Mrs Waterton and her "care and compassion" sounds like neglect and heartlessness to me, it was said with such force it made my blood run cold. The witness statements were a litany of neglect, mistreatment and no treatment at all. This is not a flippant comment because I truly believe it but if the assisted dying bill is accepted the NHS will take to it like a duck to water, when you see the horrors inflicted on people in the name of covid you instinctively know that there will be enthusiasm to assist a patient to die, they are already doing it surreptitiously. They are ramming home the covid narrative.

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Always enlightening to read your comments Amat. ''Lessons are being learned'' of that we can have NO doubts.

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Yes, the exceptionalism and sensationalism leave a very bad taste in the mouth - this was largely due to the media fearstorm. But the whole system failed - every single testimony shows that nothing worked, it was all totally disgraceful - whether one believes there was a true Pandemic, or (as in my case, ) not.

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Cheers Rob. You then get into the realm WHAT IF no mistakes were made and everything worked perfectly according to the will of those in the postitions of real power? Either way you cut it ANY analysis of this evidence is terrifying regardless of what one believes is the truth to 'COVID.'

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Or you could say the system worked just as it was designed and worked precisely for those who designed it.

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A well oiled killing machine.

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The DNACPR rules are one thing, but the actual implementation of it simply because they were told to is another.

And putting patients on DNACPR despite their and their families being against it is a whole new level of awful.

That actually happened. Right here in Scotland.

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Don't forget the YOUNG PEOPLE with learning disabilities. You do NOT place young people on DNRs unless you have a sinister agenda.

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Aktion T4 Scotland

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Mighta bloody guessed!! ;)

Nice one mate.

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It's realllly shocking when you do the comparisons.

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Brainwashed members of a death cult tell the inquiry how awful it was, and it was all because there wasn’t sufficient compliance with the death cult. Is that too harsh?

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Nope. The reality is they should have realised by summer 2020 the 'COVID' hysteria was all a nonsense but no and even in 2024 the show goes on to repeat more of the same in future. Those that resist are the baddies. 1984.

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Its a really good and thoughtful rhetorical question:

"WHAT IF no mistakes were made and everything worked perfectly according to the will of those in the positions of real power?"

I've tried to answer it above, but of course, politics, business, science and public administration are never perfect, just as we humans often fail to meet our own families and societies expectations - we are not, and never can be, perfect. I'm sure MY children and spouse love me dearly, but they are also acutely aware of my faults, just as YOU are of your own parents and spouses limitations ;-)

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The big difference is people 'above' you and me don't think like you or me. Regardless of reason and why of what happened during 'COVID' it was a well oiled human killing machine in operation with damage still ongoing.

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'Power' is a concept that in my experience, is somewhat diluted by political and legal realities. There is a spectrum of power from absolute dictators, who must surround themselves with trusted bodyguards to avoid being poisoned or assassinated - and mere thugs and bullies, who might manage a street-gang, prison or police precinct, or boss it as a Nursing or Medical Director over an NHS hospital.

We can also think of collective power - such as Trades Unions on strike, or citizens marching against the genocide in Gaza, or consumer power, as my right to shop in the Co-op rather than Asda, or not to take a vaccine.

All real power is subject to complex but very real constraints - all power ultimately derives from the implicit consent of people to be ruled over, rather than enter open revolt.

I have power as we live in a (flawed) Democracy - to vote for the candidate or party who is most irritating to 'The Blob', and trust me, I use it advisedly ;-)

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C'mon Rob last sentence you are better than that. Democracy? lol We are free to do as they tell us.

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Part 1 https://rumble.com/v4y2k30-uk-taxpayers-funding-their-own-pcr-tests-demise-wuhanlabshan-school-in-glas.html

Part 2 Video explainer : How the British Tax Payers paid £4 Billion for dodgy PCR tests from Wuhan  https://youtu.be/llkatIZYXVQ?si=TEFkKzNpfA6pYEch

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Sadly the horrors of many I speak with and my own personal experiences with losing many close friends ; although not through any covid but from EVERY THING about covid and nothing else . So many people I know who's loved ones put on DNRs with no awareness at all .

Up to 40 people I loved called friends & know have sadly gone 😔 over the last 3 years . 4 in the last few weeks . Cancers mainly .

So much grief / suffering blankets our lives 💔 learnt experiences don't cut it . We want justice and support 🙏

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What do you think of this?

"3. Neither the Scottish Government, nor individual Health Boards, have ‘ordered’ the use of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) forms for any individuals or groups of patients and there has been no change to the Scottish Government guidance on the use of DNACPR forms during the Covid 19 outbreak.

As with all other clinical treatments, decisions about CPR should be made by clinicians, based on the individual clinical circumstances and wishes of the patient, recorded appropriately and updated when medical circumstances change."


So, it didn't happen...

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If I didn't know better I'd say she was slipped a tenner to come out with that last clip.

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I sadly think she said all that for free totally on board with all the IPC nonsense and blaming others. The compliance was the problem not lack of it. eg-Not allowed to goto your loved ones funeral? Ohk watch me!

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A bit like:

More lockdowns

More testing (mandatory)

More masks (FFP3)

Even stricter rules to follow

More novel injections (likely mandatory)

Ok watch me with those!

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Indeed this is NOT going away. Remember this was passed and they KNEW the damage and deaths lockdowns had caused. https://news.stv.tv/scotland/msps-vote-to-pass-legislation-on-emergency-covid-powers-which-will-give-scottish-government-ability-to-impose-lockdowns

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PS. Loved the "Scotholm Syndrome". I may steal it.

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Yeah it's not trademarked so fire away. lol I came up with this a while back and it's sadly the perfect description for the obedient unthinking tv worshipping Scots. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scotholm-syndromea-fiver-for-pfizer

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