and calling it vaccine induced "long covid" is being underhand and duplicitous, which is par for the course with public health.

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Agree. It really is shocking how 'public health' want to sweep away so many lockdown and jab harms under the 'long covid' umbrella.

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A friend had devastating symptoms after her second jab and she was diagnosed by her GP with ‘vaccine induced long covid’ which at least prompted her to do her own research to find she had developed MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) due entirely to the jab as she’d never had covid. Thankfully she’s made a brilliant recovery by following a treatment protocol.

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as an aside beware the pandemic treaty which is far from dead in the water...go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world that said beware the usual suspects twitter/you tube/gestapo book it currently has over 42000 signatures

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For Scots any WHO pandemic treaty is irrelevant. MSPs passed permanent lockdown laws in 2022 despite knowing of the catastrophic harms.


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"had SELF-REPORTED long COVID" - this is why long COVID, to me, will never be a serious or real disease, and will always serve as a convenient, generic, vague cover for vaccine harms. It is NEVER diagnosed, and it is always self-reported, meaning the rampant imaginations of the gullible can concoct the most whimsy definitions. I find those that protest my views immediately fold or don't reply when I ask basic questions, such as:

1) When was it diagnosed? (They don't answer, because it wasn't)

2) What is the defining criteria for 'long COVID'? (They will naturally present their own skewered bias and claim whatever symptoms they've cherry picked are 'long COVID', even if it contradicts the symptoms from other so-called "long COVID" sufferers)

3) What is the cause (of the symptoms)? (No-one has reached this stage yet, because they choke on the first two and throw a hissy fit when one does not buy into their delusion; I guarantee you they stupidly say something like "COVID-19", but by cause we mean the underlying mechanism of cause, not 'the perpetrator')

4) What was the prescribed treatment for the cause? (No-one has reached this stage yet; because it is self-reported BS, no-one gets a prescription)

"There is currently no unified definition."

Quelle surprise.

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Even in their own words they don't really know what 'Long COVID' is so in my view it's nothing but a cover for unarguable lockdown/jab harms.

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