That is pretty discouraging and quite frankly insane. The only explanation I can think of is that someone has use a bot farm to report your account with ridiculous claims in every single one of your posts. The platform itself doesn't really care unless someone tells them that they should. If you are having some political influence, it could even be your government doing this.

PS: Still I hope that you are reinstated the sooner the better. You are only covering a public inquiry, this cannot be accepted.

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Thanks. Appreciate the support.

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

You must be over the target to be taking flak 🎯

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Outrageous - if I had to guess it’s the DNR and Midazolam bit - that’s playing with fire and you always bring excellent knowledge and receipts….

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

I got a lifetime ban in 2020 which was equally puzzling.

So I've boycotted them ... for life.

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Well done! I have no love for X at ALL!

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I have two accounts there, and frankly, I never use it anyway - its a horrid and annoying service and I have never - in over ten years - managed to work it out anyway.

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Yep, every hero is having a fit about the fact ivermectin is a pesticide and there is medical literature about it. What’s even funnier is how the supporters compare animal doses ( which are typically once a year) to the hero recommended 40 mgs , for 5 days, or the worst of all prophylactically. You know you’re on target.🎯

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I also posted a graph from Africa shortly before the ban to Dr.Malone who asked for proof Ivermectin reduces fertility which was quite damning. I've felt for a while 'team hero' is the biggest barrier to unveiling what really happened during the 'COVID' era hence blanket ignorance of Scottish COVID inquiry.

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Repost the graph on notes or here. I’d love to share it!

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Author

Here is graph/data sent to Malone. Correlation does'nt=causation but he said:

'''where is the evidence Ivermectin lowers birth rates''

..and so i posted him this.


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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Thank you!💖Restacked your post with it.

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I'm unconvinced. You only have to look at British fertility rates, that fell like a stone between 1900 and 1980 - its the same everywhere, and mainly because sensible people don't want more than two or three kids, maxx. Too bloody expensive, and think of all that laundry.

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Have you seen Dr Tess Lawrie's latest email on this topic?

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Agree completely. Team hero is another 77th brigade.

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My problem with Ivermectin is that I don't really believe in Covid anyway, so why would I look for a remedy for it?

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Hi Dave, I just saw you have been suspended

I spoke with a Scot called Ian Gibson of the SDP and he definitely wanted to run with your work

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He will be adding you on here soon he said

iVE just sent your substack to Gript media in Ireland asking them to include what's happened in Scotland to what's happened in Ireland https://gript.ie/care-champions-announce-peoples-inquiry-into-handling-of-covid-pandemic/

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Excellent work all round Pablo!

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It's a worthy cause Dave.

I will drop your link in X from time to time

If I just keep posted the same link too often the algorithim will nuke me

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Hi Dave I got a new phone yesterday and tried email you today was bouncing bk lost half my contacts and log in details getting there slowly.. absolutely gutted they've done this to you . The inquiry is about to start bk on the 19th of September fine timing eh ?? I'm going to keep sharing your stuff am fuming with X .

You've been the one voice in Scotland that's brought this inquiry to the attention of the world wouldn't have happened without you and you alone !! Thankyou im forever grateful 🙏 pls keep going we need you one way or another to keep your work out there . You've opened so many doors for me for my brother and i canny thank you enough 😭 Justice4James 🙏 Forever41 💔 justice4all 🙏 and remember LUKE 8:17

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Thanks Pamela. I'll continue to post updates here and will upload more clips to my Rumble channel. Well what happened to James and those in 'care' homes can happen to ANYONE that's why i don't get the lack of interest to expose it all to make sure it never happens again!

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Very sorry to hear this, your reporting from the Scottish inquiry surely can't be contentious... it's the epitome of sound and rational exposure of something that is happening because it needs to be known. Hope you get allowed back on board quickly

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So sorry to hear that Dave, better informing the public has always been your goal but it seems there’s still some bugs in the system to stop free speech

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Aug 27Liked by biologyphenom

I’m experiencing deja vu back to the year 2020 when so many accounts on Twitter were permanently suspended for the sharing truth. Your suspension from Twitter/X is truly worrying because your interaction with others was always polite. I can vouch for that because I have followed you a long time. I suspect Tess Lawrie (former WHO personnel) is behind your suspension.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Author

Thanks Mozza ;-) Yeah the big 'freedom medical freedom' accounts and 'alt media' don't like being reminded aka being ''called out'' on Scottish COVID inquiry and WHY are they ignoring it? That was my main response on X when i left a comment consistently for months. Nothing much more. The Scots inquiry is kryptonite to anyone that has an ulterior motive in the 'truther/freedom' community.

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Sep 26Liked by biologyphenom

Mate, a fellow Scot here. They are 100% on to you. The pharma cult is all powerful. I've experienced it through the 15 years of my late daughter being in theor system. It's rotton to the core. But they don't want you having a relatively big voice in a small country. You might shift the narrative. Even my "switched on" 50yo pals are NOT clued up. Only last night they said to me, "are you an ANTI VAXER?".

