I wrote the following on May 27, 2020:

"Are the Elderly Dying from "Covid" or Neglect?

It's time we discuss the piece of this sordid Covid puzzle regarding the elderly who reside in nursing homes/care centers/LTCF’s- this too like all else Covid is a complete lie. To tell half-truths or to purposefully de-contextualize a situation of this magnitude is to knowingly manipulate the facts- it is to lie.

It’s not quite true to say Covid-19 targeted the old and the sick. Thousands of elderly died because the management of their drawn-out death was withdrawn. Those crimes are being hidden by the trick of “with coronavirus”, or indeed “from coronavirus” – it hardly matters.

Based on watching interviews and reading reports there seems to be a consistent pattern of how the situation with those in care centers has been handled in Madrid, London, Milan, Brussels, Stockholm and NYC.

How it works in the best of times is that when one is placed into an LTCF it does not mean that that person stays in that facility all the time. What it does mean is that that person is most always in a situation where their health has deteriorated significantly, there are complex health problems where constant care is required. So where is that person, in normal times, when they are not directly in that care facility? In the hospital.

Many of these individuals, most of them, shuttle back and forth from care facility to hospital. They go from the care facility to the hospital when they have a dramatic downturn in their health and life-saving medical treatment is required. Once at the hospital they are stabilized in a matter of 3-7 days on average and then sent back to the care center. Most of these individuals yo-yo back and forth between care facility and hospital until they die.

It’s important to understand, that while it varies some from country to country and from care center to care center, on average once one enters a care facility that person will be deceased in 6-12 months. Here is a report from 2010 which speaks to this:



Once the patient is stabilized in the hospital they go back to the care center. If they were not to be stabilized the patient would descend very rapidly and be dead within a week, two weeks at most in most cases. Again keep in mind we are talking about individuals who are already in severe health crisis with very complex health issues.

What is happening now with the care center to hospital rotational is very different which has created the conditions for a “bulk” rate of deceased elderly. It has little to do with "Covid" per se and once again points to a social problem not a viral problem.

The changes are such that now we are seeing that once an individual is sent to the hospital for whatever cause they may have (“Covid” or otherwise) and then stabilized they go back to the nursing home as before although many are being dismissed prematurely (due to fear of overcrowding which never happened) and are also being sent back to care facilities that do not have the proper medical capabilities to care for them in their current condition.

But where the dramatic change has occurred is that after being temporarily stabilized (or not) and returned to the care center there will not be a next rotational once the inevitable downward spiral begins again. Combined with this has come an increase in Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.

Once this happens, not being allowed to return to the hospital in the midst of another health downturn for stabilization amounts to essentially a death sentence.

A climate of neglect and fear prevails.

In practice this adds up to institutional euthanasia as public health policy.

Compounding this is the fact that with this climate of fear and hysteria throughout care centers these facilities are finding that workers are withdrawing from care centers, calling in sick, skipping shifts etc.- a perfect storm for an already understaffed and underfunded social service.

And through all of this let’s keep in mind that these nursing home deaths (deaths caused by neglect and abandonment) represent about 50% of the stated “Covid deaths” throughout Europe.

And keep in mind that these inflated numbers of “Covid deaths” of the elderly, whom government officials neglected, are being used to justify draconian measures by those very same governments. It is not possible to be more cynical than this."

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Very well rationalised and now the evidence is in.

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Jessica Hockett looked at New Orleans which had high percentive deaths in a short time frame, as New York, but not enormous numbers. During Hurricane Katrina, the medics admitted heavily sedating hospital patients before they abandoned them to their fate, as staff escaped. Jessica wondered if the same instincts had kicked in for covid?

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Jessica is another that has done very little to raise awareness of Scottish evidence and you need to PAY HER to even COMMENT on her substack. Ridiculous yet many people do. Words fail me.

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A death sentence aided and abetted by institutional euthanasia as public health policy - yes indeed. Allen, this makes horrific reading but you were very prescient in your swift understanding about was being perpetrated. Thank you for trying to stop this monstrosity- ‘…..all it needs is for good men to do nothing….’ You tried and I thank you for caring.

