Sep 10Liked by biologyphenom

Brilliant work documenting this. My wife ended up in hospital in 2021, the minute they said she was going on a ventilator my heart sank, got a phone call that night basically told she wasn't expected to survive the night. Through her strength of will, prayers or who knows what she survived. I'm convinced going into hospital nearly killed her.

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Thanks Allan.. Likely most of this report especially points highlighted here will not be on the msm nor even the 'alternaitve' media. I had a similar experience to you late 2021 and by the grace of god no negative outcomes.

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Sep 10Liked by biologyphenom

When are we going to get angry and if and when we do, what are we going to do about it? We all know - well all of us who read these sub stacks/bulletin bowls that we all been the victims of a terrible hoax serving to perpetuate all sorts of enormous changes on ordinary people across the world. Yet most people around us don’t want to discuss it, it’s history and they want to move on at any cost. I despair. Where do we go from here?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Until we have a global pandemic of backbone-19 nothing will change. Accountability can only come from the people never from the politicians, media, corps etc who's primary aim is evermore profit and control.

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Sep 10Liked by biologyphenom

Sorry bulletin boards

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Sep 10Liked by biologyphenom

They are harrowing, a lot of heartbreak embedded in each story, and what redress will these people ever get. The system inside The Establishment closes ranks, shuts doors in faces, turns a very cold shoulder away from the suffering.

'Every Story Matters' is the ultimate irony in a way, because we know/ knew personal stories don't/didn't matter, else why are government policies, eg, lockdown vigorously defended. Lip service paid with ESM. The English Hallett Inquiry has its predetermined outcome, like they all do with the likely tritely pathetic conclusion, 'lessons will be learned', but not for the public's benefit.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Both Scottish and UK inquiries are legitimising lockdowns, masks or lack of PPE and testing rather than challenging the WHO pandemic fear narrative to begin with which is a total fabrication as it's beyond doubt the policies generated the vast (and ongoing) societal harms along with thousands of 'COVID' deaths. Science, common sense, democracy, informed consent, the rule of law have been subverted since 2020 based on the 'COVID' phenomenon. Ideal for the 1% that want to reshape the world and profit from it.

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Feedback time again.

"‘It kind of felt like they were throwing old people away.’"

- This absolutely should have either been your article's byline, or the title. If it was the title, I'd have shortened it to "They were throwing old people away". It punches hard.

When publishing an article, in order to drive viewership (I.E. people to actually click through) you need to have either a catchy thumbnail (red is the preferred attention getting colour) or a catchy title. Yes it is clickbait, but so long as you have *honest* clickbait (I.E. the thing you offer in the thumbnail or title is what the reader gets upon reading) you won't be violating reader expectations; and when covering important subject domains, you need to draw as many eyes as possible to come see it.

Furthermore, viewership retention rates drop off the further down an article someone goes. Some don't even make it past the first paragraph. This isn't because readers are lazy, but some are incredibly busy, so they will skim read. So make sure your points operate in descending order, from most damning to least damning.

When drafting your article, ask yourself what is the most damning item in the entire lot, and then reshuffle the ordering (Substack allows you to drag images, and copy-paste sections whilst retaining formatting fairly well) with the most damning item as the very first thing you talk about. If you need to make a foreword, restrict it to less than a paragraph if possible and make the important section have a sub-header so the reader can see it is there, waiting for them.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Thanks, much appreciated. I've seen lots of independent minded people use all sorts to gain serious traction on social media etc but it's impossible if not in the ''big awake club''. I try to keep things simple and to the point as often the ACTUAL evidence vs COVID inquiry speaks for itself. I also think many people look too hard to discover real truth/s which is a problem as they always want to know about the latest 'thing' conspiratorial or otherwise. Attention spans are clearly a massive issue.

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Attention spans is almost the sole defining issue of our time in media. The issue isn't 'has the human race become dumber', but the market share for attention is unbelievably oversaturated. You are competing with YouTube, Twitter, cat videos, Discord, video games, TV, on-demand shows, group convos and a slew more.

