UK COVID-19 inquiry|Module 4 Closing statements|30 Jan 2025
Final remarks by Claire Mitchell KC representing the Scottish COVID Bereaved.
Full session below. By far the shortest of the closing statements. Here Dr.Mitchell outlines hope for more vaccines in future in preparation for another pandemic.
Main points:
Vaccine hesitancy should renamed to ‘vaccine confidence’.
Improved data systems required for disease-X.
We must listen more to (unelected) experts and support a national vaccine agency.
Vaccine distribution must improve to rural areas.
‘‘We don’t know what disease X will be but we can be sure the best innoculation we have against it at present is education…in doing so misinformation and disinformation that abounds in relation to COVID vaccines can be challenged.’’
‘‘Science can and hopefully will provide effective vaccine come the next pandemic.’’
‘Lessons are being learned.’
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Sorry this is my closing conclusion. I am not, never was I, hesitant about the Covid experimental gene therapy. I don’t want it, didn’t have it and will be not having any more of their inflated price ju ju juice. Why does this all appear to be geared up to selling more and more vaccines in all the colours and all the sizes - what happened to natural immunity? Rhetorical question of course!
They use the same words that we all know and understand but what the words represent has now been changed open "discussion" has become "misinformation and disinformation". They talk about "education" but this is subjective to whatever the political narrative is and does not encourage independent reasoning or judgement. "Vaccine confidence" two separate words we know very well but to the official narrative it means blind trust and doing what we tell you to do. We are living in a world where the political class use the same language but they have distorted the meaning of it. It really is quite dystopian but it pacifies the masses into believing everything is as it was.