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Thank you. It was brutal where I was living from 2020-2023. I was often in stores and other public places as the only one not wearing a mask and was constantly being accosted. I am a strong willed person and fought back every step of the way.

Was fighting against a tidal wave at work and ultimately lost my job there.

Fortunately I made some steadfast allies and we would often go out in the public to protest the madness. It was like shouting into a hurricane. I could say more but I'm sure you are aware of the price people paid who were vocal dissenters.

Just came across this:


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"horrific reading"... yes... Allen : "Brutal". yes.. it's all a scientist fi horror story we are living in. as a scientist I study an prove this mass "demonic" behaviour.

"all it needs for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing". yes, or for the entire planet to get everything COVID wrong,vdo noting,then all of them claim they were right, then blame everyone else.

very mass demonic.

it's called the Darkforce.

and everybody should be terrified.

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The Germans have a good word for all those miserable enablers of the atrocity. It is mitlaufer and was used to describe all those Germans who turned a blind eye to the property confiscations and mass deportations of the jews in their midst. Many of them truly believed that these predominantly lower middle class tradesmen and medium level professionals were an existential threat to their existence. That's pretty similat to how the unjabbed were viewed at the height of the covid madness. I now judge all politicians and celebrities by their words and actions during those dark days. Many still believe that there was a deadly pandemic akin to the Spanish Flu occurring at that time and refuse to accept that the subsequent die off from the vaccines was 3 times worse.

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Lets put it this way: neglect in "care" homes was already a massive issue pre-2020. Dehydration and starvation were massive issues, big enough I was writing proposals for the volunteer 'watch guardian' programme which never got adopted by Parliament.

I think one of the crucial aspects to factor in, is isolationist policies in so-called "care" homes prevented family members from picking up the slack left behind by the so-called "carers". That is to say, the families were more responsible for ensuring a patient is well fed and has plenty to drink (either by 'squeaky wheel' logic where they complain for better treatment, or by bringing in supplies themselves).

That lack of familial bridge meant any pre-existing neglect was worsened - no safety net from the families for lacking support.

I encourage biologyphenom to investigate the prior cases of neglect in these "homes", and use it as further evidence of the murder of the elderly. I've read about it enough times I can't even tell what would constitute a damning story. Blanket DNRs were already a thing under the so-called "Liverpool Care Pathway" pre-2020.

Don't let the pandemic trick you into thinking the neglect appeared from nowhere.

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I'm well aware the neglect didn't come from nowhere you shouldn't presume i wasn't. The biggest difference maker in all this though is that many in the 'alt' space claim (ooh we knew about all this as some excuse not to highlight inquiry) is that i am SHOWING THE REAL PROOF over and over again. Proof that would have been MISSED everyone these days is so 'clued up and informed'. My befuddlement comes vs where is the interest from all the 2020-21 critic voices when in 2023-2025 shown they were right? Nowhere. Real evidence from those with lived experience THAT is truly as powerful as it get's yet so many dismiss it even 'attack me' for passionately sharing it (FOR FREE) and mentioning those who don't.

''I encourage biologyphenom to investigate the prior cases of neglect in these "homes", and use it as further evidence of the murder of the elderly. ''

I've investigated the one that matters most which has been CONFIRMED OFFICIALLY from lawyers and families. Happy to read about and see prior 2020 evidence you may have to potentially highlight but given the meh attitude to 'COVID' crimes i doubt it would have much effect. I still like to learn though.

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I didn't presume you weren't aware. I was just encouraging use of the evidence available from previously to reinforce your position.

2012 record of Midazolam being given:


Over 370,000 elderly abused in 2013:


2012 abuse/neglect


2013 Whistleblower says 'culture of neglect', tried to help residents:


Poll in 2013 finds people associate elderly care homes with abuse:


2014 abuse exposed in Essex


2015 thousands of elderly care complaints:


2015 study finds abuse also occurs in the private sector:


2017 more than 20,000 allegations of abuse have been filed:


2017 abuse continues to rise:


2017, 1 in 4 care homes unsafe:


2018 elderly dementia patient abuse:


2019 Abuse in Scottish "care" homes:


Jan 2020 (pre-lockdown), underreporting of "care" home abuse:


Also child abuse (2019) thousands abused:


Feel free to use any and all of these. There's a landslide more out there. Some are just shocking.