Are you fucking serious I replied.

So, Scotland isn't aware, we're woke as fuck and brainwashed by our BBC/STV etc controlled media.

But like another great heist, 9/11, it's being swept under the proverbial carpet as we speak.

Musk is another psyop. 100%

Just learned tonight that the dude who started Telegram was a Young Global Leader. Imagine that.

Keep up the good work bro. I'm mostly in X so I'll try come over to here more.

Cheers man.

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Yeadon is disinfo. He claims to deny the belief of nuclear physics:


He's not the only one touting this bizarre claim, James Delingpole shares that batty notion as well:


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Won't dispute that but what Mike says about the 'COVID pandemic' is accurate in my view. A rarity amogst the 'freedom' dissidents.

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Just be aware that is how ConOps work. Part of the baby-and-the-bathwater strategy.

They'll say what you want to hear on Subject A, but then say something crazy on Subject B.

To outsiders, they will see Subject B craziness, and by association, dismiss Subject A (tossing the baby out with the bathwater).

It's rather basic discredit-by-association tactics. Associating with that craziness then taints your own research by indirection, which is the goal. The man tried to slander me for exposing his factual inaccuracies by trying to suggest I was the enemy who hadn't contributed anything.

I was the guy who originally got the EMA leaks to the forefront; I was fighting this long before Yeadon turned up, I will still be fighting it long after he leaves.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

Yes. One of the best ways i've discovered to test credibility is to throw Scottish COVID inquiry at them and see how they respond. At least in that regard Dr.Yeadon has been very supportive unlike 99% of the other 'awake' medics who point blank ignore, give some token acknowledgement or downplay it's significance. Steve Kirch PM me on X (before my ban) wanting to know more. When i obliged. Never to be heard from again!

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I offered a copy of the evidence of the midazolam murders to Kirsch a while back (the prescription records are irrefutable). The problem for him is he wants to argue the COVID-19 shots kill elderly people *exclusively*. Whilst yes, the shots do kill... 2020 was before the COVID-19 shots came out, so it isn't even a conflict.

Yeadon used to be supportive of my posts until I asked him how do nuclear power plants work if nuclear physics isn't real? Not only did he not answer the question, he tried to suggest Hiroshima etc never happened (we have photographic evidence of that... but it still didn't answer my question). I strongly suspect I asked a question his script doesn't account for.

I have a general distrust of former pharmaceutical employees. They often turn out to be turncoats. Easiest way for a pharmaceutical company to undermine competition is to infiltrate it and then make it fight amongst themselves.

Ironically his remarks came after somebody in DMs tried to encourage me to attack Robert Malone. I told them I don't typically write 'drama articles'. Conveniently, Yeadon took that as the cue to tell me how fake nuclear missiles were. You'd think the man might have more important things to discuss than hypothetical nuclear war scenarios.

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Indeed vs nuclear physics. Kinda strange thing to be going off in a tangent about. The jabs are an approved safe subject to discuss. Have been for a while. My view is the biggest scanbdal/crime of all is what actually happened during lockdown 2020 especially in care homes of which the Scottish inquiry exposes like no other. Hence the almost total msm and even 'alternative' media blackout. If people are real they'd be all over this irrefutable mountain of information and if not and have ulterior motive/s they will ignore or downplay or just go meh which is 99.9% of the time no matter who shows an interest.

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Did you see how hard Oakeshott evaded the midazolam murders when "exposing" Matt Hancock? She omitted the March-April 2020 messages, screeched it was a conspiracy theory and the inquiry in England refused to compel their turnover despite how blatantly obvious the omission was.


The lack of curiousity about the mass murdering of the elderly from the general public is astonishing as well.

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The Daily Beagle has been suspended from Twitter for a few months now, after uncovering Twitter were the ones behind the bots.

If you eyeball 'TDBSubstack' you'll see it is suspended.

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Aug 23Liked by biologyphenom

Yea about Yeadon , something has got to himm for sure, he doth protest to much, to loud , to late...

Had that wonderful feeling of freedom when I was eliminated on all levels by YT.

A lot like my TV sky dish feeling when it got hit by lightning . Blessings we need to count as they come about.

All the best to you and yours and may love be with us all.

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Hi Dave, so it’s now officially confirmed you have a hit a nerve with real truths.. truths they don’t want us to know.. shocking .. we need you back ASAP Scotlands only real news 🗞️ I complained and questioned X on this so I await their reply .. keep going Dave 1000s here support you and especially what you have done for families with the Inquiry.. you have helped solve what really happened behind closed doors.. Scotland needs you back forget those that did this just get back doing what you do best as that’s exactly what they don’t want.,..

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Send the info to Elons new bestie,Trump & ask him to deliver the information in another interview. Of course, I'm kidding.

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