I'm not saying omit the evidence (maybe the title shortening so it fits might have been a bit much), but to *reorder* how you present it. Think of it like a food menu; everybody expects the main meals to be at the start and the light drinks to be towards the end.

Sometimes, people will *only read the title* (and not even click the link). This is why a lot of newspapers write grammatically weird headlines that sound like they're trying to condense a lot of stuff into one sentence.

People also work by inference; imagine there are two buildings. Someone runs up to you saying you have to pick a building to rescue people from. Only one building has a lot of loud screaming. You will naturally be drawn to, look at, and maybe go into the building full of screams (I mean, in real life you'll probably be terrified and not even enter; but it has that effect). If you're not drawing attention strongly, people will consider it a non-issue. It is a social censensus type thing. Difficult for me to explain.

Unfortunately, if you want your topic to gain wider attention, these are the tactics you have to utilise. Next time you visit YouTube, pay attention to which videos you want to click on to watch, and ask yourself why you're drawn to it. I guarantee it's a combo of thumbnail + intriguing title.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

NB: I updated the main image. Yeah the 'freedom/awake' movements is a competition when it should be a COLLABORATION. Another travesty and why nothing really changes. On youtube etc i will ''follow'' people solely for the content nothing else. Occasionally click on some graphic but if the content is crap you don't return which is 99% of the time. All about the content for me. Overall i think my layouts are pretty good and in this case SHORT given the report was 230+ pages. I made sure to highlight the crucial comments. I feel what i post on substack is for people serious about the facts and truth/s and if someone's attention span is insufficient for even this amount of info othen they should be elsewhere. ;-)

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I don't see it as competition within the freedom movement. Unfortunately attention is a limited resource, and we're up against high-dopamine cat videos and gov media orgs who have had decades to fine tune their propaganda.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

I do. My experience has proven if you are 'not liked' in the 'awake/freedom' circles regarldess of how good/important your info is that info will NOT be supported. You may even be blocked. It's very ironic when you think about it. I have numerous real world examples of this. I also think the anti-dote is NOT to copy gov media orgs but do the opposite or at least be different. Create your own unique style and have some faith. ;-)

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The difference between ourselves and the gov media orgs, is they draw attention to fabricated nonsense, we draw attention to truth, and people are parched; the problem is they don't know there's a vending machine down the road dispensing free bottles of water. Some signage helps. I restack your work as well. : )

The 'awake/freedom' circles you refer are probably the government controlled opposition ones (I suspect you mean the "big names" who pretend they've always been here, steal the limelight, and then don't give any credit).

You'll notice they nearly always get interviewed by big gov media. Which to me is the tell they're not legitimate.

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Sep 10Liked by biologyphenom

"The consultant is wrong. Craig died as a result of the unnecessary LOCKDOWN restrictions combined with the over the top political and media fear mongering not ‘COVID’. It’s mind numbing to see this fallacy persist in 2024 and moreso that bereaved family members are not corrected by lawyers and public health officials." It is like we are living in two parallel worlds, the one the ordinary people experienced where we were deprived of essential medical and nursing care, the elderly and vulnerable targeted for harmful protocols, isolated in our homes and bombarded with fear based psychological brainwashing from all mainstream media. Compare this to the government with their secret little committees and of course the duplicitous public health and all institutions who are telling and selling lies, they tell the fictional story that we had a dangerous deadly pandemic that caused death and destruction, the pandemic deprived people in need of medical care, it caused people to be isolated and terrified in their homes and it killed the old and vulnerable. How convenient, the perfect scapegoat and it bypasses the malevolent and destructive intent of government and public health. It really is Orwellian.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Another excellent comment Amat! Couldn't agree more ''It is like we are living in two parallel worlds'' and ''It really is Orwellian.'' I'd have thought more people especially those bereaved would have woken up to more truth/s by now.

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