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Very helpful, thanks.

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I try to be helpful when I can, if I can.

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So do i.

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"time we discuss it". indeed. discussion involves backan forward conversation. I recognise your points, and agree.ypuare describing a reality where on the face of it everybody is smiling an virtue signalling about how good they are, how much they care. then you also have care staff and doctors all doing the same. all looks so good, world full of all these good "we know so much " people. but look at reality, and I seems like demons are running the show. these old people are getting slaughtered and made to suffer, ever since 2020. So what IS going on, with reality? . if biologyphenomeon or you were able to read my articles and actually discuss the topics you would know, and we might be able to reveal the truth an end this evil. but everyone CANT discuss it, because apparent it seems everyone has been taken over by smiling demons.!!! makes sense, wjnypur look at actions. everyone murdering grannies, no justice, doctors getting all basics wrong, everyone angry and hating each other.

definitely demons!!!

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The question is, why were these concerns not recognised as adult protection at the time and referred for further inquiry? There are no exclusions to reporting harm under the Adult Support & Protection (Scotland) 2007, which unlike the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, was not amended or changed by the Coronavirus Act 2020. These harms could have been prevented and I wonder what steps this lawyer took to raise the alarm at the time when he was made aware of these very serious and life threatening concerns? https://open.substack.com/pub/valerienelson/p/people-or-politics-who-are-we-protecting?

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Because without the harms from the restrictions there is no panic-demic? At this stage one can only conclude deliberation not mistakes otherwise where is the political outrage from CONFIRMED inquiry evidence? There is none. More proof of this here- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-61969639 Many went along with the rules and the narrative including lawyers and Church of Scotland leaders/members (some of whom are MSPs) who also have said absolutley nothing about care home abuses.

''We can’t NOT put numbers out. First death(s) will cause a flurry and numbers rising too but when we start introducing more measures and my thinking is that will be pretty soon, the numbers will become perceived as increasing justification for those measures and be less a ‘story’ in themselves.''

-Former Health Secretary Jeanne Freeman to Cath Caldewood-- Whatsapp


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"at this stage we can only conclude deliberation and not mistakes". have you decided to conclude on behalf of all of the rest of us now? I don't conclude deliberate . I have PROVEN everybody has become delusional an ignorant, so all the doctors at the start became delusional and all genuingly thought they were doing the best thy could, but their evidence was ALL wrong, and their intelligence went through the floor, just like everybody else's did.

everyone is a deluded maniac obsessing over how they know best,awhile getting everything wrong an leaving a trail of carnage.

mass dunning Krueger on crack..

the Darkforce.

anyone with correct facts, everyone ignores, an becomes obsessed with deciding they know better.

it's demonic.

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And here is the latest on ''Annes Law.''

''This will ensure that residents of adult care homes can always connect with the people who are important to them, unless there are exceptional circumstances.''


Which i called a while back. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newthe-sinister-side-to-annes-law?utm_source=publication-search

Lessons ARE being learned.

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The phrase "unless there are exceptional circumstances" doesn't fill me with confidence. Wasn't that exactly the excuse used for the Covid restrictions?

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Exactly Jill see my Annes Law article. It will LEGALISE the harmful policies vs being guidance, unenforceable. CHRS are facilitating this, remarkable.

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Thanks. Sadly this doesn't shock me. It's what we have come to expect - things are never what they seem to be on the surface. I must go back and read what you have written about the sinister side to this law.

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CHRS blocked me on X when i was highlighting their members testimonies. Tell me how that makese sense?

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Very strange. It doesn't make any sense to me.

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so am I right you are saying this Anne's law, was proposed, and now it's being drafted into effect? if so that's an unusually good success story ... well done to everyone involved.

I wouldn't say it's "lessons being learned", so much as some good people's efforts, forcing the mass of evil people, to stop being so evil...

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